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Everything posted by loudness
i find it..sorry... is stats flag tks anyway
hello...i read all documentation about hstats command.....but is nothing there.. is available thru * flag ...will work..but i cant find the flag to add to all levels...whithout give * and negate other admin comands......someone can help me? tks
Will this LUA work? (Novice needs help :P)
loudness replied to Chuckun's topic in Enemy Territory Modding
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Filename: myguid.lua ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MyGUID - Prints your silEnT GUID just like /cl_guid would for etkey based GUIDs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Created by =F|A=Chuckun -- If you use it, please donate to our clan to help fund the servers -- Any amount will help!! -- Fearless-Assassins.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- For use with shrubbot, exec 'getmyguid' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- description = "silEnT GUID Command" version = "1.0" -- is not used in any function function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) local modname = string.format("%s", description) et.G_Print(string.format("%s loaded\n", modname)) et.RegisterModname(modname) end function et_ConsoleCommand(clientNum, command) if et.trap_Argv(0) == "getmyguid" then local guid = et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(playerID),"sil_guid") et.trap_SendServerCommand(clientNum, "print \"^osilEnT GUID: ^7"..guid.."\n") return 1 ---return 1 here...if not have getmyguid comand will be 0..unreconize comand end end im begginer too...usualy i hunt logs for errors ....but i thik like this will work gaoesa solution is better no lua -
tks for reply....the log has no info about error ..only crushed and look like this...i will try to delete only userxdb.db and see if is ok after...i can send all db if this help...is second time when this happen whithout any changes to cfg file....maibe some caracter from a client name/info is problem....i dnno ------- Game Initialization ------- gamename: silEnT gamedate: Nov 11 2013 415 cvars in use. ------------------------------------------------------------ InitGame: \g_maxConnsPerIP\4\omnibot_playing\0\mod_url\http://mygamingtalk.com/\mod_version\0.8.1\g_damageXPLevel\50\g_damageXP\0\g_antilagDelay\0\g_maxlivesRespawnPenalty\0\voteFlags\0\g_balancedteams\0\g_maxGameClients\0\g_bluelimbotime\20000\g_redlimbotime\30000\gamename\silEnT\omnibot_enable\1\g_tyranny\1\g_heavyWeaponRestriction\100\sv_sac\1\gamestartup\01/21/14 10:22:13\g_gametype\6\g_antilag\1\g_voteFlags\0\g_alliedmaxlives\0\g_axismaxlives\0\g_minGameClients\8\g_needpass\0\g_maxlives\0\g_friendlyFire\0\sv_allowAnonymous\0\sv_floodProtect\1\sv_maxPing\0\sv_minPing\0\sv_maxRate\45000\sv_minguidage\0\sv_punkbuster\1\sv_maxclients\64\sv_hostname\ DMG ^1RO^3MAN^4IA\sv_privateClients\0\mapname\oasis\protocol\82\timelimit\0\version\ET Start of warmup. Cheat logfile open: cheat.log readconfig: loaded 24 levels, 12 bans, 0 subnet bans, 84 commands, 0 warnings and 7 custom votes Execing default.cfg mapconfig for 0 players. * Execed total of 16 commands from the config file. Execing oasis.cfg mapconfig for 0 players. * Execed total of 16 commands from the config file. Gametype changed, clearing session data. serverstats: loaded 49 mapstats banners: loaded 0 banners *=====INITIALISING USER DATABASE * Opening user database file userdb.db. * Opening user database file userxdb.db. * User database files open. Caching database. 531 players cached from the user database. 7 records cached from the additional user info files. * Reading aliases database. Database file is corrupted and can not be used. *=====DATABASE READY FOR USE Enable spawning! Disable spawning! 0 teams with 0 entities ----------------------------------- tks edit: i renamed useradb.db and after restart is ok ...so now is work..but why was crushed? anyway..tks for help and is ok because i dont need to delete admins ...
