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Everything posted by Purple

  1. You must setup a webhost (ftp) and upload the files there and set the website url in the cfg e.g www.server.com/etmain/ and www.server.com/silent/ ;D
  2. You can still have this w/o that. use lua > log player stats each game, use luasql to send it to a database profit. (ps working on something similar for my clan
  3. Soon I'll post some videos explaining how to install it and more
  4. I'm not sure about the image callback, nor do i care for it my self. Although the text callback would be awesome, it would allow people to display information on the screen for others to see allowing more advanced modifcations to be made with simpler displaying options of stats etc (hide n seek mod e.g.). Once such things get made and people can see that. Other admins and server owners will see this and want custom ways of displaying stats in their servers as well possibly bringing more lua programmers to the scene and maybe awesome future mods
  5. I know what phishing is I wasn't targeting you. I was just stating what happened, could be many things that could trigger it.
  6. We have posted the script multiple times, yet you haven't managed to give us a probable cause to why its not working. I'm not sure what you want us to do here.
  7. Something suspicious on your website triggering. http://i.gyazo.com/ddf7f4743856096015ff660f9f9c8b49.png
  8. Do me a favor. fill this out and let me know. Mod: version: Did you include the file in your server config?(lua_modules "name.lua": What is your problem?:
  9. Hello, I'm VJ a DRi* High level admin over at the death row inmates server. He was banned based off silent mods anti cheat. As I told him before there were no false bans that I was aware of or anyone else. I may be able to pull up the client md5 from the ban. Anyways Headquarters should have been unloaded before connecting to silent mod or there would have been server/client miscommunications if im correct. Good luck ove (will look into the headquarts stuff my self as well) edit: went to hq:mod loaded up went to silent waited a bit nothing.
  10. I'm on windows 8.1 and it happens on my first connect to the server. It happens with ET:L and Vanilla Wolfenstein. Regardless If I already have the map or not it'll still happen.
  11. modname = "balance" version = "0.1" function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) et.RegisterModname(modname .. " " .. version) end unevenDiff = 2 max_unevenTime = 15 max_unevenDiff = 4 axisPlayers = {} alliedPlayers = {} unevenTime = 15 function et_RunFrame( levelTime ) local numAlliedPlayers = table.getn( alliedPlayers ) local numAxisPlayers = table.getn( axisPlayers ) if numAlliedPlayers >= numAxisPlayers + max_unevenDiff then if et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) >= 12 then return end local clientNum = alliedPlayers[ numAlliedPlayers ] et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. clientNum .. " r" ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "playsound playermove.wav\n" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"balancing teams... " .. et.gentity_get( clientNum, "pers.netname" ) .. "^7 moved to ^1AXIS\"" ) elseif numAxisPlayers >= numAlliedPlayers + max_unevenDiff then if et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) >= 12 then return end local clientNum = axisPlayers[ numAxisPlayers ] et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. clientNum .. " b" ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "playsound playermove.wav\n" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"balancing teams... " .. et.gentity_get( clientNum, "pers.netname" ) .. "^7 moved to ^4ALLIES\"" ) elseif numAlliedPlayers >= numAxisPlayers + unevenDiff then if unevenTime > 0 then if tonumber( levelTime ) - unevenTime >= max_unevenTime * 1000 then if et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) >= 12 then return end local clientNum = alliedPlayers[ numAlliedPlayers ] et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. clientNum .. " r" ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "playsound playermove.wav\n" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"balancing teams... " .. et.gentity_get( clientNum, "pers.netname" ) .. "^7 moved to ^1AXIS\"" ) end else unevenTime = tonumber( levelTime ) end elseif numAxisPlayers >= numAlliedPlayers + unevenDiff then if unevenTime > 0 then if et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) >= 12 then return end if tonumber( levelTime ) - unevenTime >= max_unevenTime * 1000 then local clientNum = axisPlayers[ numAxisPlayers ] et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. clientNum .. " b" ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "playsound playermove.wav\n" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"balancing teams... " .. et.gentity_get( clientNum, "pers.netname" ) .. "^7 moved to ^4ALLIES\"" ) end else unevenTime = tonumber( levelTime ) end else unevenTime = -1 end end function et_ClientSpawn( clientNum, revived, teamChange, restoreHealth ) if teamChange ~= 0 then local team = tonumber( et.gentity_get( clientNum, "sess.sessionTeam" ) ) -- these were the teamnumbers prior to the move local numAlliedPlayers = table.getn( alliedPlayers ) local numAxisPlayers = table.getn( axisPlayers ) if team == 1 then for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( alliedPlayers, i ) break end end -- this should not happen but still check for it to avoid doubles for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then return end end -- make sure a player who (got) moved when teams were uneven doesn't get moved right back if numAlliedPlayers >= numAxisPlayers + unevenDiff then table.insert( axisPlayers, 1, clientNum ) else table.insert( axisPlayers, clientNum ) end elseif team == 2 then for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( axisPlayers, i ) break end end for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then return end end if numAxisPlayers >= numAlliedPlayers + unevenDiff then table.insert( alliedPlayers, 1, clientNum ) else table.insert( alliedPlayers, clientNum ) end else for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( alliedPlayers, i ) return end end for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( axisPlayers, i ) return end end end end end function et_ClientDisconnect( clientNum ) for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( alliedPlayers, i ) return end end for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( axisPlayers, i ) return end end end
