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  1. @beck if you download our pk3 file either from our silent server (abcsilent.abcclan.org) or from here and have a look inside it you will see how it is done. Else pm me. @Larrywall Yes it is possible have a look inside our pk3 file to see. Briefly you need to edit wm_quickmessageAlt.menu If you look through this above you should see where the edits are. Then you need to edit the wm_allies_chat.voice and the wm_axis_chat.voice This above was added in at the end of the existing file. More info. If you look at this line QM_MENU_ITEM( "1. ^7Monty Python", exec "VoiceChat Monty"; close wm_ABC_Sounds, "1", 1 ) [name shown in menu], exec"VoiceChat [name of voicechat] So when this is selected off quick chat it will play from wm_allies_chat.voice So different people will hear a different message. Good luck if you followed that.
    3 points
  2. heh, you just assume Petty arguments aside, I can share it here for you or anyone else who wants to do custom sounds this way. The advantage of this is that you can restrict certain sounds by shrubbot level. We use this as a small benefit for regulars, vip regulars and members. In full disclosure, another member of IoW wrote these scripts, so I can't really help you if things aren't working or this is poorly written or wrong or causes your server to crash. Use at your own risk! All I know is, it works... First you need formatting.lua. I think it was supposed to be a general purpose utility script that is shared by other scripts. function makeDisplayString(text, color, length, alignment) -- Initialize display string local displayString -- Get the display length of the text local textDisplayLength = displayLength(text) -- If the text display length fits in the desired display length if textDisplayLength <= length then -- Create enough padding to make the text the correct length for display local padding = "" for i = 1, length - textDisplayLength do padding = padding .. ' ' end -- If alignment is set to centered if alignment == "center" and string.len(padding) >= 2 then -- Find the middle of the padding and put each half on one side of the string local paddingSplitPoint = math.floor(string.len(padding) / 2) displayString = string.sub(padding, 1, paddingSplitPoint) .. text .. string.sub(padding, paddingSplitPoint + 1) -- Otherwise, if alignment was set to right elseif alignment == "right" then -- Put the padding at the beginning of the string displayString = padding .. text else -- Otherwise add the padding to the end of the string (left aligned) displayString = text .. padding end -- If the text is too big to fit in the desired display length else -- If the display length was specified as a very low number (so can't display the text properly) if length <= 3 then -- Fill the display length with dots displayString = "" for i = 1, length do displayString = displayString .. '.' end -- Otherwise, the display length has enough space to show part of the text else -- Create a table to hold parts of the text (chunks beginning with a color code [if possible]) local textTable = {} -- Split up the text into color coded pieces until there is no more text local moreText = true while moreText do -- Try to find the first occurence of a color code local firstColorCodeLocation = string.find(text, "%^[^%^]") -- Initialize text part local textPart -- If there are no color codes in the text if not firstColorCodeLocation then -- Set the text part to the entire text and specify that there is no more text to add textPart = text moreText = false -- Otherwise, a color code was found else -- If the first color code is not at the beginning of the text if firstColorCodeLocation > 1 then -- Set the text part to the text leading up to the first color code textPart = string.sub(text, 1, firstColorCodeLocation - 1) -- Otherwise, the first color code is at the beginning of the text else -- Attempt to find the second color code local secondColorCodeLocation = string.find(text, "%^[^%^]", firstColorCodeLocation + 2) -- If the second color code is found if secondColorCodeLocation then -- Set the text part to be the text leading up to the second color code (including the first one) textPart = string.sub(text, 1, secondColorCodeLocation - 1) else -- Otherwise, set the text part to the entire remaining text and specify that there is no more text to add textPart = text moreText = false end end -- After determining a text part for the table remove that part from the text text = string.sub(text, string.len(textPart) + 1) end -- Add the text part to the table table.insert(textTable, textPart) end -- Set the amount of text needed to fill the desired display length (not including the ellipses) local displayTextNeeded = length - 3 -- Initialize the display string that will hold the display text displayString = "" -- While more text is needed