Hi guys, 1. We noticed someone (name: Fartsy) playing on our server and exploiting, i guess, some silent mod bugs. Silent version is 0.6.3 That player was switching teams frequently and he was able to kill his teammates with the panzer - friendly fire is OFF on the server. 2. He also got pb guid of another player "C8AF6EA79318A54189D99764********", I have no idea how. But the scary part is this: he also got silent guid of that player 8782B275C823A22661BCE031******** 4011:25 2013-01-30 10:31:38 silEnT GUID: Player Fartsy PB GUID (C8AF6EA79318A54189D99764********) changed silEnT GUID from (E193CD41D66C72141BC9934EBB914FC7) to (8782B275C823A22661BCE031********) As a result "!usersearch name fartsy" can't find him, "!aliassearch fartsy" shows his old SGUID BB914FC7 "!userinfo BB914FC7" - no such user. "!userinfopb ********" shows another player So the only way to find out Fartsy's IP is to parse the server log. I attached an extract from the server log, please take a look log.txt Thanks!