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  1. File Name: Jaymod Source Code File Submitter: Dragonji File Submitted: 29 May 2016 File Category: Mods This is the source for the last release of Jaymod, which is version 2.2.0. This source is bound to the original terms from id Software. On top of that, Jaybird is releasing this source under the Apache 2.0 license. Feel free to use this codebase as you please, as long as both licenses are bundled and proper credit is given. Click here to download this file
  2. Version 2.2.0


    This is the source for the last release of Jaymod, which is version 2.2.0. This source is bound to the original terms from id Software. On top of that, Jaybird is releasing this source under the Apache 2.0 license. Feel free to use this codebase as you please, as long as both licenses are bundled and proper credit is given.
  3. Jaybird decided to release Jaymod 2.2.0 source code to the public. You can grab it here: https://github.com/budjb/jaymod
  4. Enter our Steam group's game giveaways for free: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/nfservers
  5. TheSilencerPL and authors modification: Add the for modification silEnT "New Weapons" for better game. "New Weapons" - between others: - Venom Gun; http://iv.pl/images/47120610135795856780.jpg - Bar; http://iv.pl/images/49557278833138653401.jpg - Shotgun; http://iv.pl/images/03962499425263572481.jpg - Mobile Browning (MG42) - skin allies team; http://iv.pl/images/78528455787395690887.jpg - Sturmgewehr MP44; http://iv.pl/images/38423878991310355868.jpg - MP34; http://iv.pl/images/53970344691573859569.jpg - Bazooka - skin allies team (no panzerfaust);http://iv.pl/images/14179875655686374556.jpg - Tesla Gun; http://iv.pl/images/28423502968391989077.jpg Adding files weapons, sounds, weap and weaponscard03.tga. How something is missing please write. Please consider the idea. Thank you!!! =ZT= http://sendfile.pl/pokaz/464259---rOAh.html
  6. #AxE| clan has reborned again! We have a new silEnT server with 22 slots. We have also gathered many old members back together so you might see many familiar players on our server. See you on the battlefield! http://srvsigs.splatterladder.com/4/759320.jpg Server Info: Server IP: Mod: silEnT 0.8.2 Double Jump: OFF Punkbuster: OFF Server Location: Netherlands FriendlyFire: OFF BalancedTeams: ON Slots: 22 Gametype: Map-voting XPsave: Forever Shotgun: Disabled Adrenaline: Disabled Throwing Knives: Disabled Server Rules: 1. No Swearing 2. No Cheating 3. No SpawnKilling 4. Respect Admins and Players We are recruiting! Our forums: http://axeclan.foorumini.com/ Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/axeclanet Our youtube frag movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7lkrSM9yrU&feature=youtu.be
  7. Is it possible to watch a replay of silent mod in ETpro or convert the replay in anyway? When attempting to watch the replay in ETpro i get the error: BG_Indexforstring: unknown token 'not': (animations/scripts/human_base.script, line 3351)
  8. If any of you encounters sound problems (no sound in particular) in Enemy Territory on linux this tiny article might help you. The problem exists because Enemy Territory and quake alike games were designed for OSS sound system and there is a problem on the most recent distributions because OSS support might have been removed (example). The easiest way to fix this is to use et-sdl-sound which can be found here: http://nullkey.kapsi.fi/et-sdl-sound/ Just follow the instructions and enjoy sound in game again. Cheers
  9. Hello, noticed that many players got this problem with their ET's, so im just copying this easy toturial which ive posted also on my clan forums, in hope that it would help people. Hello, if you have ever expirienced this problem 99% is that you are running vista or windows 7 on your PC, the only and the easyest way to fix this error is simply to run your Enemy Territory as admininistrator, and you can do that by doing this: http://img361.imageshack.us/img361/2186/erordl5.jpg Right click on Enemy Terrritory icon>Run As Administrator, like shown in the picture, and thats it! You shoudnt be expiriencing that error anymore. http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/1282/problemae.jpg And then to make your life easyer, just open console and write /connect And you will be connected on AxE server!
