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PuNkReAS last won the day on January 31 2023

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  1. Unfortunately, we didn't make any progress, although Mickey_P also looked at the possibilities.
  2. In the meantime, we have managed to find out what is causing the problem. We started to develop a mod where the cannon usage and the repair works perfectly! It's such a relief to be able to continue working on it... The WvMod is public, if you are interested in Palota, we are happy to share it with you.
  3. Thank you! Yes, I have created a route for the Allies, they will hijack the flag and take it to their own field, that's all I have managed to do. I will have more questions for sure... 😀 Here are the updated files and thanks! ctf_base_new By the way, I found the .way file elsewhere (Wolfbot). I converted it from this, it is usable but...not the real one, I uploaded this one too. Rename the WPS to .gm or .way. It works in both cases. (Although this wolfbot conversion never worked for me. The last step does not happen...)
  4. Thank you all! I am getting more and more involved in this... I managed to do the Allies, but I don't dare to do the Axis, lest I ruin what already works. All the Allies have to do is open the gate and nothing else. And the switch is not right...but the bots will go around if I can't fix it... Can I ask a question about map script here?
  5. Can the same waypoint sequence be used by allies and axis? Or should there be separate routes for each team?
  6. I'm getting a bit tired, so I thought I should write again. I created a nostalgia server for old friends and this became the opening map, but I failed to solve two problems. This is a modified version of the basic mp_base with a flag raid mission. I moved, modified, deleted the waypoints of mp_base to run bots only on the main playfield the other half of the map is not justified. So I cut the unnecessary routes. The first problem I couldn't solve, even with tricks: Allies won't open the gate. I soon realised that it was probably because in all versions of mp_base so far, the gate opener is up! On this map it is down. So the bots refuse to deal with the switch, so the gate never opens without the player's help. How can I change it to open the gate? The other problem is that the flag is picked up by the bots but they don't know to move the blue one to the red place, the red one to the blue place (swap them). Would it help if I issue the commands "allies", "route", "team2" and "team1"? (Only then do I have to make a separate path for "team1" and "team2"?) Map : ctf_base + bots files: way+gm
  7. This problem I didn't highlight is not important but rather it would just be nice to have a solution: Most of the time when I'm lying waiting for a medic and the bot arrives, it loads its weapon first! Meanwhile, the player lying down gets shot... can't you set it to heal first, then swap magazines? Regularly the player on the ground dies because of this
  8. Guys, it's happened several times I don't know if I asked: Is it possible to mirror the paths of bots? There are several maps where (similar to DM maps) Allies base in the middle of an arena (for example) Axis base is the layout. Is it not possible to make it so that I make the routes around the Allies base, up to the middle of the map...then since the other half of the map is the same, mirror the routes already made? It would be important!
  9. Guys, there's a map that could provide a really tough challenge if it worked the way I envisioned. How to get the bots to use the cannons? This map is explicitly favorable (at least 6 MG42's are located) yet it is used sporadically by the bots. The question is specific: I want the cannons in the fortress (4 of them) to be used by the bots! So: how? I don't care if the map is difficult for the players, that's the challenge. MAP: wolf files The mod I use: cU 6.2 + OB0.9 Server: /connect
  10. I have to write again, unfortunately, before all the rest of my hair falls out prematurely 😆 Just to complicate the situation I can't figure out what is causing this phenomenon. So: - Beer development Pub + OB/0.90 - no treatment for cannons. - Tarator upgrade Pubj + OB/0.90 - for me they handle the cannons. - cU engine (Beer dev.) OB/0.87 - the bots handle the cannons. Bonus: I got an old s4ndmod engine (ultimate) maybe OB/0.83 version not only to handle the cannons but also to fix them! I could not believe my eyes. Can my dream come true if I can use the oldest engine? Only that my current server is not running in s4nd ultimate (chaosmod) mode... Mateos mentioned that the cannon usage depends on the .gm file of the map (I hope I interpreted it correctly). Just to make it more complicated, I tried using a map and bots file from last year on the oldest engine. And it works! I can't understand how it is that the oldest engine DOES THIS and why the newest one doesn't? I'll give you the map and bots files and you can check it out for yourselves and see if you get the answer https://rtcw.hu/dev/ Test server: /connect
  11. MickyP, thanks for the help, it works! I just need to add a few small things, but it works!
  12. None of these languages are easy for me, haha. Thanks to Mateos for his help here, MickyP thanks for your advice too. I'm getting tired of half-assing it. This is my 5th job to throw in the trash and I've been working on it all day. I'm sure I'll miss something small again, something I'm not doing right. Here's the map: dom The problem, which is always -systematically- the dynamites aren't deposited at the gates, they just run around. Then they do, but not always. The other is that the Axis powers refuse to go to the flag, only the Allies. If by chance they do go to the flag, it's only once. I have twice reworked the routes to the flag. These tasks look easy, but...
  13. Funny, I even watched TP in the old days Do you know map scripting?
  14. Tried it works, thanks! 2 files found here. Anyway, you posted at the right time, I'm close to giving up all work for a while. I will check these two files.
  15. Thanks for the reply and for checking it out! Unfortunately I am not familiar with pk3 editing. Sounds good, what it is designed for I would love to try it sometime. Unfortunately the lkink you sent me shows the above error message. Is there any other link that works?
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