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Everything posted by cinco
The texture the wire of tripmine uses is in models \ weapons2 \ tripmine \ wire_blue.tga in silent-0.8.2.pk3 You can extract wire_blue.tga and modify it to your liking, change eg blue for a more discreet gray. Never modify the texture of wire_blue.tga in silent-0.8.2.pk3 Create a small pk3 and name it as you like but add a "z_" at the begginig of the name,pk3 (eg. z_name.pk3); within the pk3 create the folder structure models \ weapons2 \ tripmine \ wire_blue.tga where wire_blue.tga will now be your version. Climb this small pk3 the silent folder on your server. It is true that it is visible to kilometers .. Can you get a sample in http://www.clantnt.com/servidor/silent/z_tripmine.pk3,............................. (is a sample) Regards.
Player Name: One#weY bUlleT silEnT GUID: EC7A007B PBGUID: C6C8E5DC Player IP: 92.74.107.xxx Player is banned. Use !baninfo 11 command to view detailed information. Today has walked through all silEnT servers
I think it would be better trying to find out which cheat skippes the AC prohibition, so the team try to ban it in upcoming updates. Regards
http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/2257-g-weapons-bitmask-16/ August 2012!! I'd forgotten that I did this video.
Is there any possibility for the changing of the number of adredaline syringes?, I have always thought that 12 are excessive. Some lua script? regards
Thanks. Permission Flag is "C" for crazygravity and crazyspeed Regards
Sorry can not find the Shrubbot flags for commands crazygravity and crazyspeed. http://mygamingtalk.com/silent/manual/server.html#shrubbot Regards
To redirect a server. Use the variable sv_fullmsg Set sv_fullMSG "et :/ / xxxxxx: yyyyy" / / Redirect to other server. xxxxxx = IP, yyyy = port To fill your server has two options Or fill the server with bots until the total occupation of slots (bad idea) Or use the varible "sv_maxclients" Set sv_maxclients 0 / / 0 or -1 not remember, try the two Note: 2.55 customers will simply see the message, customers 2.60b, be redirected regards
Hi, We have worked a long time with private slots 28+2, we have always had to enter the password when the occupation overpasses the 28 slots and nothing else. I believe that you do not occupy a slot called as “private”. You can get into a server and if the occupancy is higher than 28, you will be required a password to get into. When the occupancy lowers, new customers will be connected without being required to give a password until occupacy level of 28 slots is reached again, although you’re still connected to the server. Regards.
Non use Mac, but one of the affected ones I indicate that installer like cause of the problem. After erasing and making a new installation from the official page, everything was well. Regards.
Hi, We have seen that he appears to us hash of binary stranger: unknown client binary (b19419ede2e6b6a8c7d58193ee451cde) Investigating a little we see that they are clients of Mac who have made an installation from http://download.hirn...in ET.2.60d.dmg I do not know the difference that can have between the installation of harlekin and the official in http://www.splashdam...enemy-territory, we have been already with some of these problems. Greetings
To discuss well, is pleasant. Single it meant to him that two totally different server can be formed and for that reason they do not let gamble in siLenT. Single I request but possibilities of configuration facing the administrators, and new actions that can be put or be cleared, but that mod siLenT is able to offer. Ah! and this you invited our server. TNT|*silEnT(XPsave)
As it can think that! You can settle down the jump jaymod in a servant, can settle down g_realbody to 1 fitting hitboxes, can settle down the speed in 1000, can clear the times of reespawn, can put arms infinite, you can you multiply the engine speed settling down g_moverscale to but of 1, you can settle down g_knockback to 0, can you change many variables that directly affect the gameplay. and think you who changing these variables you let play in siLenT? I do not understand to him. Its option is “you do not offer so many possibilities to the administrators”, so that? , because they are going them to use badly, ................................... in where? , ....................... IN A GAME.
If you do not want the ability to configure the Silent mod. or do not know how I could set these possibilities, you can not. Variables are usually put or removed, to consumer tastes. If you do not like, "Nah, we will only" fight "against bad ideas" simply not applied, .............. it's easy, you can always resort to a default configuration for your server, .................. and not have to touch anything. I like to take chances.
