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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/12 in all areas

  1. gaoesa


    Changing the weapon definitions freely would create very random game experiences. Especially the grenade time is something that should never be changed because no one would know how to use it with random ticks. There would be a huge load of bug reports to our tracker It is not changeable in any mod and it is unlikely that it will ever be. http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/58-feature-request/
    2 points
  2. BECK


    Oh, one more thing - because I don't want my post to seem like some sort of attack. I can't blame you at all for making a request for change, I've done them myself - I salute you for making a suggestion to make the mod better, I really love reading and pondering suggested improvements to silEnT. Sorry if I have come off as negative or combative, I'm really not trying to flame anyone for making a simple suggestion .
    1 point
  3. Dragonji


    1 point
  4. BECK

    Jaymod-like settings?

    See, and I came from ETPub - as a long time server admin on an ETPub server, I was really glad to see silEnT pick up the torch and morph that great MOD into what silEnT is. Even though ETPub is coming back, I am now a converted silEnT guy and have no interest in keeping up with ETPub.
    1 point
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