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Everything posted by Purple

  1. I've started on a basic ET server configuration series for people. I will continue to update this topic with more and more videos (p.s sorry for the low quality videos going to use something else for recording <3) $part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewwoq1ZUo-Y&feature=youtu.be
  2. <?php $file_handle = fopen("pm_logs.txt","rb"); while(!feof($file_handle)){ $get_userinfo = fgets($file_handle); $userinfo = explode('|', $get_userinfo); $find[] = ']'; $find[] = '['; $replace[] = ''; $replace[] = ''; $userinfo = str_replace($find, $replace, $userinfo); print $userinfo[0] . $userinfo[1] . $userinfo[2] . $userinfo[3] . $userinfo[4]. "<BR>"; } fclose($file_handle); ?> heres also the php script for the simple parsing which i showed in my screen shot earlier.
  3. Here i made something up real quick should work haven't tested it though. --[[ Chat logger v.1 by Purple (DRi*VJ*) 8/27/2014 Info: All logs are logged in a seperate file including PM, regular chat and team chat. They will be in your silent directory. If you would like to organize them put them into a folder called anything and change pm_logs = "pm_logs.txt" say_logs = "say_logs.txt" say_team_logs = "say_team_logs.txt" To your directory destination e.g. pm_logs = "logs/pm_logs.txt" Note: The file names must be the same in order for this to work. --]] pm_logs = "pm_logs.txt" say_logs = "say_logs.txt" say_team_logs = "say_team_logs.txt" date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M:%S" version = "0.1" temp_name = {} c_Name = {} temp_sguid = {} temp_ip = {} pm = {} say = {} say_team = {} function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) et.RegisterModname("pm_logs.lua "..version.." "..et.FindSelf()) maxclients = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients")) for i = 0, maxclients - 1 do pm[i] = "" say[i] = "" say_team[i] = "" end end function et_ClientBegin( clientNum ) temp_name[clientNum] = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum ), "name" ) temp_sguid[clientNum] = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum ), "sil_guid" ) temp_ip[clientNum] = et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum ), "ip" ) c_Name[clientNum] = et.Q_CleanStr( temp_name[clientNum] ) end function et_ClientCommand(clientNum, command) if command == "m" then if et.trap_Argc() > 1 then for i = 2, et.trap_Argc() - 1, 1 do pm[clientNum] = pm[clientNum] .. et.trap_Argv(i) .. " " end local sender = string.lower(et.trap_Argv(1)) info = os.date("%x %I:%M:%S%p") .. " | IP: [" .. temp_ip[clientNum] .. "] | From: "..playerName(clientNum).." | To: " .. sender .. " | Pm: [ " .. pm[clientNum] .. "] " .."\n" fd,len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile(pm_logs, et.FS_APPEND) count = et.trap_FS_Write(info, string.len(info), fd) et.trap_FS_FCloseFile(fd) fd = nil for i = 0, maxclients - 1 do pm[i] = "" end end return 0 end if command == "say" then if et.trap_Argc() > 1 then for i = 1, et.trap_Argc() - 1, 1 do say[clientNum] = say[clientNum] .. et.trap_Argv(i) .. " " end info = os.date("%x %I:%M:%S%p") .. " | IP: [" .. temp_ip[clientNum] .. "] | Player: "..playerName(clientNum).." | say: [ " .. say[clientNum] .. "] " .."\n" fd,len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile(say_logs, et.FS_APPEND) count = et.trap_FS_Write(info, string.len(info), fd) et.trap_FS_FCloseFile(fd) fd = nil for i = 0, maxclients - 1 do say[i] = "" end end return 0 end if command == "say_team" then if et.trap_Argc() > 1 then for i = 1, et.trap_Argc() - 1, 1 do say_team[clientNum] = say_team[clientNum] .. et.trap_Argv(i) .. " " end info = os.date("%x %I:%M:%S%p") .. " | IP: [" .. temp_ip[clientNum] .. "] | Player: "..playerName(clientNum).." | say_team: [ " .. say_team[clientNum] .. "] " .."\n" fd,len = et.trap_FS_FOpenFile(say_team_logs, et.FS_APPEND) count = et.trap_FS_Write(info, string.len(info), fd) et.trap_FS_FCloseFile(fd) fd = nil for i = 0, maxclients - 1 do say_team[i] = "" end end return 0 end return 0 end function playerName(id) local name = et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(id), "name") if name == "" then return "*unknown*" end return name end
  4. I got a few hours of free time if any of you need help i'll be screen sharing on join.me you can come on in and ask your questions and ill help you out the best i can ;D https://join.me/551-504-648
