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  1. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in About GRENADE and WatchForProjectile   
    The trigger distance is not from the target goal, but from a grenade. If somebody is standing just beside a bot, then his thrown grenade immediately enters the radius. It would be necessary to calculate trajectory of a grenade and predict coordinates of explosion. Maybe I could use some code from the mortar goal.
    I agree with your other suggestions and I added them to my to-do list.
  2. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Roles - Having n bot taking a role and all the other bots taking an other one automatically   
    I updated goal_rolemanager.gm now so that you can use AllBots=true to assign all other bots to that role:
    Roles = { ALLIES = { AllBots = true, DEFENDER1 = { numbots = 2, }, DEFENDER2 = { numbots = 2, AllBots = true, }, }, },  
  3. Sad
    Mateos reacted to palota in Mobile mortar bot not going for in-range available AMMOCAB when out of ammo   
    You increased the range of the MORTAR goal. But you have to increase the range of the AMMOCAB goal which is only 1250.
    AMMOCAB_main_ammocabinet = { CreateOnLoad = 0, GoalType = "AMMOCAB", Position = Vec3(1512.000, 939.000, 516.000), Range = 1250, TeamAvailability = 6, },  
  4. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Path through switch - Delay between map trigger and OB script trigger   
    Here's my solution:  voilegarde_b3.gm
  5. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to TomekKromek in Path through switch - Delay between map trigger and OB script trigger   

    That's my solution. Not the cleanest solution but from my testing it works. For checking if the doors are opening and eventually opened I use "rightlabdoor_button_Moving". 
    Check Right_Lab_Door_Moving2 to see what I did there.
  6. Like
    Mateos reacted to MickyP in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    1st test with new binaries looking good thanks
    Just need to get the rest of the DMS working

  7. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    I uploaded new omnibot mod binaries for Windows 32bit to my Google drive.
  8. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    I will increase MAX_MENUS from 64 to 128 in the next Omnibot mod version.
  9. Like
    Mateos reacted to MickyP in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    It's about 93% done

    1% tweaks / code clean up
    1% cheat menu minor fix's (getting sv_cheats within the game was a challenge, but got working)

    5% is the goal/target/waypoint etc naming.

    This last 5% is where I can't go any further.
    I can see the new coding in cg_main.c, I just don't have the understanding of c++ to compile this for testing.

    I have managed to get a text box to work but I have no idea if what I've done will work for naming the goals etc.
    I know there is a issue with the text not clearing after pressing ok, i'm unsure why this is.

    This last bit is where I'm stuck
    Is it possible for someone could check my coding to see if this would work & if possible compile the code to test this.
    The code is over 10,000 lines so it's not possible to post in the forum, I could upload into the ET repo on Assembla if thats ok or is there another option (never used github).
    If someone could let me know on here or via PM please

    Here's a few pictures of the DMS for you to see:

