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Posts posted by Chuckun

  1. Hi guys,


    @ Zelly - tried that, even did a clean install, even did clean install to different drive, no change.


    @ BECK - Nothing custom, just the normal 2.6b install of ET, and silent being downloaded on the fly from any of silent servers - AFAIK we don't have any custom versions, unless its perhaps beta releases seeing as our founder (hellreturn) is part of the silent project.


    One thing I can confirm is I get loads of errors for missing sounds in my console while playing, even though I hear them anyway (such as objective taken, objective secured etc) and all pk3's etc have been sourced from the same server I'm playing.  Could've always been that way for all I know but i'm noticing it now when I never did before.

  2. This started since the latest version AFAIK. 


    Definitely silent related because I don't have the problem with other mods.


    OS - Win10 (up to date)

    GFX - Nvidia GeForce GT 525M (up to date & running cool)


    A friend of mine has the same issue, and has recently been banned by AC due to it (proven false-negative).


    Crash log is below.



    -8<------- Crash Information ------->8-
       Please forward to silEnT mod team.   
    Version: 0.9.0 Win32
    ET Version: ET 2.60b
    Map: italyfp2
    Exception: Access violation (0xc0000005)
    Exception Address: 0x300a13b7
    DLL Information:
    0x00400000    et
    0x77a90000    ntdll
    0x779a0000    KERNEL32
    0x77660000    KERNELBASE
    0x6d4a0000    apphelp
    0x678b0000    AcLayers
    0x75e80000    msvcrt
    0x77260000    USER32
    0x76d20000    win32u
    0x775d0000    GDI32
    0x76d40000    gdi32full
    0x740a0000    SHELL32
    0x77910000    cfgmgr32
    0x76610000    windows.storage
    0x75c60000    combase
    0x75ad0000    ucrtbase
    0x75f40000    RPCRT4
    0x75930000    SspiCli
    0x75920000    CRYPTBASE
    0x75bb0000    bcryptPrimitives
    0x77610000    sechost
    0x75c10000    powrprof
    0x76100000    advapi32
    0x773c0000    shlwapi
    0x76d10000    kernel.appcore
    0x76010000    shcore
    0x76ef0000    profapi
    0x76c70000    OLEAUT32
    0x76590000    msvcp_win
    0x76180000    SETUPAPI
    0x6f690000    MPR
    0x66680000    sfc
    0x66f40000    WINSPOOL
    0x73a80000    bcrypt
    0x70130000    sfc_os
    0x6d230000    AcGenral
    0x76b80000    ole32
    0x6d750000    UxTheme
    0x6e4c0000    WINMM
    0x756c0000    samcli
    0x6aff0000    MSACM32
    0x758d0000    VERSION
    0x73e90000    USERENV
    0x6e470000    dwmapi
    0x68e80000    urlmon
    0x6e490000    WINMMBASE
    0x68950000    iertutil
    0x75760000    SortServer2003Compat
    0x77970000    IMM32
    0x73a50000    nvinit
    0x73bc0000    detoured
    0x73a10000    nvd3d9wrap
    0x739e0000    nvdxgiwrap
    0x71bc0000    DINPUT8
    0x75910000    WSOCK32
    0x73fa0000    iphlpapi
    0x77410000    WS2_32
    0x76f00000    MSCTF
    0x6e200000    comctl32
    0x71780000    opengl32
    0x71b90000    GLU32
    0x6f160000    DDRAW
    0x73990000    DCIMAN32
    0x6c650000    DEVOBJ
    0x76ea0000    WINTRUST
    0x77950000    MSASN1
    0x75950000    CRYPT32
    0x57ea0000    nvoglv32
    0x73bb0000    WTSAPI32
    0x73830000    ntmarta
    0x66c30000    nvspcap
    0x77600000    PSAPI
    0x73f00000    WINHTTP
    0x71ca0000    WINSTA
    0x771d0000    clbcatq
    0x712e0000    dsound
    0x70290000    MMDevApi
    0x70140000    PROPSYS
    0x6fdf0000    AUDIOSES
    0x6f060000    wintypes
    0x73980000    avrt
    0x75580000    mswsock
    0x77a80000    NSI
    0x73080000    dhcpcsvc
    0x716d0000    napinsp
    0x712b0000    pnrpnsp
    0x71200000    NLAapi
    0x71180000    DNSAPI
    0x71160000    winrnr
    0x71130000    mdnsNSP
    0x710d0000    fwpuclnt
    0x71120000    rasadhlp
    0x28460000    pbcl
    0x1b2a0000    pbag
    0x28f60000    pbsv
    0x62fd0000    dxgi
    0x6e9c0000    nvumdshim
    0x77040000    imagehlp
    0x73060000    CRYPTSP
    0x73030000    rsaenh
    0x55630000    nvwgf2um
    0x64420000    nvapi
    0x6bb40000    cgame_mp_x86
    0x30000000    my_cgame_mp_x86
    0x6da00000    dbghelp
    0x40000000    ui_mp_x86
    (0) C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\silent\my_cgame_mp_x86.dll(dllEntry+0x1cd97) [0x300a13b7]

