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Here are the bans of both clients neither of them have an ident ( spoofing in ETbot would show the same ident as well iirc ) The problem we having is we are also getting this with some of our other members who are on mac. Anyways i provided below the information of the bans, are these bans bugged/spoofed or are they legit bans? It says : 8068:26 Forcing disconnect of duplicate guid 8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D for client 3 but neither one of the clients had that guid so i'm confused to why he got banned. It's only happening off this player called "offtheblade", who connects daily to reassure this ban stays even after we unban him so players can play without the problems. Only thing I could come up with is he was spoofing something but i can't find nothing other then ident.. Can provide all the information needed to figure this out. -VJ P.s(User info logs are from the first time it happened, last one is the most recent.) [ban] name = offtheblade guid = D9BA985144520C8F0B6DFEFB205439A1 sguid = 6A18C29D205A1AEF808041359CE7BED8 ip = reason = Automatic ban based on technical evidence of cheats. made = 04/04/17 19:19:46 expires = 576393586 banner = silEnT ident = 000000000000 [ban] name = ^0madamac^dS^0on guid = 8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D sguid = D99155554DBE1D6EFA8AC75CB3154F3A ip = reason = Automatic ban based on technical evidence of cheats. (Automated copy of a ban for PB GUID 205439A1, silEnT ID 9CE7BED8) made = 04/04/17 19:19:46 expires = 576393586 banner = silEnT ident = 000000000000 "Userinfo: \g_password\none\cl_guid\unknown\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\offtheblade\rate\25000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\0\protocol\84\qport\30516\challenge\-2069120683\ip\ ClientUserinfoChangedGUID: 1 n\offtheblade\t\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\0\uci\31\lc\0\tv\0\sc\0 Userinfo: \g_password\none\cl_guid\unknown\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\offtheblade\rate\36000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\0\ip\ clientDownload: 1 : beginning "etmain/cortex_who.pk3" Redirecting client 'offtheblade' to http://pk3.drishare.net//etmain/cortex_who.pk3 Sending heartbeat to etmaster.idsoftware.com Sending heartbeat to master0.etmaster.net Userinfo: \cg_ident\0000000000007FD0\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.9.0\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Aug 25 2015\cg_uinfo\13 0 100\sil_guid\6A18C29D205A1AEF808041359CE7BED8:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\unknown\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\offtheblade\rate\36000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\0\ip\ ClientUserinfoChangedGUID: 1 6A18C29D205A1AEF808041359CE7BED8 n\offtheblade\t\3\c\0\r\10\m\0000000\s\4444444\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\0\uci\31\lc\0\tv\0\sc\0 ClientBegin: 1 ban: offtheblade is now banned Userinfo: \g_password\none\cl_guid\8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\^0madamac^dS^0on\rate\25000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\1\protocol\84\qport\40682\challenge\277864001\ip\ ClientUserinfoChangedGUID: 6 n\^0madamac^dS^0on\t\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\0\uci\50\lc\0\tv\0\sc\0 Userinfo: \cg_ident\000000000000AA6D\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.9.0\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Aug 25 2015\cg_uinfo\13 0 30\sil_guid\D99155554DBE1D6EFA8AC75CB3154F3A:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\^0madamac^dS^0on\rate\35000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\1\ip\ Dropped client 6 when enforcing bans using client identifications. New ban created for user. adminchat: silEnT: Player ^7^0madamac^dS^0on^8 (6) dropped while enforcing ban to offtheblade^8. New ban created for user. ClientDisconnect: 6" 8068:26 Forcing disconnect of duplicate guid 8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D for client 3 8068:26 ClientDisconnect: 3 8068:26 ClientConnect: 5 8068:26 Userinfo: \g_password\none\cl_guid\8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\25000\name\^0madamac^dS^0on\cl_wwwDownload\1\protocol\84\qport\51926\challenge\277864001\ip\ 8068:26 ClientUserinfoChangedGUID: 5 n\^0madamac^dS^0on\t\3\c\0\r\0\m\0000000\s\0000000\df\0\dn\\dr\0\w\0\lw\0\sw\0\mu\0\ref\0\uci\50\lc\0\tv\0\sc\0 8068:26 chat(client): ^0[^1DRi^0]^1:^7 ^0madamac^dS^0on^7 connected from ^1[^7186.177.*.*^1] ^1[^7Costa Rica^1] ^7using client ^1[^72.60b^1] 8068:36 Kill: 2 9 59: shinebox killed ^1D^0Ri*^1D^0aRk^1P^0iMp* by MOD_AKIMBO_LUGER 8068:43 Userinfo: \cg_ident\0000000000002126\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.9.0\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Aug 25 2015\cg_uinfo\13 0 30\sil_guid\D99155554DBE1D6EFA8AC75CB3154F3A:2\g_password\none\cl_guid\8D07318F035E4A003FF8DC7E8FD8565D\cl_punkbuster\1\cl_anonymous\0\snaps\20\rate\35000\name\^0madamac^dS^0on\cl_wwwDownload\1\ip\ 8068:43 Dropped client 5 when enforcing bans using client identifications. New ban created for user. 8068:43 adminchat: silEnT: Player ^7^0madamac^dS^0on^8 (5) dropped while enforcing ban to offtheblade^8. New ban created for user. 8068:43 ClientDisconnect: 5
how to get access?