while displayTextNeeded > 0 do -- Get the next text part from the table and remove the table entry for it local nextTextPart = textTable[1] table.remove(textTable, 1) -- If the text part begins with a color code if string.find(nextTextPart, "%^[^%^]") then -- Get the amount of text needed from the text part (or as much as possible) and update the text needed nextTextPart = string.sub(nextTextPart, 1, displayTextNeeded + 2) displayTextNeeded = displayTextNeeded - (string.len(nextTextPart) - 2) -- Otherwise, there is no color code in the text part else -- Get the amount of text needed from the text part (or as much as possible) and update the text needed nextTextPart = string.sub(nextTextPart, 1, displayTextNeeded) displayTextNeeded = displayTextNeeded - string.len(nextTextPart) end -- Add the text part to the display string displayString = displayString .. nextTextPart end -- Now that no more text is needed, add ellipses to show that it didn't fit displayString = displayString .. colorString("...", color) end end displayString = colorString(displayString, color) -- return the formatted string return displayString end function colorString(text, color) if color then -- If text does not begin with a color code if string.find(text, "%^[^%^]") ~= 1 then -- Add the color code to the beginning of the text text = '^' .. color .. text end end -- Return text with color code return text end function displayLength(text) -- Initialize the display length to the full length of the text local textDisplayLength = string.len(text) -- Loop through each color code for colorCode in string.gmatch(text, "%^[^%^]") do -- Subtract the color code characters from the display length textDisplayLength = textDisplayLength - string.len(colorCode) end return textDisplayLength end function makeLine(character, length) -- Initialize the line string local line = "" -- Add characters until the string is as long as specified for i = 1, length do line = line .. character end -- Return the print line return line end function trim(s, side) -- Initialize the number of spaces removed to 0 local i = 0 -- If the right side was not specified if side ~= 'r' then -- While there are spaces at the beginning of the string while string.find(s, "^%s") do -- Remove the first space and increment counter s = string.gsub(s, "^%s", "") i = i + 1 end end -- If the left side was not specified if side ~= 'l' then -- While there are spaces at the end of the string while string.find(s, "%s$") do -- Remove the last space and increment counter s = string.gsub(s, "%s$", "") i = i + 1 end end -- Return the trimmed string and the amount of spaces removed return s, i end function printETLine(clientNum, text) -- Print the specified text into the specified client's console if clientNum ~= "[i]" then et.trap_SendServerCommand(clientNum, 'print "' .. text .. '\n"') else et.G_Print( text ) end end function printMessage(clientNum, text, messageType) -- Print the specified text into the specified client's console if clientNum ~= "[i]" then et.trap_SendServerCommand(clientNum, messageType .. ' "' .. text .. '"') else et.G_Print( text ) end end Then playsound.lua contains the command implementation require("formatting") -- Initialize a table to hold all possible sounds soundTable = {} -- Initialize a table to hold all players playsound cvar values playsoundCvarTable = {} function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) -- Read sounds into soundTable local configFile, length = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile("playsound.cfg", et.FS_READ) -- If there were no errors opening the file if length ~= -1 then -- Read data from config file and close it local soundData = et.trap_FS_Read(configFile, length) et.trap_FS_FCloseFile(configFile) -- For each sound block in config file for soundBlock in string.gmatch(soundData, "[%w%-_]+[%s\n\r]+%b{}") do -- Get the sound command name local sound = string.match(soundBlock, "[%w%-_]+") -- Initialize parameter table for the sound command local soundParameterTable = {} -- Get level required from the sound block soundParameterTable["level"] = tonumber(string.sub(string.match(soundBlock, "level:[%d_]+"), 7)) -- Get a list of sound filenames from the sound block local soundFilenameList = {} for soundFilenameLine in string.gmatch(soundBlock, "sound:[%w%-_]+.wav") do local soundFilename = string.sub(soundFilenameLine, 7) table.insert(soundFilenameList, soundFilename) end soundParameterTable["sounds"] = soundFilenameList -- Add the sound parameters to the sound table soundTable[string.lower(sound)] = soundParameterTable end end end function et_CvarValue(clientNum, cvar, value) -- Add the cvar value to the script cvar table playsoundCvarTable[clientNum][cvar] = value end function et_ClientConnect(clientNum, firstTime, isBot) -- Querry server to get cvar value et.G_QueryClientCvar(clientNum, "playsound_method") -- Initialize