  3. If you own both IPs (and will continue to own them), you could just redirect the IP itsself outside of ET?


    If not, then your solution sounds pretty good.. I wouldn't use redirect though because then people who may /connect manually via console will rely on it then once it's gone, wont find your server.. (Does anyone still use the serverlist?)

  4. From the wiki:


    Q: How do I make forcecvar or sv_cvar work?

    A: silEnT server is able to force client cvars to certain values or ranges by using forcecvar and sv_cvar commands. sv_cvarempty will clear all the sv_cvar commands the server has loaded.

    To use the possibility, the g_mapConfigs must be set. All forcecvar and sv_cvar commands that are placed in the default.cfg, will be executed on every map start. Those settings can be overloaded by using a map specific cfg name [mapname].cfg. More help is available at silEnT forums.

  5. @Micha! - thanks for your help :) The LUA was actually to catch the server executed command via shrubbot (so user types !myguid, shrubbot catches it and execs the function defined in the LUA script - the script itsself was not supposed to catch "!myguid" as shrubbot will do that for you and exec the 'getmyguid' function :)


    However, I've taken on board the other points you mentioned, and should be able to successfully finish the mod :)

    Thank you!

  6. Thank you gaoesa and loudness! :)


    Although I like the simplicity of the PM idea, it's a bit sloppy for my taste (i'm just quite particular I guess), but I appreciate it's functionality..


    If anyone has a test server they could test the LUA on that would be handy :) (Moving the positive return into the scope of the IF clause as pointed out by loudness).. If not it will have to wait until I have time to do my first server setup :P

  7. I know that typing [g] shows your silEnT GUID and typing it into fireteam chat whilst not in a fireteam will work to do it privately, but for absolute security, I wanted to make a custom command of !myguid so I made this LUA script.. Problem is I have never ever touched anything LUA or ET related, so I have no idea if this will even work and I have no means of testing it.. So I wonder if someone can tell me if I've done anything wrong, and/or if it will actually work?

    -- Filename: myguid.lua
    -- MyGUID - Prints your silEnT GUID just like /cl_guid would for etkey based GUIDs.
    -- Created by =F|A=Chuckun
    -- If you use it, please donate to our clan to help fund the servers
    -- Any amount will help!!
    -- Fearless-Assassins.com
    -- For use with shrubbot, exec 'getmyguid'
    description = "silEnT GUID Command"
    version = "1.0"   
    function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart)
        local modname = string.format("%s", description)
        et.G_Print(string.format("%s loaded\n", modname))
    function et_ConsoleCommand(command)
        if et.trap_Argv(0) == "getmyguid" then
            local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( playerID )
            local guid     = et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "sil_guid" )
            et.trap_SendServerCommand(clientNum, "print \"^osilEnT GUID: ^7"..guid.."\n")
        return 1

    Or perhaps there's an easier way to simply print the GUID within the command's exec line, with no need for any LUA mod?

  8. This is a great idea.. But I don't even know if this is possible, because the only reason PB was able to take a screen capture of the client's game view was because it was a separate entity installed on the client's machine.. So I'm not sure this would be possible..


