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Found 24 results

  1. I noticed playing Silent that when you hit TAB the word "BOT" appears in bright yellow letters instead of the normal "0" that other mods display. Is there any way to reset this to normal?
  2. I have some ideas regarding new themes. I hope you will like them too when you read my whole post As we all noticed, since 0.4.0 silEnT has new themes. For sure, everybody noticed that "Quick VoiceChat Menu" is themed too, what you can see on the picture below: http://obrazki.elektroda.net/91_1323201911_thumb.png In my opinion it would be nice if "Fireteam" and "Quick VoiceChat Fireteam" menus were themed too as they are default etmain ones ATM: http://obrazki.elektroda.net/61_1323202274_thumb.png http://obrazki.elektroda.net/75_1323202636_thumb.png Also, there are more HUD parts which could be "affected by new themes" IMHO: 1. Fireteam window. 2. Info on the right side (such as map time, FPS, local time, lagometer etc.). 3. K/S/D. http://obrazki.elektroda.net/14_1323203799_thumb.png I suppose some players would miss old HUD-looking after this is implemented (if you like the idea of course) so there could be created a cvar for them which would control if HUD is themed or not (similar to ui_themedCursor - enabled by default). What do you think?
  3. I have g_mode 10 so I can pick up any weapon. I often find myself with 10 bullets left in a gun, and picking up one I see on the ground, only to find it has no bullets. I was wondering if there was a way to set these empty guns so they could disappear faster or have some text appear when you look at it to tell you they are empty. Thanks
  4. I have always felt that adrenaline is way to powerful. Currently, we have adrenaline enabled on our server, since there are a few members/regulars that really enjoy it. However, we also get a lot of complaints with many people suggesting that we disable it. Most of our players feel the same way I do about it and just refuse to use it. Anyways, we have attempted to make it much harder to get it so that it isn't as much of a problem. Our "solution" was to increase the amount of xp needed for level 4 medic to 700. This isn't working very well, as the people who want it tend to connect often enough so that they can use it every time they play (xp save resets after 60h). I am proposing some options to allow server admins to make adrenaline less powerful. Here are a couple possible solutions that I think would work fairly well... First, add an option (likely to g_medics cvar) to make adrenaline use 50% of your charge bar instead of the full 100% Then, add one of the following options... An option (g_medics) to disable the damage reduction that adrenaline gives (so adrenaline only gives the unlimited stamina benefit) This combined with the reduction of charge bar usage would still keep adrenaline useful for running with an objective or running on the battlefield to revive a teammate, but makes it less powerful for rambo medics using it in battle. [*]A cvar to adjust the damage reduction value for adrenaline (as a percentage). This way, server admins could just reduce the damage reduction to a value that they feel is more balanced. You could also accomplish the same thing as the first option and set the damage reduction to 0 (which I think would combine good with the 50% charge bar usage) Using the first option and adding just the two bitmask values to g_medics seems like it would be the more intuitive method as server admins would not need to worry about a new cvar. The second option would be a lot more flexible because you could keep adrenaline using 100% of the charge bar and just tweak the damage reduction down a little bit to help balance it without changing the feel of how adrenaline works currently. What do you guys think?
  5. Firstly, I absolutely LOVE the new recipient list feature of the PM UI in 0.4. Well done for that. I have a suggestion though - the title pretty much says it all.. Would it be possible to implement a way of selecting multiple people from the list? The only way I can suggest doing that would be to CTRL+Click on several people from the list.. If it's not possible to captcher ctrl like that, then perhaps have it so you must double click people from the list to add to the recipient field.. But if possible, the ctrl+click option is probably the least messy for you guys.. Chuckun
  6. I really enjoy having g_skills set to one. I mean, if you can see a landmine, of course you would tell all of your teammates on the battlefield. However, once people have high xp on xp save servers, almost everyone starts to have that ability. This takes away one of the covert ops' greatest abilities, which helps to discourage the teamwork that goes along with needing a covops to help spot landmines. I think it would be a great option to be able to restrict the ability in g_skills 1 to only allow players to spot mines when they are close (can see the white outline). This also makes sense in the game perspective where normal soldiers are not likely able to detect mines from a distance, whereas maybe a covops with special training might be able to. But, if you notice that there is a mine right next to you, you would definitely tell your teammates. I believe that this restriction would be the best of both worlds and help to bring back the usefulness of the covert ops class.
  7. Hello there, I have 2 ideas regarding in-game serverbrowser. I hope they are doable 1. The browser could inform if the server is running map-voting/deathmatch gametype instead of showing "???" in TYPE column. 2. There could be map-voting and deathmatch filters in Game Type filter. http://obrazki.elektroda.net/80_1325872833_thumb.png
  8. I noticed that playing as an engineer I keep setting off my own team mines. No other class seems to do this. Any way to turn this off so it is the same for all classes?
  9. This would be more realistic if the beam was the color of a string (string) instead of a laser beam.
  10. On behalf of Dragon Could you do the fix for the weapon animation during fast reload (like in NQ for example) so that the animation of reloading Thompson, for instance, doesn't finish in the middle?
  11. Any plans for widescreen support in the future? Newest version of Jaymod has it and it looks nice lol.
  12. You know how there is most kills, most XP, most knife killer and all that, can we have Most Mine Kills??? Also, on a side note, can there be most panzer suicides?
  13. Similar to Jaymod, I've already thought the ability to bring up a console to PM was a good idea. Interested to see thoughts on this idea or if it's feasible to implement.