the playsound_method cvar to nil since we do not know the value yet local clientCvarValueTable = {} -- Add client to the cvar table playsoundCvarTable[clientNum] = clientCvarValueTable -- Return nil to indicate that the player was not rejected by this function return nil end function et_ClientDisconnect(clientNum) -- Remove the player from the playsound cvar table playsoundCvarTable[clientNum] = nil end function et_ConsoleCommand(command) -- If client executed play command from console if string.lower(et.trap_Argv(0)) == "play" then -- If there were at least 3 parameters (including command name) if et.trap_Argc() >= 3 then -- Get client's admin level local clientNum=0 local clientLevel=0 if et.trap_Argv(1) == "[i]" then -- When CONSOLE executes this command, there is no clientNum. So we force the value to 50 -- Avoids a server crash, which is always good clientLevel = 50 else clientNum = et.trap_Argv(1) clientLevel = et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) end -- Get sound client passed as a parameter local sound = et.trap_Argv(2) -- Get the parameter table for the requested sound local soundParameterTable = soundTable[string.lower(sound)] -- If the sound exists if soundParameterTable then -- Get the level required to play the sound local level = soundParameterTable["level"] -- If the client has high enough level if clientLevel >= level then -- Choose a random sound from the parameters local soundFilename = soundParameterTable["sounds"][math.random(# soundParameterTable["sounds"])] -- -- Play the sound -- local soundPath = "sound/playsound/" .. soundFilename -- -- et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW, soundCommand) -- et.G_globalSound(soundPath) -- Loop through the clients and play sound based on their cvar playsound_method for slot, clientCvarValueTable in pairs(playsoundCvarTable) do local playsoundMethod = clientCvarValueTable["playsound_method"] or "sound" if playsoundMethod == "sound" then -- Play the sound for the client local soundPath = "sound/playsound/" .. soundFilename local soundIndex = et.G_SoundIndex(soundPath) et.G_ClientSound(slot, soundIndex) end if playsoundMethod == "text" then local soundText = soundParameterTable["text"] -- Send message to the client showing the text version of the sound command printETLine(slot, soundText) printETLine(slot, "test") end end else -- Otherwise warn client that they do not have high enough level printETLine(clientNum, "^oplay: ^7Permission denied") end else -- Otherwise inform client that the sound doesn't exist printETLine(clientNum, "^oplay: ^7The sound you specified does not exist") end else -- Otherwise inform client that they need to specify a sound name printETLine(clientNum, "^oplay: ^7You must specify a sound name") end -- Return 1 to indicate that the command was handled by this function return 1 end if string.lower(et.trap_Argv(0)) == "listsounds" then -- Initialize display variables local columnSeparator = " " local lineCharacter = '-' local borderColor = '9' local textColor = 'f' local columnWidth = 12 local numberColumns = 6 -- Get client's admin level local clientNum=0 local clientLevel=0 if et.trap_Argv(1) == "[i]" then -- When CONSOLE executes this command, there is no clientNum. So we force the value to 50 -- Avoids a server crash, which is always good clientLevel = 50 else clientNum = et.trap_Argv(1) clientLevel = et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) end -- Create a table to hold sounds available to the client local playerSoundTable = {} -- For each sound in the sound table for sound, parameterTable in pairs(soundTable) do -- If the client has high enough level if clientLevel >= parameterTable['level'] then -- Add sound to player sound table table.insert(playerSoundTable, sound) end end -- Sort player sound table in alphebetical order table.sort(playerSoundTable) -- Get number of characters that would be removed from the trimmed separator local trimmedSeparator, charactersRemoved = trim(columnSeparator) -- Determine line length based on number of columns, column width, and the separator display length local lineLength = (columnWidth * numberColumns) + (displayLength(columnSeparator) * (numberColumns + 1)) - charactersRemoved -- Print a line to act as the top border of the chart -- printETLine(clientNum, colorString(makeLine(lineCharacter, lineLength), borderColor)) -- While there are sounds in the player sound table while # playerSoundTable > 0 do -- Initialize line holding sound names local soundsLine = colorString(trim(columnSeparator, 'l'), borderColor) -- For each column for i = 1, numberColumns do -- Add the sound from the beginning of the list soundsLine = soundsLine .. makeDisplayString(playerSoundTable[1] or '', textColor, columnWidth, "left") -- If this is not the last column if i < numberColumns then -- Add a separator (column