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Everything posted by Dookie

  1. Ok Sol, but I would suggest you then that you propose your version to YCN hosting, cuz over there we only got ET 3.00 to be installed...Thx for your reply.
  2. aha, so u stopped working with Paul on 3.00?
  3. aw crap, cuz now ive still got people getting kicked for that invalid guid :S
  4. my warmup settings: set g_doWarmup 0 set g_warmup 0 and ive still got like 5 secs warmup at each map, is it possible somehow to completely disable it?
  5. is this problem maybe fixed with warmup turned off?
  6. im really glad to hear that silent mod is improving, cuz its really great mod with sum really nice features, keep it good nd running guys!
  7. Okey lets clear this out, certain people when given lvl 5 have setlevel command, but they dont have s flag in shrubbot.cfg, it happends only sumtimes, happend 2-3 time's so far, and we got many people with lvl 5, so I dont understand how it happends...
  8. Hello we got this thing enabled that it report's players with uknown binaries to admin chat, wierd thing to me is that mostly people from "wierd country's" are always shown as client's with unknown binary's, mostly people from turkey,chile,pakistan and so on, that far away country's and doubt that any of them are using any hacks cuz they are barely even moving, so is there maybe a bug or smthing? So far how much Ive noticed on our server, all players from turkey are always being reported for that on adminchat...thx in advance.
  9. Have you tried running your server without omnibots?
  10. So far i think its useless, i think player flags are great and enough.
  11. i like the idea, hope it might be relased
  12. Dookie


    set g_XPSave "21" set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "12o" set g_XPSaveMaxAge "12o" set g_damageXP "0" set g_damageXPLevel "50" set g_maxXP "-1" set g_xpdecay "0" set g_xpdecayrate "0" set g_xpdecayfloor "0.0" this is what ive got, basiclly its xpsave for 1 year, dont think u need any longer
  13. http://filebase.trackbase.net/et/server/et300_README.txt
  14. yeh, but then people dont have time to vote for maps...ive got only like 25 secs intermission... :/
  15. so Sol, any chance then that u nd Paul fix it?
  16. This hasnt been fixed in ET 3.00, 0.6.5, so now we can expect only someone of silent modders to fix it :/
  17. great idea Dragon, hope it can be made!
  18. Dookie


    sorry, cant help you
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