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mRcOOL last won the day on April 27 2017

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  1. In silent config not in server.cfg!! find set g_misc and make the value 1 set g_misc 1
  2. Sry for the late answer: // XP Save configuration set g_XPSave 31 //changed from 21 set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "5d" //changed from "30d" set g_damageXP "0" //changed from "1" set g_damageXPLevel "50" set g_maxXP -1 //changed from "90000" set g_xpdecay "0" set g_xpdecayrate "0" set g_xpdecayfloor "0" //changed from "1" does'nt work either. Still restart deletes all xp
  3. Since july there is a prob. And no I didn't change anything before. After it occurred yes I tried some things. Userdatabase etc. Shrubbot and so works ok. Just restarting server puts every player back to zero xp.
  4. // XP Save configuration set g_XPSave 21 // Only stored XP set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "360d" // Stored XP and all rating values //set g_XPSaveMaxAge "30d" set g_damageXP "1" set g_damageXPLevel "50" set g_maxXP "90000" set g_xpdecay "0" set g_xpdecayrate "0" set g_xpdecayfloor "1" Whats wrong here?
  5. Solution (Tx to Palota) The problem is on line 2363 in file global_scripts/utilities.gm Server.MinClassCount[teamId][Util.SniperClass] = Server.MaxPlayers; It can be fixed by replacing Server.MaxPlayers with any big number. Server.MinClassCount[teamId][Util.SniperClass] = 99;
  6. What to do to keep the snipers in a Sniper map? Now they start as snipers and after a while the changed (after dying) to other class
  7. I did following: set g_spreeOptions 63 (could be something else depends what you want) Than made this cfg file called announces Killing Spree Location sound/announces/spree5.wav Rampage Location sound/announces/spree10.wav Dominating Location sound/announces/spree15.wav Unstoppable Location sound/announces/spree20.wav Godlike Location sound/announces/spree25.wav Wicked Sick Location sound/announces/spree30.wav Double Kill Location sound/announces/doublekill.wav Triple Kill Location sound/announces/triplekill.wav Multi Kill Location sound/announces/multikill.wav Ultra Kill Location sound/announces/ultrakill.wav Monster Kill Location sound/announces/monsterkill.wav Death Spree 10 Loation sound/announces/deaths10.wav Death Spree 20 Location sound/announces/deaths20.wav Spree End by Enemy Location sound/announces/send.wav Spree End by Team Kill Location sound/announces/sendtk.wav Spree End by Self Kill Location sound/announces/sendsk.wav Spree End by Environment Location sound/announces/sendenv.wav Than made pk3 file with sounds mentoned above. Be sure you creat a path sound/announces/here the name of your sound.wav (names should be the same as above) Put the pk3 file in the silent map of your server. Upload the silent.cfg(if you changed it) to the et main map Put the announcement cfg in the et main map. Rerstart server and it works
  8. Sorry tried that offcourse. Take out my soundpack now, and adjusted cfg again with info you gave me, nope.
  9. I have spreesounds (dominating,killingspree and so on) in a pk3 file. The greetings in text work, the greetings for admin (same soundpack) work in text and sound. Made a config...... but doesn't work Killing Spree sound/announces/killingspree.wav Rampage sound/announces/rampage.wav Dominating sound/announces/dominating.wav Unstoppable sound/announces/unstoppable.wav Godlike sound/announces/godlike.wav Wicked Sick sound/announces/wickedsick.wav Double Kill sound/announces/doublekill.wav Triple Kill sound/announces/triplekill.wav Multi Kill sound/announces/multikill.wav Ultra Kill sound/announces/ultrakill.wav Monster Kill sound/announces/monsterkill.wav First Blood sound/silent/firstblood.wav
  10. Welcome to the forums mRcOOL :)
    1. BettyBoop


      Hi mRcOOL travelling atm ?


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