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I'm trying to create a fun server  like  FUNBOY (FLIGHT SCHOOL) at  they have unlimited ammo, flying  well  sorta like flying,  low gravity, All Classes of players have their normal weapon plus panzsers. Anyone know how to set that up??  


I tried changing the gravity and weapon settings (nothing) .  


set g_gravity 800  ( tried lower settings, and higher setting (no luck) 
set g_weapons 12780 (my normal) I also tried 16384 and 29164 (with no luck) for unlimited ammo
set g_fixedphysics 0
set g_fixedphysicsfps 125
Please help.  
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probably the commands !panzerwar on and !crazygravity on :P


and on g_gravity the higher you set the "heavier" you get, and the lower you set it the "lighter" you get afaik flying :D


could also use lua to set your ammos and gravity :P

Edited by Purple
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sorry for all the questions, but I have looked everywhere for the answers/settings for unlimited ammo and panzers for all players/classes plus their regular weapons.  One of the FunBoy servers is running the silent mod and they have set it up with the panzers and unlimited ammo so I know it can be done. I've tried messaging them but no reply.  I'm hoping one of you will take pitty on a newbie server admin and help me out (please)


anyone know how to add unlimited ammo? 

anyone know how to give all players / classes a panzer

Edited by HunTer
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sorry for all the questions, but I have looked everywhere for the answers/settings for unlimited ammo and panzers for all players/classes plus their regular weapons.  One of the FunBoy servers is running the silent mod and they have set it up with the panzers and unlimited ammo so I know it can be done. I've tried messaging them but no reply.  I'm hoping one of you will take pitty on a newbie server admin and help me out (please)


anyone know how to add unlimited ammo? 

anyone know how to give all players / classes a panzer

These 2 commands


!panzerwar on ( gives every class a panzer and unlimited panzer ammo )

!crazygravity on ( changes the gravity every so many seconds )





Enables random g_gravity changes with 30 second interval. If enabled, the crazy gravity is automatically disabled at map end.

Syntax: !crazygravity (ON|OFF)

Permission Flag: C

Requires g_tyranny: No

Minimum required version: 0.6.2

Link: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#.21crazygravity





Enables panzerwar game mode. All the players will have their main weapon changed to panzerfaust.

Syntax: !panzerwar [on|off]

Permission Flag: q

Requires g_tyranny: No

Minimum required version: 0.2.0

Link: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#.21panzerwar


If you're still having problems with this please contact me on xfire: kyle26189 or skype:violentxmas and i can try to help you even more :P

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Thank you for the reply and the suggestions.. I understand what you're saying about crazygravity and panzerwar settings. Is there a way to keep crazygravity for all maps in the rotations? I thought about a autoexec.cfg file but it seemed to be more for player binds than server settings.   The FunBoy server (running silent mod) has figured out a way to give all players  panzers plus all the normal weapons for their class with unlimited ammo.  Their gravity settings don't end when the game / map is completed they stay on for all maps in the rotation. Sorry I do not have xfire or skype. Thank you again for the help!!

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I think the only way to achieve unlimited ammo and panzer to everyone is by using a Lua script. Adding panzer to every player should be easy, but giving unlimited ammo to the weapons player is currently carrying may be something more complicated. For changing the cravity, you could put it into the default.cfg in the mapconfigs directory.

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something like this should work gonna need some test i dont have any way to test it currently in poland using a toaster to type on.