You are mixing two different things, I do not want a Jaymod, that I have it. I would like to set up health classes, so that was not a medic RAMBO richer than the other classes. I like to have a syringe for all classes, to give the power to heal at least once. (I have never seen this in any mod) I would like to assign damage to shove. I would like to set starting the recoil of the sten, put a clip of 30 bullets to the PPSh, bazooka change the weight, put a number of syringes of adrenaline appropriate, ........ etc .. etc. Those are the things I would like to offer silent. Configurability server, ................................. and this I told myself. Where do you see that I order a Jaymod or another mod?
Reading the forum I came to this post from TheSilencerPL: I do not think it's possible, UNLESS pm-> ps-> grenadeTimeLeft is accessible through the lua API Would then be possible to modify aspects of the weapons as spread, maxammo, maxclip, reloadTime, recoilDuration, recoilPitch and recoilYaw ... etc As done in weaponDef within the configuration folder weapscript other mods??????? other requests: It would be possible to establish only a revive syringe for all classes at level 5 of Medic. :) It would be possible to damage by pushing an opponent, g_shoveDamage for example .... As I said in another post set an option to lower the bar fieldops with Fire Mission: Aborting, can not see target, Fire Mission: Insufficient fire support. regards
I consulted the cvar g_weapons on the server and is successful, the sum of 14,071 bitflags've outlined above. The video is bad, but I'm learning, I will soon make a movie The bar does not drop when Fire Mission: Aborting, can not see target. Fire Mission: Insufficient fire support. Thank
After discovering the bitflag 8192 in g_weapons Can anyone tell me why the bar low fieldops not aborting when an airstrike? Thank you.
g_weapons Description: This is meant to match the shrubmod g_weapons cvar. Type: bitmask Parameters: +1 Level 0 field ops doesn't get binoculars (unless he has >= level 1 Battle Sense) +2 Syringes work underwater +4 Pliers work underwateri 8 Fully restore Field ops charge bar if airstrike is aborted +16 Half restore FIeld ops charge bar if airstrike is aborted +32 Ammo packs restore helmets +64 Drop binoculars if player has them +128 Soldiers with level 4 heavy weapons don't lose their pistols 256 Garands can reload when clip is not empty +512 Balance the clip size between the allies and axis rifles. allied rifles get same clip sizes and max ammo as the k43. +1024 Creates a hitbox for mortar shells. This reduces (or eliminates in some cases) the ability to fire mortars through smaller windows and bunker slits. 2048 Knives will always gib a body (not a player, use g_dmgKnife instead if you want that) +4096 Extra ammo is included with dropped weapons. +8192 ammo of the weapon is shown for the weapon we want to pickup from the ground. g_weapons 14071 note. if you want to know what options are enabled in a bitmask value, pass the value to binary. 14071 = 11011011110111 And look at the options from right to left, 1 enable 0 disable. Regards.
Hi, We added bitmask 16 "Half restore FIeld ops charge bar if airstrike is aborted" a g_weapons, but the bar is full when fieldops launches airstrike and is aborted. The bitmask 8 is not added. G_weapons has a value of 14071 regards
I made 2 videos but do not have much quality, but that is not what I want. A comparative double jump limit the Silent, this time to 0.5, we see the effect on any jump, not just up or on uneven terrain. And another mod in which I have limited the double jump to 1, here there is no effect to occur. Silent g_doublejumpheight 0.5 Other Mod g_DJheight 1
I waited a reasonable time, to see if someone exposed the same problem on g_doublejumphight, .............................. but nothing. Since the last time I explained my problem, many servers are installed with Silent, I have been to many, most, but many do not establish jaymod double jump, and those that do not limit the double jump with a g_doublejumphight value of less than 1.4. I have reproduced the effect on multiple servers, and several computers with different facilities. Now, I can only put here a video you can clearly see the effect, see the jump in the second 10, but occurs in all of them. The double jump Jaymod style is established, and g_doublejumphight value is 1. It may be paranoia, .................
possible, we will look at the pack of menus. cg_themedBars 0, now works well thanks
http://clantnt.com/usuarios/Cinco/menu%20themes%20Silent.JPG where? sorry I'm a bit thick
I upgraded to 0.5.2 themed HUD bars (health, stamina, weap recharge). ui_themedBars cvar to turn it on/off. Avalable also in silent THEMES menu. where is the menu? I searched the cvar ui_themedBars but can not find it. My bars (health, stamina, weap recharge) are not Help! ...