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    Novice got a reaction from Chuckun in !aliases [NAME|SLOT|silEnT GUID]   
    Sorry didn't know !userinfo [silentid] aliases existed, good work!
  2. Like
    Novice got a reaction from hellreturn in Prevent muted players from renaming   
    I think this will be a helpful feature for admins in dealing with troubled players when a simple mute can diffuse the problem.
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    Novice reacted to =EMP=Avery13 in Commands   
    I know this is something that jaymod has had for a long time now, and I don't want it to sound like silent is turning into jaymod, but it helps. Can we get it to when typing in commands, you only have to type in part of the command instead of the whole thing? It took me a few tries before I remembered to type in !putteam all the way out. I was typing !put. And also commands like !listplayers. People are getting confused with !list or just a simple !li.
    Is it possible? Do you guys like it, or are you trying to stay away from it?
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    Novice reacted to Dragonji in silEnT 0.4.0 RC1 - Released for our beta testing admins   
    I would like to share my opinion about new themes. Firstly, I wanna say that both look great! A really good piece of work from graphic designer!
    I just have one small suggestion. IMO mouse cursors are too big and they look pretty ugly, I'd also suggest to remove shadow effect from them.
    And again, I must say that 0.4.0 version surprised me in positive way, keep it up guys!
  5. Like
    Novice reacted to hellreturn in silEnT 0.4.0 RC1 - Released for our beta testing admins   
    silEnT Mod Dev Update: We have released our next version of silEnT Mod for Enemy Territory.
    New main features in silEnT 0.4.0 RC1 are:
    1. New User Interface with 2 themes. Themes can be switched with "ui_theme" cvar {1,2}
    2. Widescreen support.
    3. New front end user interface for private message system.
    4. 3rd person view for knife throw animations.
    5. db improvements.
    6. Enhanced Hardware Based Identification system. g_identOptions 16. The server will automatically create a new ban for a player that is circumventing old ban and the client identification catches it.
    7. Subnet ban feature to replace pb_sv_banmask.
    8. Performance enhancements.
    10. Ban numbers are printed in the outputs of !userinfo, !userlist and !usersearch commands, if the player is banned.
    Miscellaneous added features:
    * Added: tripmines markers on the command map.
    * Added: new tripmine wire shaders.
    * Added: tripmines can be now spotted by coverts to be marked on the command map.
    * Added: Possibility for server admins to enable Jaymod style double jumping This is controlled with g_misc flag 32.
    * Added: hint for tripmine placement (hint is displayed when tripmine can be attached to the pointed place)
    * Added: new cvar: cg_themedCMap {0,1}, which activates/deactivates themed command map frame
    * Added: New shrubbot flag '#'. Players or levels with this flag are not allowed to call votes. Voting is automatically denied from players without PB GUIDs. Do note, it does not require the punkbuster to be enabled on the server for a player to have a PB GUID.
    * Added: new private message which allows to select players from the list or just type the name in
    * Added: Possiblity to mute only global chat sounds with cg_noVoiceChats 2. Also added into the menu.
    Bug fixes reported on our tracker:
    Fireteam selction notification
    Covie Bug - I Think
    Watermark bug
    !nextmap & callvote nextmap, don't work with g_gametype 6
    knife bug
    Single Pistol Bug
    Missing text for to follow previous player
    Weapons list appears when throwing knife
    Limbomenu doesn't show xp until you have joined into a team
    Join into a team even close limbomenu
    Throwing Knives Disappear

    If you are in our beta tester group, you can download the package from our mygamingtalk download section. Go to beta releases and download it from there
    Please report bugs on our bug tracker. If you have any feature suggestions, please post in our silEnT mod suggestion section.
    Note: There is no Mac build in RC releases. OS X support will be added in next RC release or in final version depending on how our testing goes.
    Note 2: You can use sv_cvar command since there will be no Punkbuster support from Evenbalance for ET. Put this in your default.cfg under mapconfig folder. It will make sure that no one abuses cvars when PB is disabled and it will help to new players also to auto fix there rate. You can add more cvar range as your like but below is just example.

    sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 120 sv_cvar cl_maxpackets IN 30 100 sv_cvar com_maxfps IN 43 250 sv_cvar rate IN 25000 45000 sv_cvar r_rmse EQ 0 sv_cvar cl_packetdup IN 0 1 sv_cvar cl_timenudge EQ 0
    Note 3: Server manual is still under progress but it's on silEnT wiki.
    If you find anything not present on wiki, please report on tracker and we will get it fixed ASAP. If you are experienced wiki editor, please let us know and we can use your help for updating wiki.
  6. Like
    Novice reacted to gaoesa in No more PB GUID?   
    We are thinking of solutions for this.
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