weapons = {
	nil,	--// 1
	true,		--WP_LUGER,				// 2
	true,		--WP_MP40,				// 3
	true,		--WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER,		// 4
	true,		--WP_PANZERFAUST,			// 5
	true,		--WP_FLAMETHROWER,		// 6
	true,		--WP_COLT,				// 7	// equivalent american weapon to german luger
	true,		--WP_THOMPSON,			// 8	// equivalent american weapon to german mp40
	true,		--WP_GRENADE_PINEAPPLE,		// 9
\	true,		--WP_STEN,				// 10	// silenced sten sub-machinegun
	true,		--WP_MEDIC_SYRINGE,		// 11	// JPW NERVE -- broken out from CLASS_SPECIAL per Id request
	true,		--WP_AMMO,				// 12	// JPW NERVE likewise
	true,		--WP_ARTY,				// 13
	true,		--WP_SILENCER,			// 14	// used to be sp5
	true,		--WP_DYNAMITE,			// 15
	nil,		--// 16
	nil,		--// 17
	nil,		--// 18
	true,		--WP_MEDKIT,			// 19
	true,		--WP_BINOCULARS,			// 20
	nil,		--// 21
	nil,		--// 22
	true,		--WP_KAR98,				// 23	// WolfXP weapons
	true,		--WP_CARBINE,			// 24
	true,		--WP_GARAND,			// 25
	true,		--WP_LANDMINE,			// 26
	true,		--WP_SATCHEL,			// 27
	true,		--WP_SATCHEL_DET,			// 28
	nil,		--// 29
	true,		--WP_SMOKE_BOMB,			// 30
	true,		--WP_MOBILE_MG42,			// 31
	true,		--WP_K43,				// 32
	true,		--WP_FG42,				// 33
	nil,		--// 34
	true,		--WP_MORTAR,			// 35
	nil,		--// 36
	true,		--WP_AKIMBO_COLT,			// 37
	true,		--WP_AKIMBO_LUGER,		// 38
	nil,		--// 39
	nil,		--// 40
	true,		--WP_SILENCED_COLT,		// 41
	true,		--WP_GARAND_SCOPE,		// 42
	true,		--WP_K43_SCOPE,			// 43
	true,		--WP_FG42SCOPE,			// 44
	true,		--WP_MORTAR_SET,			// 45
	true,		--WP_MEDIC_ADRENALINE,		// 46

function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart)

	maxclients = tonumber( et.trap_Cvar_Get( "sv_maxClients" ) )

function et_RunFrame( levelTime )
    local AmmoAmount = "9999"
	for allplayers = 0, (maxclients - 1) do
      for guns = 1, (et.MAX_WEAPONS - 1), 1 do
            et.gentity_set(allplayers, "ps.ammo", weapons[guns], AmmoA

You will need to update the weapons table accordingly to this, just set all the values true, but the first one it should be nil