  5. That's pretty much what i did with lua my self for pm logging. I log my pms via date/ip/name/name/message and i use "|" as a seperater and then just remove some stuff from the string and print it out via php. Heres an example of how i have it setup. http://gyazo.com/63a8518e10d3b031895fae08913aae99 (very basic setup atm just started working on it a few nights ago will add visuals and tables to make it look cleaner)
  6. Or if you want to make it 3000000000000000x easier just download etsnitch and it auto parses your logs. :*
  7. I know it's possible and i've seen it done with lua. I'll give it a shot after i get back home tonight
  8. http://i.gyazo.com/cb8e0ba1db92e0822e9f61eebf2aa9dc.png We are a laid back community, and run fun servesr which brings in friends and families from all over the world. So if you haven't joined in on the fun already, visit our forum, introduce yourself, and we can help you start playing. Before playing and to make your experience more fun, please be sure to read the rules.If you have any questions, our admins will gladly answer them for you in-game or on the forum. =DRi=Elite NooBs NoBots&Anticheat__________________________________________Server Features and Settings[✔] IP:[✔] AntiCheat[✔] Double Jump[✔] Adrenalin [✔] Auto Balance[✔] Silent 0.8.1[✔] Objective[✔] 64 Slots[✔] DRi Custom Lua Addons[✔] Custom level 1+ commands =DRi=Elite NooBs Classic XPSave__________________________________________Server Features and Settings[✔] IP:[✔] Enhmod 1.0.9e[✔] Double Jump[✔] Adrenalin [✔] Jaymod 2.1.8[✔] Objective[✔] 64 Slots[✔] Custom level 1+ commands =DRi=Teamspeak__________________________________________[✔] IP: ts3.deathrowinmates.net:9102[✔] Active & Friendly Users[✔] Team Channels[✔] Lobby Channel[✔] AFK Channel[✔] 50 Slots Here are the Death Row Inmates community server we try to treat every player and admin with respect and fair game play. We are here to offer a home to those players who can't seem to fit in where they are needed. Our admins are friendly, helpful and have multiple years of computer experience to help you solve any problems or questions you may have. We run our servers on our own dedicated server that is rented from gameservers.com. We have our own custom addons in place to give users the best experience they have had in the Enemy Territory community. If you are convinced then come check out our forum and servers! Take me to the forum!
  9. File Name: Adminchat File Submitter: Purple File Submitted: 03 May 2014 File Category: LUA Admin chat lua. Allows people to talk in a private chat like /ma. With this it can be great to have for trial members etc or higher level admins your choice. Click here to download this file
  10. Purple


    Version 0.1


    Admin chat lua. Allows people to talk in a private chat like /ma. With this it can be great to have for trial members etc or higher level admins your choice.
  11. Oh sorry didn't know. I'll upload a good 20+ in the next few days. Thanks.
  12. Can give you a lua version of it untill silent mod does it (if they do) let me know if you want it.
  13. --[[ Purple Admin Chat Version 0.1 --]] modname = "AdminChat" version = "0.1" admin_chat = "ml" min_level = 3 function et_InitGame(levelTime, randomSeed, restart) et.RegisterModname(modname .. " " .. version) maxclients = tonumber(et.trap_Cvar_Get("sv_maxclients"))-1 end function et_ClientCommand(clientNum, command) if command == admin_chat and getlevel(clientNum) then if et.trap_Argc() > 1 then local message = "" for i = 1, et.trap_Argc() - 1, 1 do message = message .. et.trap_Argv(i) .. " " end for i = 0, maxclients, 1 do sendstring = playerName(clientNum) .. " ^w(^8AdminChat^w)^8: " .. message et.trap_SendServerCommand(i, "chat \"" .. sendstring .. "\"") return 1 end end elseif command == admin_chat and not getlevel(clientNum) then et.trap_SendServerCommand(clientNum, "cpm \"^1 You Are Not Allowed To Use Admin Chat.\n\" " ) return 1 end end function getlevel(client) local lvl = et.G_shrubbot_level(client) if lvl >= min_level then return true end return nil end function playerName(id) local name = et.Info_ValueForKey(et.trap_GetUserinfo(id), "name") if name == "" then return "*unknown*" end return name end
  14. Let me rephrase that, the ban part is possible, the time stamp not sure. but yeah i'll get it up some time soon.
  15. ill post it for you in about 30 minutes gonna eat dinner real quick and get back to it.
