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Found 9 results

  1. Rocktronix is an upcoming gaming community. We have a few gaming teams and we would like to create more, as well as massively expand on the community aspect to bring gamers together. We have about 50 members in the community so far and we would love to increase the community aspect to bring people together, doing what they enjoy, playing games. Alternatively, if you are a competitive gamer, then opportunities can be made for you to join one of our teams, or if we don't have one on a particular game, make one and represent us. We have a website, the website is orientated on the eSports and competitive aspect of the organisation.You can check it out here -http://www.rocktronix.eu We are a Discord community, and here is a link - https://discord.gg/UZ3rDuZ We are confident we can hit 200 members by the end of the year, and we are confident you can help us all get there. Thank you all very much.
  2. Welcome to Notorious WarriorsNotorious Warriors are a multi gaming community based of a wide variety of games, not just one stand alone game. The community was created as a fun, laid back gaming environment to give gamer's a place to call home and be able to help expand the community to others around the world. We squad up in games like Battlefield, Wasteland, Arma, Counter Strike and more. If you are looking to learn more about Notorious Warriors join our Teamspeak and speak to one of our staff members for more information. Background On August 25th 2016, Justbrink, British Plonker and myself had a discussion to start a new community. A community where people could have fun, and make new friends from around the world. Since the beginning, we've grown from only 3 members to over 25 members can growing. With the assistance our administration team, we are in process of operating multiply servers and great reputation throughout the gaming community. Our website is where members can start discussions about anything, share news & media, make friends and even request for technical support. Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/notoriousw Teamspeak: Website: Currently under development
  3. cross-post from Reddit feature thread Hello, I built a site that aims to cut out the randomness of finding new friends on Steam. The goal is to help lonely gamers find others who share their goals and motivations in the games they enjoy. It is accomplished through a detailed "looking for friends" posts feature that allows you to express what games you play, how you play them, and what you expect in others around you. If you find Steam community's user search feature too lacking, try making a post or look through the users directory. Steam Friends
  4. Hello I'm try to rent Enemy Territory servers. these are very cheap Prices: 10£ - 20 player slots. 18£ - 40 player slots. 25£ - 60 player slots. Anyone who would like to buy one please contact me. [email protected]<script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script> or pm me on tb forums
  5. Hello I'm try to rent Enemy Territory servers. these are very cheap Prices: 10£ - 20 player slots. 18£ - 40 player slots. 25£ - 60 player slots. Anyone who would like to buy one please contact me. [email protected]<script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script> or pm me on tb forums
  6. Seven Satraps is an up-and-coming gaming community which puts the players' experiences first. Started in March, 2015 with the creation of the Seven Satraps RP Reign of Kings server, a set of well-enforced rules by mature, ADULT administrators and moderators, and a steadfast community, we began branching into other games. Seven Satraps currently uses a DEDICATED box to run servers for Reign of Kings, ARK: Survival Evolved, and RUST. Sandbox games aside, our community also has groups which regularly play Rocket League, CS:GO, and League of Legends. What we can offer you: FOUR game servers to play on. ( RoK, ARK, RUST, Minecraft) 50 Slot Teamspeak. Well built website and community forums that keep you up to date with all the current server happenings. Instant player base to play with. Administrators who care about their community. http://www.sevensatraps.com http://www.sevensatraps.com/gameservers ts.sevensatraps.com http://i.imgur.com/jqtEBtM.jpg -Seven Satraps staff
  7. Website: UGNetwork.EU TeamSpeak Adress: We at the Unified Gaming Network are a community of like minded gamers who all want the same thing, to meet new friends who are interested in the same things and having good time. We have been around for over 2 years and have hosted top rated DayZ mod servers, DayZ standalone, Rust, Arma 2, Arma 3, CSGO, Chivalry: Medieval warfare and many more. We wish to host even more in the future and suggestions are always welcome! So come join us today and meet new friends!
  8. http://unknowngaming.co.uk/images/slider/slideug.jpg Unknown Gaming is a small close-knit community looking to expand the number of members within it. We established in 2013 and have been going ever since, beginning on Trouble in Terrorist Town, but moving onto Counter-Strike. We have a website, trouble in terrorist town server and a TeamSpeak server. Currently, we have 30+ regularly active members who are on almost every day, but we are looking for more to add to this and popular our trouble in terrorist town server and TeamSpeak. Come speak to us or play on our servers and help us grow! Website: http://unknowngaming.co.uk/ TeamSpeak IP: Trouble in Terrorist Town: If you know of anyone who is interested, point them in our direction!
  9. http://i62.tinypic.com/hsjlw1.png Black-Legion is a gaming community founded in 2002, we have been a successful gaming community for this duration playing games such as ArmA III, Insurgency and Red Orchestra 2. We can provide an experience for members of all preferences be it hardcore gaming or just casual fun. We have a strong member base of around 40 members none of which are forgotten about! We are a community before anything and we are looking for players who speak fluent English and are interested in a casual gaming experience, we have members ranging from the age of 17-30 and anyone is welcome to join us! We have two dedicated servers which are powerful enough to run numerous game server simultaneously so everyone's needs are satisfied, we currently run several public and private servers for numerous games. We take pride in our weekly events for our main games such as ArmA III, Insurgency and Red Orchestra 2 which gather a turn out of 20+ members. We are looking for members who can respect other people, have commitment towards the clan, communicate in and out of game, can create a positive atmosphere and people who are genuinely going to get engaged into the clan as we feel the more that you put into the community the more you get out of it, developing relationships with other members makes this an experience not easily forgotten. If you wish to join Black-Legion you can formally register on our website or join our TeamSpeak 3 Server at ts3:// and seek an Administrator for more information! We would like to point out that your application to the clan is very important as it gives us an insight to who you are and if you we would like to accept you into our community. http://i60.tinypic.com/2hqgdpv.jpg
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