here is the updated silent weapons table




        silent = {
            { id = 0  , name = "WP_NONE"                                , nickname = "Unknown"                              },
            { id = 1  , name = "WP_KNIFE"                                 , nickname = "Knife"                                },
            { id = 2  , name = "WP_LUGAR"                               , nickname = "Luger"                                   },
            { id = 3  , name = "WP_MP40"                                   , nickname = "Mp40"                                 },
            { id = 4  , name = "WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER"                    , nickname = "Grenade Launcher"                     },
            { id = 5  , name = "WP_PANZERFAUST"                         , nickname = "Panzerfaust"                          },
            { id = 6  , name = "WP_FLAMETHROWER"                        , nickname = "Flamethrower"                         },
            { id = 7  , name = "WP_COLT"                                  , nickname = "Colt"                                 },
            { id = 8  , name = "WP_THOMPSON"                            , nickname = "Thompson"                             },
            { id = 9  , name = "WP_GRENADE_PINEAPPLE"                   , nickname = "Grenade Pineapple"                    },
            { id = 10 , name = "WP_STEN"                                   , nickname = "Sten"                                 },
            { id = 11 , name = "WP_MEDIC_SYRINGE"                       , nickname = "Medic Syringe"                        },
            { id = 12 , name = "WP_AMMO"                                 , nickname = "Ammo"                                 },
            { id = 13 , name = "WP_ARTY"                                   , nickname = "Arty"                                   },
            { id = 14 , name = "WP_SILENCER"                               , nickname = "Silencer"                             },
            { id = 15 , name = "WP_DYNAMITE"                            , nickname = "Dynamite"                             },
            { id = 16 , name = "WP_SMOKETRAIL"                          , nickname = "Smoketrail"                           },
            { id = 17 , name = "WP_MAPMORTAR"                            , nickname = "Mapmortar"                            },
            { id = 18 , name = "VERYBIGEXPLOSION"                       , nickname = "Verybigexplosion"                     },
            { id = 19 , name = "WP_MEDKIT"                               , nickname = "Medkit"                               },
            { id = 20 , name = "WP_BINOCULARS"                          , nickname = "Binoculars"                              },
            { id = 21 , name = "WP_PLIERS"                              , nickname = "Pliers"                               },
            { id = 22 , name = "WP_SMOKE_MARKER"                        , nickname = "Smoke Marker"                         },
            { id = 23 , name = "WP_KAR98"                               , nickname = "Kar98"                                   },
            { id = 24 , name = "WP_CARBINE"                             , nickname = "Carbine"                              },
            { id = 25 , name = "WP_GARAND"                                , nickname = "Garand"                               },
            { id = 26 , name = "WP_LANDMINE"                               , nickname = "Landmine"                             },
            { id = 27 , name = "WP_SATCHEL"                             , nickname = "Satchel"                              },
            { id = 28 , name = "WP_SATCHEL_DET"                            , nickname = "Satchel Det"                          },
            { id = 29 , name = "WP_TRIPMINE"                               , nickname = "Tripmine"                             },
            { id = 30 , name = "WP_SMOKE_BOMB"                          , nickname = "Smoke Bomb"                           },
            { id = 31 , name = "WP_MOBILE_MG42"                         , nickname = "Mobile Mg42"                          },
            { id = 32 , name = "WP_K43"                                  , nickname = "K43"                                  },
            { id = 33 , name = "WP_FG42"                                   , nickname = "Fg42"                                 },
            { id = 34 , name = "WP_DUMMY_MG42"                          , nickname = "Dummy Mg42"                           },
            { id = 35 , name = "WP_MORTAR"                              , nickname = "Mortar"                               },
            { id = 36 , name = "WP_LOCKPICK"                            , nickname = "Lockpick"                             },
            { id = 37 , name = "WP_AKIMBO_COLT"                         , nickname = "Akimbo Colt"                          },
            { id = 38 , name = "WP_AKIMBO_LUGER"                           , nickname = "Akimbo Luger"                         },
            { id = 39 , name = "WP_PPSH"                                   , nickname = "PPSH"                                   },
            { id = 40 , name = "WP_GPG40"                                  , nickname = "Gpg40"                                },
            { id = 41 , name = "WP_M7"                                    , nickname = "M7"                                   },
            { id = 42 , name = "WP_SILENCED_COLT"                       , nickname = "Silenced Colt"                        },
            { id = 43 , name = "WP_GARAND_SCOPE"                        , nickname = "Garand Scope"                         },
            { id = 44 , name = "WP_K43_SCOPE"                           , nickname = "K43 Scope"                            },
            { id = 45 , name = "WP_FG42SCOPE"                           , nickname = "FG42 Scope"                           },
            { id = 46 , name = "WP_MORTAR_SET"                          , nickname = "Mortar Set"                           },
            { id = 47 , name = "WP_MEDIC_ADRENALINE"                    , nickname = "Medic Adrenaline"                     },
            { id = 48 , name = "WP_AKIMBO_SILENCEDCOLT"                 , nickname = "Akimbo Silenced colt"                 },
            { id = 49 , name = "WP_AKIMBO_SILENCEDLUGER"                , nickname = "Akimbo Silenced luger"                },
            { id = 50 , name = "WP_MOBILE_MG42_SET"                        , nickname = "Mobile Mg42 Set"                      },


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I meant


set g_gravity 800  ( tried lower settings, and higher setting (no luck)

this one. If I remember right, it will reset automatically. The solution would be to set it on map start, which can be done with mapconfigs. If you want, you can instead use "!crazygravity on". Also, the mapconfigs can have any settings and commands, the configs are not limited for only svcar and forcecvar commands. In fact, those two force cvar settings in clients instead of setting them in the server. Every line in the mapconfig files is executed as an individual command.

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Copy that LUA script that purple posted above and place it in your silent directory (like 'weapons.lua' or something).   You'll need to update the script to factor in the silent-specific weapons (the second list he put), but basically you need an array with 51 items, either true or nil.   I think all should be "true" except the first one (WP_NONE).


What this script does is just constantly set ammo to 9999 for any weapon or weapon modifications (e.g. scoped) that they currently have.


Then add this to your config:

set lua_modules "weapons.lua"

Restart your server and test.