  10. Hello, We had few weeks ago the map xposed on our server, the map was going great but after a few times playing that map we found a bug. We came to the last tank barrier and we destroyed it and we repaired the tank but the tank wasn't moving. The bug was not in the other times that we played that map on our server. Has someone else the same problem or do u know how to fix it? Greetz ShaDoW
  11. What is ET: Legacy? Project home: https://sourceforge.net/p/etlegacy/ ET: Legacy is a version of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (based on its open-sourced code). The main goal of this project is to fix bugs, remove old dependencies and make it playable on all major OSes while still remaining compatible with the ET 2.60b version and as many mods as possible. What's the difference between ET:L and, for example, OpenWolf, ET:Xreal or raedwulf-et? As mentioned above, ET:L tries to maintain compatibility with ET 2.60b and its mods (tested so far: NoQuarter 1.2.9 and ETPub). Unlike me, people working on those projects know what they are doing, they are professionals. I'm not. They want to create a new better ET, I just want to make the old ET better. This project started a few days ago by forking raedwulf-et at revision 24ca3ade888b. Warning !!! This is an alpha quality software. It contains many bugs - some known, some not yet found. Do not replace your W:ET binaries with the ones you download from here. Instead unpack the directory to some other location and copy pak0.pk3, pak1.pk3, pak2.pk3, mp_bin.pk3, etkey (if you want to keep XP) and maps from your W:ET installation there. Version history 2.70 (alpha 2) ALT+TAB minimizes the game sound now works correctly on Windows and SDL is linked dynamically fixed key binding on international keyboards disabled OpenAL 2.70 (alpha) switched from etmaster.idsoftware.com to etmaster.net compatibility with NoQuarter 1.2.9 ported etkey generation from ioquake updated CURL lib to the latest version available resolved about a 1000 compiler warnings (still a few hundreds left) removed some useless and deprecated code (a lot more to go) all the fixes and improvements made by raedwulf (move from deprecated platform specific code to SDL, sound fix on linux, etc.) Download Here Source: Splashdamage
  12. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/et/etblight-logo.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifA new ET mod, calles ETBlight is out now. Version 0.8x is just released by Bastard - ETBlight is build on ETPub 0.9.1 (Surprise!). 99% of the original cvars are maintained. ETBlight has focus on Primary Weapons and a new player-class called The Scientist. ETBlight is intended for "fun-servers" http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/d.gifEine neue ET Mod, namens ETBlight ist jetzt da. Version 0,8 x ist gerade von Bastard freigegeben - ETBlight bassiert auf ETPub 0.9.1. (welch Überraschung!) 99% der Originlcvars wurden beibehalten. ETBlight hat seinen Fokus auf Haptwaffen und eine neue Spielerklasse, The Scientist (Der Forscher) genannt. ETBlight ist für "Fun-Server" vorgesehen. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/et/etblight-sci.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/et/blight_weapons-1k.gif Download
  13. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/others/just_pub.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifFeuersturm and his crew released #85 of their comics about ET. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/d.gifFeuersturm und seine Crew veröffentlichen ihren Comic #85 über ET. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/others/justpub-85.gif
  14. http://www.wolffiles.de/hppics/085.jpg Source: etpro.de
  15. A new ET mod, calles ETBlight is out now. Version 0.8x is just released by Bastard http://www.wolffiles.de/hppics/etblight_logo02.png ETBlight is build on ETPub 0.9.1 (Surprise!). 99% of the original cvars are maintained. ETBlight has focus on Primary Weapons and a new player-class called The Scientist. ETBlight is intended for "fun-servers" You can download this mod here Source: SD-forum
  16. Zero from TE666 released a modified version of the map Fueldump called Fueldump Revenge. http://wolffiles.de/filepics/4492.jpg Changes from original map: Changed objectives from Allies to Axis Changed snow to summer Removed MG Nest and added a new Tower MG Allied Have an extra Spawn In The Fuel Dump Bunker Axis Command Post enable an Axis Spawn in the garage Axis MG Tower (near at axis command post changed position) New stuffs added Test or download the map here Source: Zero via IM
