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Posts posted by Dookie

  1. did you know if hellreturn is in vacations?

    i send him an email yesterday but i dont have an answer back from him

    thanks you


    ive spoke to him like 2 days ago...he was on xfire

  2. Great suggestion! I already use good old etmin.exe but an in-game option would be good for others who dont know :)


    yep, using the same thing, but many new players dont kno about it, so yeah would b great!

  3. Hello, we all know that ET cant be minimized by pressing any button's, there is also many minimizer's over the internet and there is also alz+enter option, but I was wondering, is it somehow possible, maybe to add smthing like a TAB or smthing when you click esc that there is a tab named minimize game or something? And when you click on it game gets minimized? Ive came to this idea after ive read about this new screen resolutions in options, so is this even possible to be made?
  4. They should work already. The compatibility in the interface is not broken by the Omni-bot team. The stability is an issue that the release candidate version is for. To test if it is good for a release.


    ok, i will install them later on my test silent server, then we will see how it goes :), thx for the info!

  5. hello, sinc ethis hasnt been added in silent mod 0.5.2 im begging that to be added in 0.5.3 version, cuz its pissing me nd my temmates, i mean i write a message not that long and then i realize that half part is missing, can you please relong them in next realase?
  6. The same issue happens originally if players connect right at the end of the intermission. I would prefer this was fixed in the engine side rather then making messy combinations in the mod but sure it can be looked at. Do note that if player gets this kick during the map and not because of the intermission, it happens because he is spoofing his guid.



    Replying while sol was writing,

    That is great sol!


    true that! :)

  7. The immediate help in your case would be to make g_warmup longer so the players already playing would have time to connect before the warmup ends. Though I must say I'm a little surprised the sil_guid is not in the engine stored userinfo after map change. I would actualy still like to see more log entrys for the map changes where the existing players don't fully connect before the warmup ends.



    I remember when doing the cg_ident one of the problems was that the server remembered the old cg_ident from the player even without the client being reconnected. Are you sure I have not misunderstood what you were saying about the bug? This does happen to players who have already played on the previous map?



    Sorry, I indeed misunderstood this.



    Yes. This bug is known and it of course needs to be resolved somehow. However, it does not concerns players already playing on the server but only those unfortunate ones that happen to connect just when the warmup is ending and they don't have enough time to send their userinfo before the ClientBegin is forced on them.


    After quick testing the earlier proposition I made about the engine side fix, it is not that simple. It seems to generate a new type of bug where player never enters the world in the same conditions of connecting just at the end of the warmup. Nevertheless, there is a bug in this matter.


    ok, so is this gonna b fixed in 0.5.3? Cuz like on every map I got sum people kicked for invalid silent guid, sum of them reconnect but sum doesnt, its still makin me lose sum publicity...I think this requires sum urgent action. Thank you for reading!

  8. Hello, noticed that many players got this problem with their ET's, so im just copying this easy toturial which ive posted also on my clan forums, in hope that it would help people.


    Hello, if you have ever expirienced this problem 99% is that you are running vista or windows 7 on your PC, the only and the easyest way to fix this error is simply to run your Enemy Territory as admininistrator, and you can do that by doing this:




    Right click on Enemy Terrritory icon>Run As Administrator, like shown in the picture, and thats it! You shoudnt be expiriencing that error anymore.






    And then to make your life easyer, just open console and write




    And you will be connected on AxE server!

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