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Everything posted by Micha!

  1. It's possible to remove stuff from map so maybe it is possible to add it -------//--------------------remove map objects---------------------------- for i = 64, 1021 do if et.gentity_get(i, "classname") == "misc_mg42" or et.gentity_get(i, "classname") == "team_CTF_redflag" or et.gentity_get(i, "classname") == "team_CTF_blueflag" then et.trap_UnlinkEntity( i ) end if et.gentity_get(i, "classname") == "trigger_ammo" or et.gentity_get(i, "classname") == "trigger_heal" then --cabinets et.trap_UnlinkEntity( i ) end end
  2. No it wont work because of: function et_ConsoleCommand(clientNum, command) --Called when a command is entered on the server console should be et_ClientCommand( clientNum, command ) -> Called when a command is received from a client if et.trap_Argv(0) == "getmyguid" then local guid = et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(playerID),"sil_guid") --playerID is nil -> not defined et.trap_SendServerCommand(clientNum, "print \"^osilEnT GUID: ^7"..guid.."\n")--clientNum is nil (see above) return 1 ---return 1 here...if not have getmyguid comand will be 0..unreconize comand end end fixed lua and I added !help myguid. You could also add a check level to just give it to some admins. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: myguid.lua ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MyGUID - Prints your silEnT GUID just like /cl_guid would for etkey based GUIDs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Created by =F|A=Chuckun -- If you use it, please donate to our clan to help fund the servers -- Any amount will help!! -- Fearless-Assassins.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- !myguid or /!myguid ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ name ---------------------------------------------- Modname = "silEnT GUID Command" Version = "1.0" ------------------------------------------ settings ---------------------------------------------- commandprefix = "!" --command prefix (! shrubbot like) myguid_cmd = "myguid" --shrubbot command (can be shortened to example "myg" --just like !listplayers -> !list !listp !listplay printposition = "chat" --message position ----------------------------------------- functions --------------------------------------------- function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) et.G_Print("["..Modname.."] Version: "..Version.." Loaded\n") et.RegisterModname(Modname.." "..Version.. " "..et.FindSelf()) end ---------------------------------- client command functions ------------------------------ function et_ClientCommand(client, command) local argv0 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(0)) --first argv if you use / will be myguid_cmd local argv1 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(1)) --et.trap_Argv(0) is say/say_buddy/say_team and et.trap_Argv(1) is myguid_cmd local argv2 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(2)) --string.lower so you ca write it in upper and/or lower letters -------//--------------------Command---------------------------- if string.find(argv0, "^"..commandprefix.."" .. myguid_cmd .. "") or string.find(argv1, "^"..commandprefix.."" .. myguid_cmd .. "") then --use string.find so it's not needed to write full command. local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( client ) local guid = string.upper(et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "sil_guid" )) if guid == nil or guid == "" then guid = "UNKNOWN" end --in case client doesn't have no guid set it to UNKNOWN et.trap_SendServerCommand(client, ""..printposition.." \"^osilEnT GUID: ^7"..guid.."\"") if string.find(argv0, "^"..commandprefix.."" .. myguid_cmd .. "") then return 1 --return 1 so no error message will be printed^if /command is used end end if argv1 == ""..commandprefix.."help" and string.find(argv2, "^" .. myguid_cmd .. "") then -- !help myguid et.trap_SendServerCommand(client, ""..printposition.." \"^oFunction: ^7print your ^osilEnT GUID\"" ) end return 0 end
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