hello....we have a same problem whith this binary db.... is marked as crushed....corupted..and aliases dont work anymore...but evrething seems to be ok....and is not in this version only...i remember by far to remove that files and all seems to be ok after...but now is crused again...we need some tool to export admin level or to manage db and fix ....i must delete now but im scare because i dont nkow what level have some member ..and we have many members/players... so pls give a simple tool or solution to open that file..maibe im a noob but i try everifing whithout a success...to edit tks edit: admin and everything is ok.. aliases not used on this server./...in logs is db crushed no changes,nothing..i i delete db...will be ok..so cfg is ok
silent AC is great... our stream and pb have no activity after this release when i enabled silent ac....of course will be great to have some kind of pbss...and maybe optional server stream ...anyway silent mod rules.. cheers and silent mod must go on...
ok...script dont work...was a little modified by a member and seems to work but i drop the idee for using ettv...we make a script for keep spectators players whithout a team tag ...no mainchat acces and shotcast status(not active)...like an eetv on the same server...(we have slots) so...runing code for fix is... check for no sil_guid clients only....real players do complyn are droped whith error 1 function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) et.RegisterModname("ETTV fix for silEnT 0.8.0") end function et_ClientConnect( clientNum, firstTime, isBot ) local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum ) local protocol = et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "protocol") local clientNumString = string.format("%02d", clientNum) if( protocol == 284 ) and et.Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "sil_guid") == "" then userinfo = et.Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "sil_guid", clientNumString .. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:2" ) et.trap_SetUserinfo( clientnum, userinfo ) end return nil end and our warscript is...(most functions from manny scripts in one... but working...no tag - no join ...no mainchat comments...) clanTags1 = { [1] = "^1.^0DMG^9|", [2] = "DMG", [3] = "^1.^0DMG" } clanTags2 = { [1] = "PRZ", [2] = "PRZ" } team1 = "r" -- axis team2 = "b" -- allies -- [ Local Functions ] function GetPlayerGUID(client) local player_guid = et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(client), "sil_guid" ) if player_guid == "NO_GUID" or player_guid == "unknown" then return true end return player_guid end function GetPlayerName(client) return et.Q_CleanStr(et.gentity_get(client, "pers.netname")) end -- [ Wolf Callbacks ] function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) et.RegisterModname("DMG WarDance") players = { } players[0] = 0 --all players[1] = 0 --axis players[2] = 0 --allies players[3] = 0 --spectators local a = 1 while clanTags1[a] ~= nil do clanTags1[a] = string.lower(et.Q_CleanStr(clanTags1[a])) a = a + 1 end a = 1 while clanTags2[a] ~= nil do clanTags2[a] = string.lower(et.Q_CleanStr(clanTags2[a])) a = a + 1 end end --function et_ShutdownGame(restart) -- nimic --end function et_Obituary(client, killer, death) local player_guid = GetPlayerGUID(client) local player_name = GetPlayerName(client) local game_state = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("gamestate")) local player_team = et.gentity_get(client, "sess.SessionTeam") if player_guid == nil then return nil end if game_state ~= 1 and game_state ~= 2 then players[0] = 0 --all players[1] = 0 --axis players[2] = 0 --allies players[3] = 0 --spectators for i=0, tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients"))-1, 1 do local teamnumber = tonumber(et.gentity_get(i,"sess.sessionTeam")) if et.gentity_get(i,"pers.connected") == 2 and player_name ~= "" then players[0] = players[0] + 1 if teamnumber == 1 or teamnumber == 2 then if noTag(i, "") == 1 then -- et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. player_name .. " s") -- http://omni-bot.googlecode.com/svn-history/r145/trunk/GameInterfaces/RTCW/lua-scripts/mmod/commands.lua et.gentity_set(i, "sess.sessionTeam", 3) et.ClientUserinfoChanged(i) end players[teamnumber] = players[teamnumber] + 1 else players[teamnumber] = players[teamnumber] + 1 end end end -- if players[1] == players[2] then -- et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "unpause") -- et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"scot pause\"") -- else -- et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "pause") -- et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"dau pause\"") -- end end return nil end function et_ClientCommand(cno, cmd) if et.gentity_get(cno, "sess.sessionTeam") == 3 then if string.lower(cmd) == "team" then return noTag(cno, et.trap_Argv(1)) end if string.lower(cmd) == "say" or string.lower(cmd) == "vsay" then return 1 end end return 0 end function noTag(cno, desiredteam) local a = 1 local name = string.lower(et.Q_CleanStr(et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(cno), "name" ))) local found1 = 0 local found2 = 0 while clanTags1[a] ~= nil do -- if