border) soundsLine = soundsLine .. colorString(columnSeparator, borderColor) else -- Otherwise add a separator with the right side trimmed soundsLine = soundsLine .. colorString(trim(columnSeparator, 'r'), borderColor) end -- Remove first sound from the beginning of the table table.remove(playerSoundTable, 1) end -- Print the sound line followed by a border line printETLine(clientNum, soundsLine) -- printETLine(clientNum, colorString(makeLine(lineCharacter, lineLength), borderColor)) end -- Return 1 to indicate that the command was handled by this function return 1 end -- Return 0 to pass any command for standard et processing return 0 end There is some stuff in here about having clients opt out of the sounds, but I don't think it was ever finished nor does it work AFAIK. But take them as-is if you like. Next, the format of the playsound.cfg file is this: wewin { level:1 sound:the_game.wav } ... So you've got the command (as in !play wewin), the minimum shrubbot level required to use the sound (note all higher levels can use it), then the sound file name itself. The sound file must be in 'sound/playsound/' in your pk3 file, or else you can change the path coded in the playsound.lua file. But this way, you can just edit playsound.cfg to add your sounds, the command string and level required to run it. No end to the amount of sounds you can have. Next, define the commands in your shrubbot.cfg file: [command] command = ^bplay exec = play [i] [1] desc = Play a sound syntax = levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 [command] command = ^blistsounds exec = listsounds [i] desc = List all sounds syntax = levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 Finally, be sure to include the LUA scripts in your et config files: set lua_modules "playsound.lua"
    1 point
  3. Awesomeness, I have my work cut out for me it seems lol Thanks for the help!
    1 point
  4. Cool - haha, here I thought I was being helpful and I'm the one being helped. Thanks guys!
    1 point
  5. Look here: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#Shrubbot_Files What you're wanting to do is create a [COMMAND] in your shrubbot file, like this: [command] command = mycustomsound exec = playsound sound/misc/mycustomsound.wav desc = levels = 1 2 3 4 Then use !mycustomsound to execute it. This assumes that your PK3 file has the sound in the relative folder shown in the example.
    1 point
  6. What he means is we have stuff like: !play goodgame or !play welose or !play fu or other stuff like that. So one custom command that accepts a parameter that determines the sound that is played. Our !play command is like this: [command] command = ^bplay exec = play [i] [1] desc = Play a sound syntax = levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 But it does use a custom LUA script that configures what sounds are available and at what shrubbot level. We did it because there is (was?) a limit of 63 custom commands and we wanted WAY more. I suppose you could do what fanboi has with one change: [command] command = ^bplay exec = playsound sound/misc/[1].wav desc = Play a sound syntax = levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 that might work - but then people would have to know what sounds you have in your custom pak. EDIT: Oh, and because we manage this through LUA and config files, we also have a !listsounds command that displays the sounds available for each shrubbot level.
    1 point
  7. hey u mean this? [command] command = perfo exec = playsound sound/misc/perfo.wavdesc = levels = 60 50 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 create a pk3 file ..folder: sound than misc folder or whatever ..put your sound in this misc folder ..thats the way ...
    1 point
  8. Below are my settings for xpsave. For the save period 'set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp 2o' this refers to 2 months. s - seconds m - minutes d - days o - months y - years I think the period you are using is abit ott as 9999999999999 days is something like 27 billion years give or take. Maybe change it to something more sensible. I don't know if there is a max time for this data to be stored maybe Gaoesa could answer that. As for the sound issue. Make sure the pk3 file is in the correct location, the silent folder. If not done so check out this link http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Sounds and check that the file names are spelt correctly and that you have not used capital letters in the folder or file names inside your pk3 file. The pk3 file should get downloaded automatically from your server. but make sure the server has been restarted after uploading the pk3 file. NOTE Just re read your post and if the text there is right you have an 's' on the end of sound which should not be there.
    1 point
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