The headshot damage is obviously exactly the same in PPSh and other SMG weapons. In default settings. EDIT: Just for the record, all this PPSh is overpowered is just an emotional thing coming from the players not being able to handle the thought of someone being better in a situation. The gun sound plays a role in that too. I had the same issue myself in the beginning. However, when players I considered good aimers started using it, I got rid of that problem. I noticed it didn't change the gun fights at all. Another fact is that we couldn't make it overpowered. In the beginning I was for making it strong because at the time, playing medic was too easy for me. I've always been quite dedicated medic. I just got hooked into the adrenaline for fast decision making between revives and shooting enemies. That is also the reason why it was not made available for the medics. silEnT mod is a public server mod so all the balance talk of scrims never applies to this mod. On a pub server at least half of the team is not playing exactly for the same objective on the same level. Even on objective style servers. You can be sure that it was carefully looked so that an engineer with a PPSh is not an overpowered rambo engineer.