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urgent! Bot's are doing what they want


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I don't know what happend with my bot's. I've setted limit of 10 bots max.

Since 2 day's the bot's are with 24 :o

I didn't changed anything to the bot only I wanted to change there names.

And this isn't the only thing that's wrong, if you connect to the server you get it in.

But you get connection interrupted error message al the time :s



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Check the minbots, maxbots and botwar setttings from omni-bot/et/user/omni-bot.cfg file.


Check the et_autoexec.gm, et_botnames.gm and et_botnames_ext.gm in the omni-bot/et/scripts/ folder. Revert the changes you made when changing the bot names.


Register at the Omni-bot forum http://www.omni-bot.com/forum/index.php and ask additional help from there.

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i used addbot :)


but there is something strange going on in the folder omnibot/et/user there are some files like railgun_stuckage_gm,cean2_stuckage_gm,oasis_stuckage_gm,fieldump_stuckage_gm,braundorf_stuckage_gm,adlernest_stuckage_gm and sp_delivery_te_stuckages.gm.


and the server crashed when i was playing railgun.. there connect bot's and disconnected al the time.


also I can't rename them by changing the names in the file et_botnames_ext.gm..

strange things going on

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Hi Majordelux


Here is the bit from the et_autoexe.gm I was refering to.


// Load any other scripts that we will need.







// New module format

global Util = import("utilities");

global ETUtil = import("et_utilities");

global RegionTrigger = import("et_regiontriggers");

global ClassManager = import("et_classmanager");

// cs: only load one of the following botname scripts at a time

//ExecScript("et_botnames_ext.gm"); // note: must be loaded after et_classmanager

ExecScript("et_botnames.gm"); // 0.81 script

// global debug flags

global DEBUG_MAP_SCRIPTS = false;



I disabled the botnames_ext and enabled the old style.


Give it a try.

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  On 9/6/2012 at 4:43 PM, Majordelux said:

I don't know what happend with my bot's. I've setted limit of 10 bots max.

Since 2 day's the bot's are with 24 :o

I didn't changed anything to the bot only I wanted to change there names.

And this isn't the only thing that's wrong, if you connect to the server you get it in.

But you get connection interrupted error message al the time :s




Connection Interruption message can be because of your server network or your client network issues.


For bots please post your omni-bot.cfg from user folder. We will help you out :)

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  On 9/8/2012 at 8:32 AM, Petbark said:

Hi Majordelux


Here is the bit from the et_autoexe.gm I was refering to.



I disabled the botnames_ext and enabled the old style.


Give it a try.


What will do this with my omnibots? cause Idk what happend.. The bot names never load from the file for the botnames.

It's always omnibot[1] and so on..

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this is my et_botnames.gm file




// Register default profiles for the game classes.

RegisterDefaultProfile(CLASS.SOLDIER, "def_bot.gm");

RegisterDefaultProfile(CLASS.MEDIC, "def_bot.gm");

RegisterDefaultProfile(CLASS.ENGINEER, "def_bot.gm");

RegisterDefaultProfile(CLASS.FIELDOPS, "def_bot.gm");

RegisterDefaultProfile(CLASS.COVERTOPS, "def_bot.gm");


// Register a bot with a script. Uncomment this line to try the sample bot.

//Names["samplebot"] = "sample.gm";



// Set up a list of Names, optionally associated with a script.


Names["^>D^9ave"] = "";

Names["^>B^9rian"] = "";

Names["^sHan^5ni^7Bal"] = "";

Names["^fEs^7Ki^fMo"] = "";

Names["^7KanI^6*"] = "";

Names["^0UG^7o^0d!^7*"] = "";

Names["^8El ^fLoco"] = "";

Names["^0Sh^cA^0rk"] = "";

Names["^0Das^1Boot"] = "";

Names["^1Vic^0T^1imi^0Z^1eD"] = "";

Names["^7*^0{^<Y^0ou^7r^<S^0el^<F^0}^7*"] = "";

Names["^7A^4n^7ata"] = "";

Names["^0e^1X^0itium"] = "";

Names["^ETinky Winky"] = "";

Names["^3.T^1u^3n^3a."] = "";

Names["^7*^2A^4R!Z0N^2a^7."] = "";

Names["^8D^@z^8uu^@."] = "";

Names["^3Lula^0Molusco^L*^0/^LXV^0/^L*^1"] = "";

Names["^0Sn^7!^0per^7+"] = "";

Names["^0W^1i^0LL^1iam^0-W^1a^0LL^1ace"] = "";

Names["^1H^8u^3m^2b^cu^4g^0?"] = "";

Names["^0e^2s^0thlo^2s"] = "";

Names["^1-=^0DI^7GG^0ER^1=-"] = "";

Names["^6V^7irtual^6D^7umb"] = "";

Names["^0Clint_Eastwoo^3d"] = "";

Names["^7Lukasz^1*"] = "";

Names["^6.^7Sp^6!^7der^6."] = "";

Names["^1=^:li^7m^:es^1="] = "";

Names["^dH^02o ^dI^0s ^dR^0ecruiting"] = "";

Names["^4R^0egister ^4A^0t ^4o^0ur ^4F^0orum"] = "";

Names["^>W^0e ^>A^0re ^>R^0ecruiting"] = "";

Names["^dJoin ^0at^dwww.^0H2o-clan^d.net"] = "";

Names["^4Join ^0us ^4www.^0H2o-clan^4.net"] = "";

Names["^>Join ^0H2o^0-^>clan Today"] = "";


@petbark: I haven't set a path for omnibots in server cfg.

it's now: set omnibot_path ""

Edited by Majordelux
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