    If it is at all possible though, I do agree with Dzikus about avoiding the global database at least for now.. This would require a central database that would be in high demand and not at all cheap to run - I doubt the silEnT team receive anything like enough donations to support such a system.

  9. You mean how can you make !chicken etpl say "ETPlayer is a chicken!" ?


    If that is what you mean, I'm fairly sure you would need the command to be defined as follows:

    command = chicken
    exec = chat "[1?] is a chicken!"
    desc = Call someone chicken
    levels = 0 1 2 3 4 etc etc

    To help you understand what the "[1?]" means - the 1 passes the 1st thing you type after !chicken, and the ? part tells silEnT MOD to look for a partial playername match..


    So you could go even further and change the command to this..

    command = insult
    exec = chat "[1?] is a [2]!"
    desc = Insult somebody
    levels = 0 1 2 3 4 etc etc

    And then do !insult etpl fool, and the server would then say "ETPlayer is a fool!"


    EDIT: I found this, it may help you: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#shrubbot.cfg

  10. If you do it, I like the idea of providing a standard pack of ones to choose from and allowing admins to supplement, even allow certain shrubbot levels access to certain images etc....


    Otherwise -- gonna be a lot of penises running around the map LOL.


    Since the thread has been bumped already, I can finally say - this detail by BECK is a great, particularly if you want all clan members to have a clan symbol / logo over them.. If there was this level of control over them I would probably opt-in for the avatar system.

  11. Don't give up hope!  A hosting company will never completely remove data until plenty of time has passed, because if they still have your data ready to go, it means you are more likely to come back and keep paying them! If they deleted your data they would be very foolish.. So await their response and pay the bill if they still have your data!

  12. MINIMAL_LEVEL_TOEXECUTE	= 20			-- minimal level to execute this command
    SHUFFLE_COMMAND			= "!shuffle"	-- shuffle command
    SHUFFLE_AFTERTIME		= 5*60			-- 5min
    Client = { }
    function et_InitGame( levelTime, randomSeed, restart ) 
    	maxclients = et.trap_Cvar_Get( "sv_maxclients" ) 
    function et_ClientCommand( num, cmd )
    	local arg0 = string.lower(cmd)
    	local arg1 = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(1))
    	if et.G_shrubbot_level( num ) >= MINIMAL_LEVEL_TOEXECUTE and arg0 == SHUFFLE_COMMAND or arg1 == SHUFFLE_COMMAND then
    		StartTime = os.time()
    		for i = 0, maxclients - 1 do
    			local team = et.gentity_get(i, "sess.sessionTeam")
    			if team ~= 3 then
    				Client[i] = team
    		return true	-- let execute it
    	if arg0 == "team" and StartTime ~= nil then
    		if arg1 == "b" then
    			if os.time() >= (StartTime + SHUFFLE_AFTERTIME) and Client[num] == 1 then
    				return false
    		elseif arg1 == "r" then
    			if os.time() >= (StartTime + SHUFFLE_AFTERTIME) and Client[num] == 2 then
    				return false

    It is just concept but it should works, in this case they won't be able to change to ->spec-> another team too



    Sweeeet thank you :D Now to try get our server admin while he has a moment to integrate it :P

  13. I am requesting a new shuffle server cvar to prevent players from switching teams until after a predifined period of time..


    For example, g_shuffle_staytime 300 would prevent players from switching teams until 5 minutes after any shuffle (be it via shrubbot command or auto shuffle).


    This would be SO helpful.


    If this were to be implemented, it should not affect !putteam, as there are occasions where people DO need to move soon after a shuffle (if a player leaves for example), but dealing with this manually would be so much better than dealing with all the team stackers we have every day..


    Could it be implemented?


    If you need any extra infos I will be stalking so feel free to ask :)

  14. Ok first off, I know silEnT uses ident rather than MAC's, but for cross-referencing purposes with our other servers (Jaymod, NQ, Nitmod, etc), it can be helpful to see MAC addresses.


    If it is easy, I would like to be able to see MAC addresses in !finger.. But if it's a massive audeal I understand why you would not want to implement it seeing as how silEnT does not use MAC addresses for hardware bans.


    Any feedback from the dev team on this would be appreciated :)

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