  16. This is possible. It has already been done if i'm correct, Micha has a script around for it, I may also still have it. let me know if you still need it i can for sure get it for you
  17. This is possible with lua for sure. If you are in need of this script still let me know i could write it up.
  18. I think it would be a nice feature. Although there are many things that come into play with this. First things first, is this going be built into the client side mod? or is it going to be server side?(guessing it can be done since nitmod did it unless that was client side dunno really). Second thing is, if they were to make it like PB there could be some conflict here.. Since PB was a i guess 3rd party software that users had to install by hand from there site or with a installer this would require each and every current et player and new ones to go and find it and install it for the sake of playing on the server... Now there are a lot of people who would do this no problem, but there are also people who would rather not even bother with it and just find a server that doesn't require it, or last and foremost they aren't that "smart" to figure out how to install it and would be pestering about it to people. which really isn't a problem either. My main point here is that it would be a over all hassle for a good percentage of players. if it isn't with in the client mod.
  19. If i'm correct Frank owns it. If i'm correct again he is shutting (has shutdown?) the clan and it's servers according to his facebook page.
  20. hello i'm having a small lua problem that i'm pretty sure i'm over looking could someone here take a look? function et_ClientConnect( cno, firstTime, isBot ) if isBot ~= 1 and firstTime == 1 then local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo(cno) local protocol = tostring(et.Info_ValueForKey(userinfo, "protocol")) --[[ Checking the protcol of each client that connects. --]] if protocol == nil then clientversion = "*unknown*" elseif protocol == "" then clientversion = "missing protocol" elseif protocol == "82" then clientversion = "2.55" elseif protocol == "83" then clientversion = "2.56" elseif protocol == "84" then clientversion = "2.60b" end -- ..playerName(cno).. / <country> / ..clientversion.. / ..client.. local message = "^1C^0onnect^1I^0nfo^1:^7 "..playerName(cno).."^7 connected from ^3<country> ^7using client (^3"..client.."^7)(^3"..clientversion.."^7)" local msg = string.gsub(message, ""..playerName(cno).."", et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( cno ), "name" )) local countryCode = et.gentity_get( cno, "sess.uci" ) local countryName = countries[countryCode] --[[ Grabbing the country name --]] if countryName then msg = string.gsub(msg, "<country>", countryName) else msg = string.gsub(msg, "<country>", countryCode) end --[[ Checking to see if TBS connects and removing it. Then printing out the actual connect message. --]] if playerName(cno) ~= "^nTBS" then et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND,"qsay " .. msg) end end end and function et_ClientBinary( clientNum, checksum) local binary = checksum --[[ Checking users binaries so we can print them out in the connect line. --]] if binary == nil then client = "Unknown" elseif binary == "EB19F81EEFD8F300148BD73D2133304D" then client = "ET Legacy 2.71rc3" elseif binary == "C786FB8512A79E7910A111A0EE7CCF18" then client = "ET Gold 2.71" elseif binary == "1B9345CB23469C547E7E0BFA080C1B5B" then client = "ET Gold 2.72" elseif binary == "2FCE329CE3F5552C148E4BCE5803A60D" then client = "ET Gold 2.73" elseif binary == "5F12F1718A84B8FC45AAEE609CFC9C43" then client = "ET Offcial" elseif binary == "1364CA4CF09FE15BC9FE3DCD75C899F8" then client = "ET Offcial" end return 0 end So my problem is i'm wanting to check users client binaries and print them out when they connect to the server, but i am getting a small error when users connect. The error is "attempt to concatenate global 'client' (a nil value) I'm pretty sure its something small i'm doing wrong does anyone have any suggestions or a way to fix it Thanks in advanced.
  21. Pretty old and hate the bump the topic, but there are multiple ways of making custom commands either by lua or by shrubbot. I could make some tutorials for users here soon, but for the meantime i'm a bit busy if you have any suggestions of things you'd like to see feel free to send me a pm.
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