sorry for late reply but i was wrong and it don't work.. worked in db so i got it wrong, have to be a first for me to i guess
in windows 10 alt-tab works perfect so no need for that OS
Well think its time to stop the fake server.. Ill go first
Hi, Notice if i use etlegacy etded players get new guid and loses their levels and xp. Is this known or is there something i should do to fix this? // Relic
you can say what ever but don't change the fact that the automated anti cheat busted you. We have never had any false positive and saying any of our admins done is just weak. You have not proven any wrong from that ban so guess you got tired and thought you could boost your skills. But now your left to feel the pain!
working hard for our pleasure.. tnx of for that ! Is there any update on the anticheat detection? Been noticing a few undetected cheats on server where its obvious that they cheat.
our sound pack is the best seems you have all the help needed here but let me know if there is anything i can do.
we been using a halloween pack last 6 years and my hope is it work in silent
agreed.. gaoesa is awsome
think this would work for u but try and let me know. driammoclip = 1 function et_ClientSpawn(j,revived) if driammoclip == 1 then et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",3, 120) --mp40 et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",8, 120) --thompson et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",10, 96) --sten et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",25, 30) --garand et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",31, 450) --mobile mg42 et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",32, 30) --k43 et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",33, 60) --fg42 et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",35, 16) --mortar et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",42, 120) --garand scoped et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",43, 30) --k43 scope et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",44, 60) --fg42 scope et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",24, 30) --carbine et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",39, 160) --ppsh end end
you can use lua for that. Dont know if there is any published but let me know if you need I can help with the one we use.
would that not reload my config when ever we go over the threshold?
tnx for quick reply, guess i should make a future request with this
Is this only used with map vote? I would like to have different maps depending on players on but not the vote system.
tnx for quick reply and i seem to missed that cvar completly I will look at it and configure server. Tnx again.
Hi, I have a few players with unknown binarys but this one looks really strange to me. When i finger the player it shows: Player Name: hidden by relic Slot Number: 4Admin Level: 0 - DRi's little bitchsilEnT GUID: 30414B1BPB GUID: Does not exist. Stored GUID in the database E0E362F0IP: x.x.x.x:27960Client Version: Not yet knownClient OS: UnknownClient Ident: CLIENT IS NOT SENDING he says he on windows and with not tweaks but i never seen this when finger.Do you know what might causing this?
we use the same ETDED and silent but on windows and works fine for us.
1. solved.. tnx for that 2. can figure out what the balanced-team is enforced When trying to switch in match you get a reply that not possible and STAY in team 3&4. time to learn lua i guess Thanks for quick replies and for a nice mod
we finaly made the switch to silent 0.6.3, lot of crying on losing xp but overall most players like the switch. and as admin i really like it Now few things i cant figure out and thought i should stop harassing hellreturn on xfire and ask the question here. 1. Own team trip landmines. I cant find a setting to make team landmines not to be tripped by any class in own team. 2. Switch team in match. When players leave others cant switch to the other team to even out. We have to manually !putteam. 3. Start with full ammo. Is there any way to make players start with full ammo when spawn? 4. More nades. Can I controll settings on how many grenades each class start with? As we play we will try to report issues but I first need to get my settings in order, and there is alot of cvars in silent
this looks great.. been trying silent now for a few days on test server and have to say u done a great job. dont be suprised if DRi will leave jaymod for silent
jaymod style jumping.. awsome! have to try this out but from the feature list looks awsome..
any progress in the double jump feature for upcoming release?