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Everything posted by Dookie

  1. hey, has this been added officaly to 0.5.2 version? And if yes, where do I write these lines? [players 0-15] set g_excludedMaps ":mlb_temple:" [players 16-*] set g_excludedMaps ":adlernest:" [/players] in server.cfg or where? thx man and what g_playercounting cvar should i be using? since in new docs are like this: 1 Enable filtering. This will add the 2 latest values together and divide them by 2. 2 No player counting during warmup. 4 Count spectators into players. Without this flag, only players in the playing teams are counted. Default: 1 I was thinking that using g_playercounting 6 would fits the best.
  2. in addition to this thread i am wondering is it possible to force rate to 25000 and maxpackets to 100? if so, can someone post me the lines? thx
  3. Hello, I am wondering if is possible maybe to make userinfo command even more effective, is it possible somehow when you userinfo sum player that all the name's he used on the server are shown?
  4. sorry, but where do I add that line? :=)
  5. hey, didnt wanna be opening a new thread, is it possible to set somewhere in server cfg that cg_gun_fovscale 0 is already forced when someone join server? same as timenudge is forced to 0 and such? cuz many people got problem with that fov thing cuz in other mods its just cg_fov [number] but in here they gotta disable fovscale 1st and such, and most people dunno about it, so it would be great if that is somehow disabled for everyone when they join server, so setting fov is simple as set cg_fov 120 or so..thx
  6. well he left server till now, so guess we are never gonna found out ¸, when i try to usersearch for him, shows like he never even was on server
  7. Hello, today my friend and I runned out on a wierd problem on server, as usually we give every our visitor level 1, and today we ran out on a guy and we were unable to give him any level, i will post screenshot here: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/496/screenlevel.png Only thing it says about it also is: silent id has invalid length it say''s But as you can see he got normal silent ID and all other players got levels so its not problem about level, also sum of my guys told me that they ran out on that problem before...so any ideas what might be causing it? or its a bug? As you can see player name is "punkt warde" Thank you.
  8. yeah that sucks, so im glad u picked silent mod after all!
  9. well you can have in silent also laster mines by default, which Ive unliked a lot also, so I just turned em off, there is a easy command to turn em off, I had jaymod too, and switched to silent mod cuz, jaymod is a dead mod, silent mod got so many fixes and improvments its just wonderfull to have it, admins got so much less work to do and so on, recommending u silent mod, u wont make a wrong decission with it.
  10. yea, that first headshot sound is okey
  11. these spree's would aready be in a mod folder or we would need to make additional pk3 to use them?
  12. Hello, ive attacthed here pk3 file with killing spree sounds, hitsounds and all, it all works great, only firstblood.wav sound is not working, any idea how it might be fixed? thxzzz_AxE_menu_v7.6.pk3
  13. Dookie


    Ok sorry guys for all this circus, it wasnt been working cuz in this whole mess i forgot to set campaign file on that other server, now is all working great, thank you all for your help and sorry for my double/triple posts!
  14. Dookie


    ok this is a bit crazy now, ive got it working on my test server,download's it works all perfectly, but when I put it on my public server same file, same all, it doesnt download it all, but my public server and test server are totally the same...
  15. Dookie


    its because menu.tx in axe menu v6 is considering when you join server, but axe menu txt in file ive posted here is considered before you joined a server...still dont kno what 2 do :/
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