Edited by BECK
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Copy that LUA script that purple posted above and place it in your silent directory (like 'weapons.lua' or something).   You'll need to update the script to factor in the silent-specific weapons (the second list he put), but basically you need an array with 51 items, either true or nil.   I think all should be "true" except the first one (WP_NONE).


What this script does is just constantly set ammo to 9999 for any weapon or weapon modifications (e.g. scoped) that they currently have.


Then add this to your config:

set lua_modules "weapons.lua"

Restart your server and test.

Thanks didn't get time to post it (currently traveling europe).



Heres the updated version this "should" work i can't test as said before :) 

(everything is updated in this file just install as beth mentioned.)

Unlimited ammo and weapons for Hunter @ mygamingtalk
Credits: Purple & Lilly (my gf :DDD)



weapons = {
	nil,		-- WP_NONE 0
	true,		-- WP_KNIFE 1
	true,		-- WP_LUGER 2
	true,		-- WP_MP40 3
	true,		-- WP_PANZERFAUST 5
	true,		-- WP_FLAMETHROWER 6
	true,		-- WP_COLT 7
	true,		-- WP_THOMPSON 8
	true,		-- WP_STEN 10
	true,		-- WP_MEDIC_SYRINGE 11
	true,		-- WP_AMMO 12
	true,		-- WP_ARTY 13
	true,		-- WP_SILENCER 14
	true,		-- WP_DYNAMITE 15
	true,		-- WP_SMOKETRAIL 16
	true,		-- WP_MAPMORTAR 17
	true,		-- WP_MEDKIT 19
	true,		-- WP_BINOCULARS 20
	true,		-- WP_PLIERS 21
	true,		-- WP_SMOKE_MARKER 22
	true,		-- WP_KAR98 23
	true,		-- WP_CARBINE 24
	true,		-- WP_GARAND 25
	true,		-- WP_LANDMIND 26
	true,		-- WP_SATCHEL 27
	true,		-- WP_SATCHEL_DET 28
	true,		-- WP_TRIPMINE 29
	true,		-- WP_SMOKE_BOMB 30
	true,		-- WP_MOBILE_MG42 31
	true,		-- WP_K43 32
	true,		-- WP_FG42 33
	true,		-- WP_DUMMY_MG42 34
	true,		-- WP_MORTAR 35
	true,		-- WP_LOCKPICK 36
	true,		-- WP_AKIMBO_COLT 37
	true,		-- WP_AKIMBO_LUGER 38
	true,		-- WP_PPSH 39
	true,		-- WP_GPG40 40
	true,		-- WP_M7 41
	true,		-- WP_SILENCED_COLT 42
	true,		-- WP_GARAND_SCOPE 43
	true,		-- WP_K43_SCOPE 44
	true,		-- WP_FG42SCOPE 45
	true,		-- WP_MORTAR_SET 46
	true,		-- WP_MOBILE_MG42_SET 50

function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart)
	et.RegisterModname( "Unlimited Ammo & Guns" )
	maxclients = tonumber( et.trap_Cvar_Get( "sv_maxClients" ) )

function et_RunFrame( levelTime )
    local AmmoAmount = "9999"
	for allplayers = 0, (maxclients - 1) do
      for guns = 1, (et.MAX_WEAPONS - 1), 1 do
            et.gentity_set(allplayers, "ps.ammo", weapons[guns], AmmoAmount)
Edited by Purple
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Ok.......... I got purple's list saved and uploaded as a lua file (thank you - everyone for your help). I did a lua_status check and the file loaded :)  but no ammo change.  I do not understand what to do with the second file. Do I combine the 2 files or something else with second part of Purple's list the one that starts with:  

{ id = 0  , name = "WP_NONE"                                , nickname = "Unknown"                              },

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You should only have one LUA file.  It should contain everything from Purple's updated post (above your last question).   No combining is necessary at this point because Purple already did that for you.


He stated that is "should" work, but maybe there is something wrong with it.   


Are there any messages or errors in the console or game logs?




Could it be that the argument passed here is incorrect:

et.gentity_set(allplayers, "ps.ammo", weapons[guns], AmmoAmount)

Because if I understand the code, it is passing "true" or nil here, should it be passing a number instead?