string.find(name, string.lower(et.Q_CleanStr(clanTags1[a]))) ~= nil then if string.find(name, clanTags1[a]) ~= nil then found1 = 1 break end a = a + 1 end a = 1 while clanTags2[a] ~= nil do -- if string.find(name, string.lower(et.Q_CleanStr(clanTags2[a]))) ~= nil then if string.find(name, clanTags2[a]) ~= nil then found2 = 1 break end a = a + 1 end if found1 == 0 and found2 == 0 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"" .. name .. " \^1ITI ESTE PERMIS DOAR SA ASISTI LA ACEST WAR \^2POTI STA SPECTATOR PANA LA FINALUL EVENIMENTULUI\"") et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "cp \"\^3SPECTATORII POT DISCUTA DOAR INTRE EI FOLOSIND \^5TEAMCHAT \"") return 1 end if desiredteam == "" then return 0 end if found1 == 1 and team1 ~= desiredteam then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"" .. name .. "\ ^1ITI ESTE PERMIS SA TE ALATURI DOAR ECHIPEI \^1AXIS\"") return 1 end if found2 == 1 and team2 ~= desiredteam then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"" .. name .. "\ ^1ITI ESTE PERMIS SA TE ALATURI DOAR ECHIPEI \^4ALLIES\"") return 1 end return 0 end this script is made by dmg deevious.. fell free to use modify and post better versions... cheers
tks for reply and help gaoesa.. i will try today to make it work and i tell the results ... tks
Hello all! i have a question pls...our clan play some fun wars whith a clan friend.....is all good and we like this kind of war on funserver..now we want to start a ettv server and all specs to go there.. we start ettv server but shotcaster fail when connect ....is kicked for invalid silent guid.. is there any solution to solve this and make a working silent ettv server???via lua or else??? tks
Version = 1.0 ------------------------------------------------- function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) et.G_Print("[Nextmap] Version:"..Version.." Loaded\n") et.RegisterModname("Nextmap Announce") end ------------------------------------------------- samplerate = 290000 --300000 map1 = "supply" map2 = "oasis" map3 = "goldrush" map4 = "radar" map5 = "tc_base" map6 = "et_beach" map7 = "frostbite" map8 = "sp_delivery_te" map9 = "adlernest" map10 = "bremen_b2" map11 = "braundorf_b4" map12 = "et_ice" map13 = "goldrush-ga" map14 = "railgun" map15 = "dubrovnik_final" map16 = "sw_battery" map17 = "et_village" ------------------------------------------------- function et_RunFrame( levelTime ) if math.mod(levelTime, samplerate) ~= 0 then return end mapname = et.trap_Cvar_Get( "mapname" ) if mapname == map1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map2.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map2 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map3.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map3 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map4.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map4 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map5.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map5 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map6.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map6 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map7.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map7 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map8.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map8 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map9.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map9 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map10.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map10 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map11.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map11 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map12.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map12 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map13.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map13 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map14.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map14 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map15.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map15 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map16.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map16 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map17.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map17 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map1.."\n\"" ) end end function et_ClientCommand(client, command) local mapname = et.trap_Cvar_Get( "mapname" ) if string.lower(command) == "callvote" then if et.trap_Argv(1) == "nextmap" then if mapname == map1 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map2.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map2 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map3.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map3 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map4.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map4 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map5.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map5 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map6.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map6 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map7.