  10. Like
    Mateos got a reaction from PuNkReAS in Parse error with '!' in goals file   
    You can remove these in OnMapLoad and manually recreate them in-game through the console, using /bot goal_setproperty for all custom required properties
  11. Like
    Mateos reacted to Scott Ward in Howdy All   
    Some "may" know / remember me as BubbaG1 - would have used that as my display name but assumed I would add that later.  Silly me!
    I was with the **DRC** (Das Rebellion Clan) for Enemy Territory and helped with waypointing / scripting for a hot minute.  A few of us are playing ETL so figured I would help again, where I can.  Will have to get back up-to-speed on what is possible.
    Great to see this crew is still around and enjoying the games.
    I am an old phart that primarily does web development / IT now for a company based in Stuttgart, Germany though I am located in Central USA.
  12. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in mlb_daybreak   
    It's a bug in the legacy mod since version 2.76. It happens on all maps with multiple MG42s. The same problem is on goldrush map. I created an issue on  Github.
  13. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    Those commands were not coded into RTCW mod. I added them to GitHub now. They will be included in the next Omni-bot version.
    Will you make any waypoints for RTCW ?
  14. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in RTCW Waypointing/Goals menu   
    I have just moved commands stuckstart, stucknext, saveplayerpos, saveusepoint, warpanybot, warptogoaloffset, cleargoalflags  from et to global_scripts so that they can be used both in ET and RTCW.
  15. Thanks
    Mateos got a reaction from PuNkReAS in Gate opening not working   
    If you don't script any restriction, it's the same for all bots
  16. Thanks
    Mateos got a reaction from PuNkReAS in Gate opening not working   
    First problem: https://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/Paththrough_UseSwitch
    Other problem: You'll probably have 2 CAPPOINT goals, just have 1 enabled for Axis and 1 for Allies
  17. Like
    Mateos got a reaction from PuNkReAS in Mirroring the routes of bots   
    Waypoint Commands - MyGamingTalk
  18. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Temporarily disable a specific bot shooting   
    If you need to suspend mortar shooting for a specific goal, you can try to change Map.DontShootMortar to this.MapGoal.DontShootMortar.
  19. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Temporarily disable a specific bot shooting   
    I committed modified goal_mobilemortar.gm to SVN, so it's available to all.
  20. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Temporarily disable a specific bot shooting   
    The command dontshoot is used to disable attacking enemies. It does not work for scripted goals (mortar, grenade, airstrike).
    You can modify line 72 in file goal_mobilemortar.gm:
    if (!Map.DontShootMortar) { this.Bot.FireWeapon(); } Then set Map.DontShootMortar in planted/defused/destroyed triggers.
  21. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Legacy mod new weapons support   
    I added MP34.
    Other weapons don't need to be handled in et_weapontables.gm because they have the same ID as original weapons.
  22. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in Question about GameId number   
    We can't use ent->s.number because Omni-bot runs it its own DLL and does not have access to internal data structures of the game.
    You can use TraceLine function to get entity ID.
  23. Thanks
    Mateos reacted to palota in V1 Rocket (Beta 2) - SWITCH entity triggered if bot in-game at map start in silEnT mod only...   
    If there is at least one bot, then OnMapLoad is called immediately before OnBotJoin. If there are no bots, then OnMapLoad is called from BotUpdate. It depends on mod when it sends GAME_CLIENTCONNECTED event and when it calls BotUpdate function. Your gm map script should not depend on specific time when OnMapLoad is called. It can be one time frame earlier in silEnT.
    The door lever is always moved at the beginning of the game. Your trigger function will be called only if it is registered by OnTrigger. The trigger is missed if OnTrigger is called after the lever has moved.
    You can fix it by moving line OnTrigger( "rocdoor_lever1_Moving", Map.rocdoor_Moving ) to the end of OnMapLoad and insert sleep(1) before it.
  24. Like
    Mateos got a reaction from PuNkReAS in Disabling combat movement in path through (re-enabling it in OnExit ofc/automatically?)   
    Good evening,
    I've just refreshed old waypoints I was asked for years ago for Missing in Action v1: Wolffiles.de - your filebase
    The main objective is to pick up 3 MIAs being held in bamboo cages
    It requires precise positioning and aiming (stance, as crouch, helps a lot, but isn't required)
    When Allied bots have Axis enemies in sight, they'll do combat movement (but seem to keep the highly prioritized aiming, thus not engaging shooting, so that's fine to my mind), breaking that precision scripted in related path through navigation tables
    Is it possible to disable CM like for ATTACK/CAMP/DEFEND spots through script?
    Can it be re-enabled automatically upon exiting, or will it require an instruction in OnExit table?
    Thanks in advance
  25. Like
    Mateos reacted to palota in Mortar to track MOVER - Aim is adjusted after shooting, not right before   
    I modified goal_mobilemortar.gm and commited it to SVN.
    Position in front of the tank is GetEntityWorldSpace( GetGoal("MOVER_tank").GetEntity(), Vec3(0,250,0) )
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