I found this old script here on the forums that uses numbers:

function et_ClientSpawn(j,revived)
        if driammoclip == 1 then
                et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",3, 120) --mp40
                et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",8, 120) --thompson
                et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",10, 96) --sten

Maybe the solution is this:

function et_RunFrame( levelTime )
    local AmmoAmount = "9999"
	for allplayers = 0, (maxclients - 1) do
      for guns = 1, (et.MAX_WEAPONS - 1), 1 do
            et.gentity_set(allplayers, "ps.ammo", guns, AmmoAmount)

The change I made just passes the integer "guns" to the set method, and since we're starting at 1 anyway then we don't need the array at all (assuming you want unlimited ammo on all weapons).   Also, not sure but et.MAX_WEAPONS - 1 might end up ignoring the last weapon (item 50).

Edited by BECK
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You should only have one LUA file.  It should contain everything from Purple's updated post (above your last question).   No combining is necessary at this point because Purple already did that for you.


He stated that is "should" work, but maybe there is something wrong with it.   


Are there any messages or errors in the console or game logs?




Could it be that the argument passed here is incorrect:

et.gentity_set(allplayers, "ps.ammo", weapons[guns], AmmoAmount)

Because if I understand the code, it is passing "true" or nil here, should it be passing a number instead?


I found this old script here on the forums that uses numbers:

function et_ClientSpawn(j,revived)
        if driammoclip == 1 then
                et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",3, 120) --mp40
                et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",8, 120) --thompson
                et.gentity_set(j, "ps.ammo",10, 96) --sten

Maybe the solution is this:

function et_RunFrame( levelTime )
    local AmmoAmount = "9999"
	for allplayers = 0, (maxclients - 1) do
      for guns = 1, (et.MAX_WEAPONS - 1), 1 do
            et.gentity_set(allplayers, "ps.ammo", guns, AmmoAmount)

The change I made just passes the integer "guns" to the set method, and since we're starting at 1 anyway then we don't need the array at all (assuming you want unlimited ammo on all weapons).   Also, not sure but et.MAX_WEAPONS - 1 might end up ignoring the last weapon (item 50).

heh kinda funny you brought that old code up if you noticed the driammoclip part is part of my Code for my clan DRi (death row inmates). I  could do it that way i suppose, I was just trying to see if i could do it more easily with weapons tables. Ill try to post a updated one later.


edit: so i went on the server and the user doesnt use lua scripts so dunno how he did besides qmm/pyet or so, but yeah i can do this give me a bit and ill post an updated code.

Edited by Purple
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Shouldn't be any errors tried a different method (sets ammo on spawn like code beck posted) let me know if any guns etc are missing or ammo is not right :P

Unlimited ammo and weapons for Hunter @ mygamingtalk
Credits: Purple & Lilly (my gf :DDD)


function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart)
	et.RegisterModname( "Unlimited Ammo & Guns" )
	maxclients = tonumber( et.trap_Cvar_Get( "sv_maxClients" ) )

function et_ClientSpawn(clientNum,revived)

	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 2, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 3, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 4, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 5, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 6, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 7, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 8, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 9, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 10, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 11, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 12, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 13, 9999)  
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 15, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 23, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 24, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 25, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 26, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 29, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 31, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 32, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 33, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 35, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 37, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 38, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 39, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 42, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 43, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 44, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 45, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 47, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 48, 9999)
	et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 49, 9999)
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wow you are great purple!!!!!

thanks to everyone for the help! Well done!! :)

One last question:  is there a way to give everyone a panzer with fast recharge plus their regular weapons?


the server is at: Lock_&_Load_Crazygravity_Unlimited_ammo

Edited by HunTer
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wow you are great purple!!!!!

thanks to everyone for the help! Well done!! :)

One last question:  is there a way to give everyone a panzer with fast recharge plus their regular weapons?


the server is at: Lock_&_Load_Crazygravity_Unlimited_ammo

for the charge time here is the settings on the wiki that you will need to edit in your server config



as for the panzer will have to give me some time to think because when i was making my gungame mod the only way i could get other classes weapons to change was to latch them to a the class afaik Soldier or CovertOps and had to gib them.

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