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Found 4 results

  1. This is the first time im attempting to set a gaming server and never anything similar. I got a server for 48 people on gameservers. It runs and goes online without any apparent problems with et legacy 2.75, but then I can't really understand the instructions I have found online to install Silent mod on my ET legacy server. So looks like gameservers support team has been trying to help me loading silent mode with no success, I ask them to change fs_game setting to silent and change the executed config to silent.cfg I also unzipped the silent mod file in my pc and I see 2 folders, etmain and silent folders. I uploaded this 2 folders to my server root folder and this merged the contents of the etmain folder already located in my server and added the silent folder to my server, all this overwriting any existing files with the same name. Is there anything else I need to ask them to do to make it work, perhaps this? * In linux, the fs_homepath is by default a hidden folder at the user home directory. If this path is not set to the server installation, the silEnT will not be able to function fully. This value is usually set to have the same value as the fs_basepath. or I'm missing something else, I tried to follow all instructions but I'm not familiar at all with gaming servers and as i'm researching i'm learning for the first time all the process. but its a bit confusing with 0 background and everybody talks like they been doing this a long time and set paths and command lines i dont even know where to set them and stuff like that. I'm even thinking of making a dumbass illustrative guide to set a server from scratch or a youtube video well thank you for your help!
  2. 126 downloads

    Full Enemy Territory Linux Installation Also Includes: - ETKEY Generation - Punkbuster Installation
  3. The NSA has asked Linus Torvalds to inject covert backdoors into the free and open operating system GNU/Linux. This was revealed in this week’s hearing on mass surveillance in the European Parliament. Chalk another one up of the United States NSA trying to make information technology less secure for everyone. The father of Linus Torvalds, Nils Torvalds, is a Member of the European Parliament for Finland. This week, Nils Torvalds took part in the European Parliament’s hearing on the ongoing mass surveillance, and brought a revelation: The United States security service NSA has contacted Linus Torvalds with a request to add backdoors into the free and open operating system GNU/Linux. The entire inquiry is available here: Nils Torvalds’ revelation was presented in an episode which started (at 3:06:58) by me pointing out to the Microsoft representative in the panel, that in a system like GNU/Linux, built on open source, you can examine the source code to see that there aren’t any back doors. In Microsoft’s systems, this possibility is absent, since the source code is secret to outsiders. Read the whole article. Here Linus answers the question: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84Sx0E13gAo#t=1460
  4. If any of you encounters sound problems (no sound in particular) in Enemy Territory on linux this tiny article might help you. The problem exists because Enemy Territory and quake alike games were designed for OSS sound system and there is a problem on the most recent distributions because OSS support might have been removed (example). The easiest way to fix this is to use et-sdl-sound which can be found here: http://nullkey.kapsi.fi/et-sdl-sound/ Just follow the instructions and enjoy sound in game again. Cheers
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