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Posts posted by Dookie

  1. Yes, it's true. But I can't working on it longer cuz the project went in diff way as I expected. Additionally we can't share it cuz there are a lot of TB's tracking method things. We contacted on the licensing of Q3engine, but we got no reply ( its really sad ).

    Anyway, IRATA discourages peoples to use it and he blocks the possibility to run it on his mod. I revived the ETENG project cuz I want to help this lovely game and I learning at the same time.


    Ok Sol, but I would suggest you then that you propose your version to YCN hosting, cuz over there we only got ET 3.00 to be installed...Thx for your reply.

  2. Okey lets clear this out, certain people when given lvl 5 have setlevel command, but they dont have s flag in shrubbot.cfg, it happends only sumtimes, happend 2-3 time's so far, and we got many people with lvl 5, so I dont understand how it happends...
  3. Hello we got this thing enabled that it report's players with uknown binaries to admin chat, wierd thing to me is that mostly people from "wierd country's" are always shown as client's with unknown binary's, mostly people from turkey,chile,pakistan and so on, that far away country's and doubt that any of them are using any hacks cuz they are barely even moving, so is there maybe a bug or smthing? So far how much Ive noticed on our server, all players from turkey are always being reported for that on adminchat...thx in advance.
  4. set g_XPSave "21"

    set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "12o"

    set g_XPSaveMaxAge "12o"

    set g_damageXP "0"

    set g_damageXPLevel "50"

    set g_maxXP "-1"

    set g_xpdecay "0"

    set g_xpdecayrate "0"

    set g_xpdecayfloor "0.0"


    this is what ive got, basiclly its xpsave for 1 year, dont think u need any longer :D

  5. This was to be fixed in this version but we were forced to release version without this because it fix one of the critical bug.


    As Gaoesa said this is the problem of the engine and 'mod' can't fix it


    so Sol, any chance then that u nd Paul fix it?

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