  12. Not to bump, but can confirm this happens on our servers as well.
  13. Yes it is, right before you move the player, check to see if their level is 12 or higher, if its 12 or higher then return to reload the script and check again. if et.G_shrubbot_level(_clientNum) >= 12 then return end
  14. I'm pretty sure that's silent, if not the only other option is client sided cvar If you guys still need help with anything add me on xfire:kyle26189 or skype:violentxmas
  15. Hi im purple, i'm a color and people use my daily like a french prostitute.
  16. I've teamed up with zelly to hopefully finish what he has started. I'll make a fresh topic sometime about it, but as of now seems there is going to be a lot of testing going on. :>
  17. I went ahead and added you. hopefully we can talk sometime soon!
  18. ET AMP ET AMP is a server sided lua modification for wolfenstein enemy territory. ET AMP brings you multiadministration functionality on the go. ET amp offers many features and custom optimization for every servers need. -Features Auto Team balance~ Auto team balance makes sure that weather there is a admin online or offline teams will be even and fair for players! Connect info~ Connect info gives various information about a player when they connect to the server such as their location and their client version. AMMo4u~ Ammo4u allows you to edit the amount of ammo inside of each weapon giving you full customization to every weapon. xp4level~ Xp4level allows you to give players admin levels based off how much xp they have on your server. ETA rate~ ETA Rate is a custom stats list based off a calculation of kills, deaths and xp aquired to give each player a skill rating ETA STATS~ ETA stats are players global stats that are uploaded to a database online then show to a webpage via php allowing each user to see their total ammount of kills deaths xp and more. ETA KEY~ ETA key is a custom server sided guid to make sure weather player looses their Silent.dat/etkey/nguid they will continue to have their xp and admin levels. ETA IRC~ ETA IRC will alow you to see everything being said on your server on a irc server. ETA DONATE~ ETA Donate will allow you to set custom affixes/suffixes to players that have donated to your server. e.g ( [DONATOR]DRI*VJ* ) ETA MAIL~ ETA mail allows you to send a message to a player wheather they are online or offline. ETA PANEL~ ETA PANEL is a php panel for server administrators and moderators allowing you to have remote access to your server. Features included: Send custom commands from php See server logs (pm, say, say_team, say_teamnl) See server console via ETA IRC See server information such as players online, names, and ETA RATE These are some of the basics of what ETA is offering to the ET community. I got the idea for ENHMOD for jaymod which didn't support othere mods. If you are interested in having this on your server and or beta testing it when it comes out please fill out this small application. Name: xfire: Server name: server ip: Why ETA?: ( will add pictures and stuff in the future, if you are interested in contributing to this project please pm me)
  19. Went on and talked to them, seem like great people
  20. I'm not quiet sure what you're wanting but if im correct you're wanting unlimited rifle grenades? although you could do something like this in lua, I dont know the weapon# for axis rnade at the moment. function et_InitGame( levelTime, randomSeed, restart ) et.RegisterModname("Rnade ammo") end function et_ClientSpawn( clientNum, revived, teamChange, restoreHealth ) et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 42, 30) --allies rnade end
  21. I really hate to bump this, but i've had this problem before, here is a simple fix that i use. local sguid = string.sub(string.upper(et.Info_ValueForKey( et.trap_GetUserinfo( client ), "sil_guid" )), 1, 32)
  22. @hellreturned I could do what hell returned said, based off mine kills, trip mines etc i could probably make something in lua for it. @dragonji I could also do that more then likely.
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