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map7 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map8.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map8 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map9.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map9 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map10.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map10 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map11.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map11 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map12.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map12 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map13.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map13 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map14.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map14 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map15.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map15 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map16.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map16 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map17.."\n\"" ) elseif mapname == map17 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1Nextmap: ^3"..map1.."\n\"" ) end end end end You can,t do this if you running mapvoting..but you can do something a announce like ..if nobody vote..nextmap will be...your mapvoterotation.cfg source for this script is http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/viewtopic.php?p=66730 and is working on silentmod cheers
opps..wrong topic..srry
this script will move bots...is only about number of players...but...fair teams is not mean 6vs6...can be 4bots+ 2 players vs 6 players and real playes cry...i need some help to get info about teams in lua...if teams are even(!howfair result) the script to be passive ...or to move last connected player... maybe other admins,lua programers will read this topic....and will help ..we have the server in one shity country ....all want fairplay but from others..nobody give a shit...so...we need a script like this...but more advanced...sometime...1 player is moved manny times...not so good...and is not so even..
Hello silent devs and all ppl around here... first ...sorry for my english... and .. i have a lua script active like 1 year on our silent server..and its works...if 1 team have 2 or more players avantage ...the script moves first plwyer who die from oponent team....i share whit you and i hope is help..credits for this script go to DMG Deevious -- [ Local Functions ] function GetPlayerGUID(client) local player_guid = et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(client), "sil_guid" ) if player_guid == "NO_GUID" or player_guid == "unknown" then return true end return player_guid end function GetPlayerName(client) return et.Q_CleanStr(et.gentity_get(client, "pers.netname")) end -- [ Wolf Callbacks ] function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) et.RegisterModname("DMG Team Balance #1") players = { } players[0] = 0 --all players[1] = 0 --axis players[2] = 0 --allies players[3] = 0 --spectators end function et_ShutdownGame(restart) -- nimic end function et_Obituary(client, killer, death) local player_guid = GetPlayerGUID(client) local player_name = GetPlayerName(client) local game_state = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("gamestate")) local player_team = et.gentity_get(client, "sess.SessionTeam") if player_guid == nil then return nil end if game_state ~= 1 and game_state ~= 2 then players[0] = 0 --all players[1] = 0 --axis players[2] = 0 --allies players[3] = 0 --spectators for i=0, tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients"))-1, 1 do local teamnumber = tonumber(et.gentity_get(i,"sess.sessionTeam")) if et.gentity_get(i,"pers.connected") ~= 2 then else players[0] = players[0] + 1 players[teamnumber] = players[teamnumber] + 1 end end if (( (players[1] - players[2]) > 1 and player_team == 1 ) or ( (players[2] - players[1]) > 1 and player_team == 2 )) then -- Axis > allies si player la axis sau allies > axis si player la axis if player_team == 1 then -- player la axis - mut la allies et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. player_name .. " b") else -- player la allies - mut la axis et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. player_name .. " r") end et.G_globalSound( "sound/loudness/teams.wav" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1URAAA...^8 FII FERICIT ,^7 " .. player_name .. " ^8SERVERUL TE-A ^1SACRIFICAT ^8SI MUTAT IN SPIRITUL FAIRPLAY-ULUI! ^0DMG ^4FAIRPLAY ^8SCRIPT IN ACTION ... \"") et.G_globalSound( "sound/loudness/hurrah.wav" ) end end return nil end is not perfect but teams are always even visualy(number of players) ....and now i need help to make a function or condition...i want to capture in lua the !howfair result...and use in script like condition.... tks.. btw - you must moodify this line for your server ..write anything you want there..and the sound et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"^1You have been moved ,^7 " .. player_name .. " ^8tks for being fairplay \"") enjoy