  17. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/others/id-software.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifHappy Birthday id Software / id Open GPL Games now on github.com - id Software celebrates his 21st birthday! And have provided all her Open GPL Game datas (with downloads) on github.com. GPL-Games: RtCW SP and MP, ET, DOOM 1-3, Quake 1-3 and more. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/d.gifHerzlichen Glückwunsch id Software / id Open GPL Games jetzt auf Github.com - id Software feiert ihren 21. Geburtstag! Und stellt sämtliche Open GPL Source Daten (mit Download) auf Github.com bereit. GPL-Spiele: RtCW SP und MP, ET, DOOM 1-3, Quake 1-3 und einiges mehr. Links: id@twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/idSoftware id@github: https://github.com/id-Software
  18. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/rtcw/RTCW_LOGO_LISTFIX2.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifAlternative RtCW Master Server List by deathmask.net, with patches for RtCW versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.41 and 1.41b ! - To access the new master server, you need to use a new WolfMP.exe file. Clients needs to do: Download your type RtCW versions file, rename your original wolfmp.exe (to .old) and insert your new WolfMP.exe. Server owners need to set the following lines: seta sv_master5 "dpmaster.deathmask.net" http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/d.gifAlternative RtCW Masterserver Liste von deathmask.net, mit Patche für die RtCW Versionen 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.41 und 1.41b ! - Für Zugriff auf den neuen Masterserver, wird die neue WolfMP.exe Datei benötigt. Clients/Spieler: Downloade die Versiondatei für dein RtCW, benenne die Original WolfMP.exe um (zB. auf .old) und füge die neue WolfMP.exe ein. Serververwalter benötigen folgenden Eintrag (für die cfg): seta sv_master5 "dpmaster.deathmask.net" RtCW 1.0 List Patch RtCW 1.3 List Patch RtCW 1.4 List Patch RtCW 1.1 List Patch RtCW 1.41 List Patch RtCW 1.41b List Patch
  19. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/maps/fort_paderborn.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifOriginal RtCW map by JuStice-DK. Fort Paderborn beta is converted and rework by StoerFaktoR - Axis has stolen a highly secret blueprint of a new long-range rocket type called V1. Allied has to enter the fort of Paderborn and get it back. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/d.gifOriginal RtCW Map von JuStice-DK. Fort Paderborn beta ist konvertiert und überarbeitet von StoerFaktoR - Die Achsenmächte haben die hochgeheimen Blueprints einer Langstrecken V1-Rakete gestohlen. Die Alliierten müssen das Fort Paderborn stürmen und die Papiere zurückholen. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/maps/fort_paderborn1k.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/maps/fort_paderborn2k.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/maps/fort_paderborn3k.jpg A small note: On ETpro the secret docs are not displayed correctly on the limbomap (black+yellow square). Download In all other mods, they are displayed correctly. Greetings and thanks to: sl.Rippchen (splatterladder.com) for testing and suggestions d3Xter (rtcwmap.de) for testing and suggestions Schnoog (wolffiles.de) to provide a test server
  20. http://stoerfaktor.site50.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/fort_paderborn.png ET Fort Paderborn Beta Original RtCW map by JuStice-DK Conversion and rework by 'StoerFaktoR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Axis has stolen a highly secret blueprint of a new longrange rocket type called V1. Allied has to enter the fort of Paderborn and get it back. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Greetings and thanks to: sl.Rippchen (splatterladder.com) for testing and suggestions d3Xter (rtcwmap.de) for testing and suggestions Schnoog (wolffiles.de) to provide a test server http://stoerfaktor.site50.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/fort_paderborn1.jpg http://stoerfaktor.site50.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/fort_paderborn2.jpg http://stoerfaktor.site50.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/fort_paderborn3.jpg A small note: On etpro the secret docs are not displayed correctly on the limbomap (black+yellow square). In all other mods, they are displayed correctly. Download or test the map here Source: StoerFaktoR | OrangeMap
