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jaszpol reacted to Sol in ETEng release 0.3
New version of ETEng 0.3 is released.
(c08a3c14a92cc922955dd1c17e5375c9) md5sum
Added: sv_protocolcheck {0,1}: 0-Server doesn't check clients protocols, 1-Server allows only one protocol of sv_protocol.
Added: sv_protocol {82,84}: 82- 2.55 Protocol, 84 - 2.6b Protocol, This is shown in getinfo.
Added: sv_protect {0,1}: 0-Server doesn't check clients userinfo. 1-Server check clients for fake clients (q3fill exploit).
Added: sv_maxreqs {n}: N-getstatus Request per sv_reqtime.
Added: sv_reqtime {ms}: ms: ( default 1000 = 1s ) Time per sv_maxreqs request.
Added: sv_maxclientsip {n}: Maximum number of connections allowed from one particular IP.
Added: sv_rconfilter {0,1}: 0-Server doesn't check the client IP when using rcon. 1-Server filters the source rcon cmds.
Added: sv_rcon1 - sv_rcon5 {IP}: Works if sv_rconfilter is enabled. Example: sv_rcon1 "" IP Mask is also supported Ex: sv_rcon1 "83.0.0.*"
Added: Win32 Support
Fixed: wwwdl, getstatus exploit.
Fixed: Invalid .PK3 files referenced error.
ETENG 0.3 Download
jaszpol reacted to clan DIABOLIK in Max_Gamestate_chars exceeded
yes deleting/re-uploading is boring, but just change the extension, for the server will not load them:
example venice.pk3 => venice.pkNO
jaszpol reacted to gaoesa in !shuffle server crash
If the binary update fixed this, then it was just a matter of luck that it happened on the shuffle. I'm glad it is now fixed. -
jaszpol reacted to gaoesa in Max_Gamestate_chars exceeded
Entity overflow can happen because of players dropping too many medkits/ammopacks after death for example. But it is not related to gamestate chars. -
jaszpol reacted to GTNews in ET: Map Baserace 2 (Beta1)
http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/et/baserace2_b1.jpghttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/d.gifDaz2007 veröffentlicht eine erste Beta von der neuen Map Baserace 2.
Änderungen (zu Baserace 1): Objekte sind nicht mehr in den Basen für ein besseres Teamplay und weniger Spawnkilling. In der Mitte der Map ist jetzt ein Teich hinzugefügt. Das "typisch rot/blaue" ist entsorgt. Der Nebel ist durch Forstbestand (Bäume, Büsche etc.) ersetzt. Es gibt neue Sounds/Geräusche und noch Masse an weiteren Änderungen.
http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifDaz2007 released a first beta of the new map Baserace 2.
Changes (to Baserace 1): Objective is No Longer Inside the Base for Better Balance and less Spawn killing. Added a Pond In the Centre of the Map. Scrapped the Red/Blue Theme. Scrapped the Fog which is now Substituted for Forestry. Added New Sounds and tons of Changes and Improvements.
jaszpol reacted to GTNews in ET: Mappack Baserace b2.32 for Server
http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/et/baserace-mappack.gifhttp://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/d.gifBaserace Server Pack (jetzt Beta 2.32) von Micha! - Ein alles-in-einem BaseRace Mappack für ETPro 3.2.6 Server (scoreboard.lua/mapscripts können auch für andere Mods verwendet werden).
Das Mappack beinhaltet die Maps Baserace, Baserace Desert, Baesrace Winter und enthält auch sämtliche Configs, SLAC Support, Mapscripte und LUA Dateien. Ein Rundumsorglospaket also. http://www.rtcwmap.de/images/stories/e.gifBaserace server pack (now beta 2.32) by Micha! - A baserace all-in-one mappack for ETPro 3.2.6 servers (scoreboard.lua/mapscripts can be used for other mods too).
The mappack contains the maps Baserace, Baserace Desert, Baesrace Winters and also includes all configs, SLAC support, mapscripts and lua files. An all around careless package.
Changes beta 2.32: Included a auto mapname fix in the lua. It will load the map again and b8 config.
- Baserace 10 on 10 config
- Baserace 8 on 8 config
- Baserace 6 on 6 config
- All configs with SLAC support
- improved mapscripts (announcements has been highlighted <- It was necessary for the lua)
- scoreboard.lua (announces the scores)
- slacstatsaver.lua (xp get saved on slac guid)
- combinedglobal.lua (fixed forcetapout)
jaszpol reacted to Dragonji in Max_Gamestate_chars exceeded
I think it's 15000, but the problem is on client side because server can handle more config strings with no crashes. -
jaszpol reacted to Dragonji in Max_Gamestate_chars exceeded
We run around ~25 custom maps on our server and never had any problems (except with Venice, but removing whole command posts scripting solved the problem). -
jaszpol reacted to gaoesa in Max_Gamestate_chars exceeded
One player takes up to about 150 bytes if I remember correctly. So you can estimate the value a little. Also, if on your server you are used to having 40 players, you can also test by removing just the map that was playing when it happened. Certain maps are more prone to it then others. Also, you can see the config string usage with csinfo rcon command.
It's actually closer to max 130 bytes/player.
jaszpol reacted to gaoesa in Max_Gamestate_chars exceeded
Large amount of pk3 files in the etmain and in the silent folders. Try reducing them a little if you can. -
jaszpol reacted to gaoesa in How to protect admins from GUID spoofing
I'm writing this post to bring attention since the documentation is not well written around the subject.
Since GUIDs are not trustable at all. Not PB GUIDs or silEnT GUIDs. We included admin level protection system into the 0.5.0 version of the mod. This system effectively limits all benefits from GUID spoofing into gaining XP of the spoofed players. Even private messages are not possible without proper authentication with the server.
The system uses 2 cvars:
g_adminProtection : bitmask
1 Log succesfull authentications to the cheat log
2 Log admin spoofing attempts to the cheat log
4 Report admins waiting for confirmation on their level to the admin chat
g_protectMinLevel : integer
The minimum level of the protected admins.
To use the system, set the g_adminProtection to 7. This will enable all logging so you can see who authenticates to what level and if the authentication is succesfull or not. Set the g_protectMinLevel to the lowest level you want to protect. Don't set this to too low because it causes little overhead and also the credentials need to be given using online commands on the server.
When the silEnT notices there is an admin connecting to the server who has protected admin level but no credentials, it will report this admin to the admin chat. When this happens, the admin needs to be confirmed with !confirm command by someone who is able to identify the player identity. This only needs to done once for each admin. In the following connections, the silEnT is able to handle the authentications silently itself.
From now on, if someone spoofs the GUID of an admin, he will face the authentication procedure. The silEnT will inform into the admin chat that the player has lost his authentication and !setlevel is required. Do not do the !setlevel unless you know this one is genuinly the correct admin. Also, the !confirm command cannot be used anymore for the reason that the !confirm command can be given to less high admins without risks. If the player spoofing the GUID attempts to spoof the credentials, again the admin chat and cheat log is reported with the spoof attempt.
Important thing to know is that the !confirm command and !setlevel commands do not give credentials during the warmup period. Also, authentication does not operate during warmup but player needs to wait until the end of warmup before he gains access to his admin level. If you do !confrim or !setlevel during the warmup and the player is later on reported to not have yet been confirmed, just do the !confirm again.
I hope this information helps and brings some light to the subject. Feel free to ask questions in this thread and I we will answer those.
jaszpol reacted to Dragonji in update 0.5.0 Silent mod to 0.5.1
Which means the data of players without PB GUIDs will be lost.