did a way to have it for a next silence release ? thanks you g_partyPanzersEnabled : 1/0 1=yes 0=no, default 0, Set to 1 to enable party panzers. g_partyPanzersPattern : [string] The pattern of the drawn panzers. This is a string of "bits" that represents where the panzers shots are aimed. The default value of "10001,01010,00100,01010,10001" means there are five rows of panzers fired (rows are separated by the comma (,) character), and an X pattern is drawn as "1" represents a panzer and "0" represents a space without a panzer. There is no limit to the number of panzers that can be shot, although too many panzers will cause extreme lag on the server. g_partyPanzersDamageMode : 0/1/2, default 2 0=No damage. 1=Normal damage. Each panzer does normal damage (see g_dmgPanzer). 2=Proportional. Each panzer does damage proportional to the number fired panzers. For example, if your pattern has 10 panzers, then each panzer will do 1/10 the damage that a normal panzer shot does (see g_dmgPanzer). g_panzersVulnerable : 1/0 1=yes 0=no, default 0 If set to 1, panzers that are shot in mid-air will explode. If party panzers are on, nearby panzers will explode as well due to splash damage. g_panzersSpeed : Speed of the panzers (Applies to normal and party panzers). Normal panzer speed is 2500. Default is 2500 g_panzersGravity : 1/0 1=yes 0=no, default 0. If set to 1, panzer trajectory will be affected by gravity (Applies to normal and party panzers).