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Everything posted by Mateos

  1. Good evening, I wanted to edit the DrawSpawns ETUtil function/console command to render the Axis spawns in red and Allied ones in blue GetEntTeam doesn't work on CLASS.PLAYERSTART entity (returns null), and perhaps editing the C++ code can have side-effects (if some entity filtering is done using this command, and this kind of entity isn't supposed to be returned) I thought about reading the classname value to do the discrimination, but can't find any existing example in the GM files How to do so? Thank you
  2. Ah, wasn't precise enough regarding the table, I meant something like: Wp.SetWaypointFlag( "waypoint_name_given_to_several_waypoints", { "axis", "door" }, true );
  3. Good afternoon, I'm doing waypoints for a map which has team doors getting removed/added depending on destructibles I have set the same name for multiple waypoints to add/remove the team and door flags, so it only takes 1 call to Wp.SetWaypointFlag per flag (with a function being passed true/false ofc) Well, that's what I thought ^^' It is only performed on the 1st waypoint (lowest UID) It does look like an overlook, since there's no issue naming several waypoints the same way (they have their UID), and I don't see the point giving each waypoint a different name to have a different call to the function ^^' Extra question, haven't tried it: can a table be passed to that function? According to Wiki only a string is expected
  4. Good morning, I tried to run the cvp command on the Tank for the map Ruins of Acquiesce (ruins23), but it fails as follows: /bot cvp BUILD_neotics_tank CheckVehiclePath: Goal BUILD_neotics_tank is not vehicle According to the message, I'm doing the correct thing, but for some reason OB doesn't recognise the BUILD goal as a vehicle? I have a restricted connection as of now, so I can't provide a map download link, sorry ^^' Thank you in advance
  5. Good evening, I'm trying to implement the path through switch logic in ETL Warbell to allow Allied bots to get back to the first map area if they loose the flag; there are doors connected to a generator that can be opened by Allies through switches But the bots stay aside the waypoint targeted by the WaypointName field, reducing the radius doesn't help I tried to move closer the waypoint, but that isn't quite logic; and I don't see why it works elsewhere (e. g. other maps), but not in my case Attached the waypoints, map download link: https://www.etlegacy.com/packages/etl_warbell_v2 Also attached a screenshot Thank you in advance etl_warbell_path_through_switch_issue.zip
  6. Good morning, When playing the map through the OB mod, inside or outside the warmup, bots ride the Boat When playing through the silEnT mod, they ride it only during the warmup... Seen it online, reproduced locally, with devmap and through the hosting menu; clean 0.9.0 mod install The console prints once reachability issues, then nothing more Map download: either https://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=584 (original) or https://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=585 (fixed) Mod download: https://mygamingtalk.com/forums/files/file/38-silent/ Any idea why this is happening? Thanks in advance Regards Mateos
  7. Alright, I'll adjust these things; didn't know it could cause that much trouble, thank you Edit: Even MOVER_tank, used by ESCORT and MOUNT goals?
  8. Good evening, Axis bots seem to have trouble planting the Closet Door on that map; they keep switching between planting and roaming at a fast pace With the current waypoint on Assembla repo, with a little timescale command, you can quickly see an Axis Engi bot doing the necessary to reach that goal then glitch as pointed above Seen locally and online on a dedicated server Map download link: https://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=771 Could someone please take a look?
  9. Good afternoon, On Christmas Hills, Axis can fire rockets at Allied Spawn every 46 seconds I'm looking for a way to tell Axis to not use the button during that time frame, but there is nothing printed in the console when using /bot debugtriggers on Is this possible? ^^' Map download link: https://www.harryhomers.org/et/download/etmain/hills_beta.pk3 Regards
  10. Good morning, Thank you for your answer I knew the ID could change depending on the compilation build but not with mods, yeah right mods injecting entities There's one spawn without a name so I'll go with an hardcoded constant then, and names with the other ones
  11. Good morning, I have a question regarding the team_WOLF_objective game entity I tried to grab their position using (example map: [uJE] Cathedral, after /entitylist): GetEntWorldAABB( GetGameEntityFromId( 102 ) ).CenterPoint() But it returns (0, 0, 0) I was wondering if these are special entities that don't have a position, or is it an OB-sided thingy, or something else? I know I can just define constants by hand, but I was wondering this still Thank you
  12. Alright; also tried meanwhile to put the role in both team tables, without luck So I'll be going with tinkering the range, thank you!
  13. Good afternoon, A little question regarding a goal shared by the 2 teams, but for which I'd like to give a role just for one team For instance, a neutral CP, for which on Allied side any spawn is equidistant, but that's not the case for Axis The idea was to give Axis a role so there's at least a bot or two having a different, closer spawn, and going for it But, once set, the Allies basically just ignore it Is it required to have a role on both teams in order for it to work like this? At this point of the map, the objective is straight, so there were no roles from that point, if this is a piece of information that can interfere Extra question: Can I modify an existing role to 'reuse' it, like Map.Roles.ALLIES.ATTACKER3.spawnpt = 0;? IIRC I've tested or previously asked, but the old forums are gone ^^' Or is it, like, statically loaded on map load, and then it's over? Thank you
  14. Good evening, I've just played the map online and noticed the Allies weren't planting the Main Radiomast (main objective with 2 radar parts to steal and secure) I've loaded up the map with its waypoints, drawn the PLANT_.* goals, and I saw there were no goal In case I've renamed the _goals file to something else, to start fresh, same result I've then created a custom PLANT goal called Main_Radiomast through the V menu I couldn't edit it for cover spot, so I did a map_restart, after a goal_save ofc Another draw_goals And then... a PLANT_Radiomast_1 is drawn! But not my PLANT_Radiomast! Commenting out my custom one and removing the _1 from the other, map_restart, not drawn again! The current map script handles that PLANT_Main_Radiomast_1, but the bots don't seem to do it Can someone confirm this? Map download link (based on PK3 name): https://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=1030 Regards Mateos
  15. Oh OK Is there a way to detect when the game (ET, perhaps RtCW) is paused then? :/ Other than verifying that the time hasn't passed between 2 checks ^^'
  16. Good afternoon, In my local copy of the old wiki, in the Bot Library documentation, it was said for GetGameState: But when the game is paused, it still returns "Playing" Am I missing something? ^^'
  17. Yup, I've seen your commit earlier, I'll simplify my waypoints accordingly (especially that setting a null will affect tableCount accordingly) So that means the next OnExit is called after the previous one is over if no sleep/yield, that will also simplify the thingy! Thank you very much!
  18. Tested and it's fine as long as the Team isn't tested, may it be team switch/joining spec/disconnecting
  19. That were the first thought I had, I'll have to protect that table writing with a mutual exclusion because I will do that check not only on Enter/Exit events but through a thread that will be running while the objective is taken... But if that's faster than cycling through players then I'll go this way Will I have to be careful with disconnections? Like in the role management in the OB internal GM scripts, or do they trigger the Exit event?
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