  21. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/others/twitter-id-pic.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifShort statement of ID Software on Twitter because of the master servers - "We recently became aware of a possible issue on the Wolf:ET master server. We´re working on a solution and will update when we have more info." http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/d.gifKurzes Statement von ID Software auf Twitter wegen der Masterserver - "Wir erfuhren vor kurzem von einem Problem auf dem Wolf:ET Masterserver. Wir arbeiten an einer Lösung und aktualisieren, wenn wir mehr Informationen haben." Link1 >>> https://twitter.com/#!/idSoftware/status/162281436114726912 Link2 >>> https://twitter.com/#!/splashdamage
  22. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/rtcw/RTCW_LOGO_LISTFIX.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifS4ndman (creator of S4ndmod) has made masterlist patches for RtCW 1.0, 1.0 with PB and 1.4b ! As everybody is well aware of by now, the RTCW server list has been down for some time. The future of the original RTCW masterserver does not look promising. I create patches that will allow clients/players to still get a server list. I would like to note that currently I am not hosting this server list. I have only created a pointer to another master server. Instructions for Clients: Download your type of RtCW version file and replace your current WolfMP.exe with it. Instructions for RTCW Server admins ! All RtCW Server admins this will require you to add this to you (server)config file: set sv_master5 "wolfmaster.s4ndmod.com" http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/d.gifS4ndman (Schöpfer vom S4ndmod) hat Masterlisten-Patche für RtCW 1.0, 1.0 mit PB und 1.4b erstellt ! Jeder weiß inzwischen, das die RTCW Serverliste schon seit einiger Zeit down ist und auch die Zukunft des ursprünglichen RTCW Haupt-Masterservers sieht nicht sehr vielversprechend aus. Ich habe jetzt Patche erstellt, die es Clients/Spielern erlauben, wieder eine Serverliste zu bekommen. Ich möchte dem noch hinzufügen, daß ich die neue Serverliste nicht selber Hoste. Ich habe nur einen Adress-Verweis auf einen anderen Hauptserver erstellt. Anweisungen für Clients/Spieler: Lade die passende Datei für deine RtCW-Version herunter und ersetze die WolfMP.exe mit deiner Vorhandenen. Anweisungen für RTCW Server Admins ! ALLE RtCW-Serververwalter müssen ihre (Server)Config anpassen und folgendes hinzufügen: set sv_master5 "wolfmaster.s4ndmod.com" RtCW List Patch 1.0RtCW List Patch 1.0+PBRtCW List Patch 1.4b
  23. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/sites/wolfmp-468.jpg http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifFietser of WolfMP has constructed an active RtCW 1.0 and 1.4 masterlist with the most important gameserver. >>> rtcwserverlist.wolfmp.com <<< Quelle: WolfMP | rtcw4ever
  24. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/maps/rabenhorst-final.jpg http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifSternschubser publishes his final version of the ET-Map Burg Rabenhorst (+KWmod) - The Allies try on the map to infiltrate a castle on a mountain, to steal secret documents over a weapon. ChangeNote: Respawn Time Axis 20s->25s Respawn Time Allied 15s->10s Axis loses forward spawn forever after first flag capture by allied. Allied loses forward spawn if flag is captured by axis, but can recapture it. Sewer gate destroyabele by dynamite -> by Stachel Spawn-protection zone for allied established. As axis spawn is unlikely to be under fire there is no zone necessary. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/maps/rabenhorst-2k.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/maps/rabenhorst-3k.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/maps/rabenhorst-4k.jpg Download or test the Map here Source: Splatterladder | rtcw4ever
  25. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/sites/wolfmp-468.jpg http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifFietser of WolfMP has constructed an active RtCW 1.0 and 1.4 masterlist with the most important gameserver. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/d.gifFietser von WolfMP hat eine aktive RtCW 1.0 und 1.4 Masterliste, mit den wichtigsten Gameservern, erstellt. >>> rtcwserverlist.wolfmp.com <<<
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