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Found 3 results

  1. 102 downloads

    Spree sounds pk3 ready for use with silent mod.
  2. if anyone has the recorded files to ET? Do I have to record them yourself from scratch? Revive Spree 3 sound/announces/revive3.wav Revive Spree 5 sound/announces/revive5.wav Revive Spree 10 sound/announces/revive10.wav Death Spree 10 sound/announces/deaths10.wav Death Spree 20 sound/announces/deaths20.wav Spree End by Enemy sound/announces/send.wav Spree End by Team Kill sound/announces/sendtk.wav Spree End by Self Kill sound/announces/sendsk.wav Spree End by Environment sound/announces/sendenv.wav
  3. My other thread got me thinking some more on sprees in general. I really like the option to have revive sprees because I think it really helps to encourage teamplay for medics instead of them just going for kills. I think it would be awesome if we could have a similar spree for engineers building and destroying objectives. This way engineers could get a bit of recognition if they are doing a great job, and maybe it would also encourage more players to be engineer. One decision that would need to be made would be whether or not to count partial objectives (with g_constructibleXPSharing enabled) towards the spree. In my opinion, I think that the person that completed the biggest share of the objective should be awarded and not the other player's that only contributed a little. That way, only one player would get awarded towards a spree for each objective.
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