  14. Tripmines look like Lasermines, well not like I would have ever seen one.. lol. quote from here Well I would love to see that variant from that RTCW Mod. Though for the moment, for me it would be sufficient if it aint a laserline, but wire. Simply a red and blue wire, which is not transparent. Well very nice would be if we can just edit a shader - I have not checked that.?
  15. Hello Guys You know that recently one of our servers was changed to SilentMod. The feedbacks about the mod has been great. Everyone enjoying the mod and didn't hear about any issue about it. Only positive stuff. Would be possible to make an tweak on laser mines? You know, the first serious studies about laser only took place on the 50's. Those mines would be much better if they had thin line textures visible to your team and could only be spotted by the opposite team through a covie or some 4 star battle sense guy. It's ok if the mine itself should keep visible to everyone, because, well, it is on the wall and not buried on he ground. Those mines, the way they are now, is the only weak point to me. Great job on the mod guys! Keep up the great work you are doing. Let's keep the ET alive! Best regards, Alvo
  16. Well,this is only a suggestion,is there a chance to see the tripmines on the map? (When you press G,or in your minimap) I think it would be very helpful as you can see where your teammate have placed the tripmines(Like the others mines),and you can avoid accidentally exploit from your teammates.
  17. I'm sure you guys will curse me at this suggestion, but I really do miss being able to quickly edit individual admins, intro sound etc while offline using something like the shrubbot. While I do enjoy the freedom of doing the editing in game, to me it seems much more slow going. For instance on my server, I had certain players using different entry sounds when they connected vs. the rest of the players using the same level. It was easy to copy/paste over the sound directory using notepad and then just change the name of the .wav file to another sound in the same directory. This now takes longer and seems like it would be a bit more troublesome for other nub server admins such as myself. For instance [admin] name = ^+N^qo^jG^1oo^+D^7*^i555 guid = [REMOVED] level = 56 flags = greeting = greeting_sound = pub\greetings\thebeast.wav [admin] name = ^3Scuttlebutt^4555 guid = [REMOVED] level = 9 flags = greeting = greeting_sound = pub\greetings\acdc.wav On the other hand, I love the !userlist, !useredit, !userban, !userdelete features of this mod and wish more mods had it implemented. Perhaps I'm being greedy but is there some way to "have my cake and eat it to"? to be able to do both edit via something like shrubbot and still have the .db style lists?
  18. On behalf of Dragon Make Fireteam always show only coordinates of the players and make it preserve the same width. Examples below: 1. FireTeam on maps where the player's location is displayed as coordinates: All OK, FireTeam fits the screen. 2. FireTeam on Gold Rush where instead of coordinates names of the locations are shown: FireTeam display gets out of the screen. It concerns new etpro HUD where the FT is on the right and it often gets out of the screen to the right.
  19. On behalf of Dragon Make the compass slide out to the bottom of the screen when it is placed on the bottom of the screen. Like in Jaymod when the alternate HUD is used.
  20. Hello, At the begin I want to say that silEnT 0.2.1 is great mod. Dunno why only 3 servers are running it... It's nice mod, but I miss one thing... Alternative HUD. I know that I can made my HUD myself by "Drag & Drop" option, but couldn't you implement some pre-defined HUD-styles, eg. ETPro's? CLICK TO ENLARGE PHOTO (info on the left top corner, fireteam - right top corner, compass instead of "soldier's head" etc.) Would be nice to see some pre-defined HUDs in 0.2.2
  21. An option to have the guy: completely muted or only say it once for a group of land mines or the way it currently is. because currently if you want to mute him, you have to have the announcer muted also and that means you can't hear stuff like dynamite planted or objective taken which are crucial to game-play. but it is rare for someone to bother spotting a lone land mine, they'd usually just ignore it and will try spot the ones in groups. When this happens, you get the announcer goes on and on, and it delays other messages and hearing dynamite planted 15 seconds late can be a pain. also he causes me a whole lot of grief with lag, normally its fine, on a bad day my et goes patchy and sometimes even freezes if there are vsays or kill sprees or airstrikes whilst he is doing it, so it would be great to have this as an option
  22. I'm not sure whether this also works with nades / projectiles But in nitmod, when a player pushes someone to a natural death, the player still gets the kill as a push. What I think would be good, is if it only worked for team kills, it would make tracking team pushers in maps such as minas so much easier, or if a player is say abusing afks against barbed wire to xp whore as a medic, it will count as a team kill. So not only would they not get the revive xp, but this could also allow players to be able to complain vote against such people, and have them kicked if there is no admin online.
  23. Not sure if this is even possible but I figured I would ask anyway. I know their are a few perks for being in a fireteam already. You can pull up mini map and view their location as well as their info in the corner. My idea refers to the "following player" when you die. Is it possible to have the "follow player" focus on your fireteam members if you are in one when you die? (ie. FT Alpha has 4 players in the squad, 1 player dies and can cycle through the other 3 members that are alive before following members outside of the FT which would be on your team either axis or allies) This would be pretty cool to be able to see what your fellow members are doing instead of having to hurry and find them before you spawn. I feel if this feature can be accomplished it would generate more use of the FT for those players that are of the same skill lvl or understanding of similar game play on the given map. If this is already in place I apologize for wasting the suggestion but would ask in return an explanation of how to set it for my use since I do not see it happening when I am in FT. Thanks!!
  24. Me and few of my friends have noticed that there's no fireteam icons. So fireteam icon above your head would be nice. Just somekind symbol above every member in your fireteam. That makes easier to track down your fireteam members.
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