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Everything posted by clan DIABOLIK

  1. Hi, is-it a cheat clue ton see jaymod client connecting ? ET 2.60c\cg_jaymod_title\Jaymod 2.2.0\cl_cpu\i586\cg_delag\1\cg_ident\*\cg_hitSounds\1\cg_etver\4\cg_c\0.8.2\cg_cmodbuild\win-x86 Apr 24 2014\cg_uinfo\12 0 100\sil_guid\*\pmove_fixed\0\pmove_msec\8\g_password\none\cl_guid\*\protocol\84\cl_wwwDownload\1\name\^0Pri^wnzi^1pel\rate\45000\snaps\20\cl_anonymous\0\cl_punkbuster\1\ip\*:27960
  2. I've just seen the same name, same colors, except (Prinzipal/Prinzipel), probably the same guy without the cheat : http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=playerinfo&idx=30358670 @cinco, it's why I've posted this thread. If AC'coders need more infos, they will tell me. One cheater in one year is like 99,99 % xD
  3. Not a bug, as gaoesa said, bug is intended to false-positives. And this one is a real cheater, believe me, I jus was excited to catch the 1st for me xD
  4. Hi, I've just banned this player, the first time I do it for aimbot since silentAC is on !!! I made a video of him but 700MB size, where to host it ? His name is Prinzipel but low history http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=playerinfo&idx=46579482&page=server Name silEnT ID PB GUID Date Banned By Duration ReasonPrinzipel EC7A007B B1769326 12/23/14 console PERMANENT banned by admin WTF ?????
  5. Sorry, tittle post is wrong, I talk well about g_trueping. Happy to see I can use it safely on my server, thanks for the information xD PS: If one day I find the doc they were saying that, I will post it. V55
  6. Well ... I wanted to ask if this CVAR can have an impact on the CPU-charge of the processus 'etded'. Because of that, documentation was saying to be careful with this CVAR in jaymod, so is-it the same with silent mod ?
  7. Hello, I can't answer your modding questions but,@Twin_Future welcome back on ET
  8. OK tanks, and is-it true it can overload the cpu server (in jaymod 2.1.7 they were saying that) ?
  9. Hello I've recently changed my CVAR sv_trueping, to 1. It runs OK when I press TAB, I'm happy to see a 20 ms ping instead-of 48 But when I look in splatterladder or HLSW, I see the 'false' ping of 48. Does-it come from the mod or the engine ? V55
  10. Maybe the shooted-guy has made a "play dead" ?
  11. sorry for the misunderstood, I was talking of the point 2 of this discussion http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/3032-statistics-and-loading-screen-freeze/?do=findComment&comment=13000
  12. @gaoesa : I talk about this behavior : In this case, you don't receive the "getting disconnected for unknwn reason". You stay on the LOADING screen, and are just able to open console (and type exit xD). Is it mod related or engine bug ?
  13. If it happens during intermission (or warmup can't remember), it is a known bug. Salut McBeth xD when does-it happen ?
  14. But I've extracted this wrong info from server.html in 0.8.2 package ?!? Anyway, thanks to point me the right documentation. V55
  15. Hello We actually have this CVAR : What about another-one, dealing "kicks spectator even if server is not full" ??? When using omnibot, if 'CountSpectators=1', spectator players who are afk since long time is so bad for teambalance.
  16. In previous version (0.5.?), panzerwar with silentmod was very crappy (strange reload or dunno bad weapon response) Now it runs like it was in jaymod, perfect ! Try baserace.cfg map with these settings, even for a clan server : And don't forget to reset at previous-values in default.cfg
  17. OK, no effect in the current game, but the next time the player will connect, he will have the forced 'com_hunkMegs' value. Am I right or no please ?
  18. http://wolfensmart.free.fr/divers/zoomlvl.JPGLOL I did touch the UI
  19. OK, so I need to check again with a fresh client install ... Thanks @all for helping me, this forum rocks !!!
  20. Thanks Hellreturn, but they are client cvar, not server cvar. I was talking about server cvar.
  21. It is not my goal making medics less useful, let's say making other classes as lucky as medics xD
  22. I am very sorry to ask you again a refresh of my memory : Recently, I've touched a CVAR, cant remember which one, but here is the effect: - when I use my binoculars, I am now on the highest zoom level, instead of the normal one. Sure I should comment my cfg when I modify a CVAR, I know I should
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