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Posts posted by Zelly

  1. Is it possible to add the ability to have optional pk3s to the mod. For things that are not required, like sounds.

    I love having A LOT of sounds, but I hate requiring them to be downloaded to play.

    For example have a folder in silent directory named optional or possibly a server cvar for the checksum?
    Then you can put a pk3 full of wav files in the folder.
    and have either a separate client cvar for cl_allowOptionalDownloads 1 or if that is too complex I would be ok with just having the people that want the sounds just download them manually from website.

    You can probably think of a better way of approaching this but I was just shooting the idea your way, thoughts?

  2. Might I suggest a simpler version, in just adding the health of your teammate in tab screen and also add maybe the latched class in tab screen too. Just my alternative suggestion, still have to pull up another screen but if your looking for info about your entire team that is where you should look I think.

  3. I havent really expieremented with this at all so I may have to be corrected.
    But I dont think you could add just 5 minutes. You would need to set the timelimit to a specific number. (which obviously wouldnt be too handy)
    I think if you want +5 mins on the clock you might want to make a lua console command to do so.

    And to call this vote you would need to do /callvote addtime in the console or make a new menu pk3 with addtime in it.


    The Vote in shrubbot:

    name = addtime
    exec  = addtime
    description = Adds 5 minutes to the clock
    votetext = Add 5 minutes to the clock?
    passtext = 5 Minutes have been added to the clock
    levels =

    You would need a lua file for this still (Which originally isnt what you wanted, But I dont think there is another way)

    function et_ConsoleCommand( command )
      if ( string.lower(command) == "addtime" ) then
        et.trap_Cvar_Set("timelimit",( et.trap_Cvar_Get("timelimit") + 5 ) )

    Not 100% that is correct lol. That is just how I interpreted it to be done.

  4. [customvote]
    name = The of the vote shown with the /callvote command. Maximum length 15 characters.
    exec = Command string to execute if the vote passes. Maximum length 1023 characters.
    description = Description of the vote shown with the /callvote command. Maximum length 1023 characters.
    votetext = The text that is show for voters. Maximum length 255 characters.
    passtext = Optionally, a text that is shown to players if the vote passes.
    levels = Optionally, admins can define the vote to be available to only specific levels. Same format that is used with the custom commands. 

    Goes in shrubbot.cfg just like you would do a  command.

    *Disclaimer I havent used yet so idk for sure.

  5. For number 1, see what your antilag settings are I had a similar problem where players with (stable) high ping were active but they could not move when antilag (Or maybe antiwarp) was enabled.


    For number 2 There may be a client cvar, there is one for nq and one for etpro not sure what it is in silent or if they have it.

  6. The problem your probably running into is flak jacket, ( 50% less explosive damage for people who have flak jacket )

    And most servers let that skill carry over to other classes too not just engineers, I have come to just disable flak jacket altogether as I don't think people should be just launched 50 feet when a grenade hits them directly.


    To toggle it for every class when level 4 engy is reached look here:

    and if you want to disable it altogether, which admittedly is a bit extreme:

  7. You should really consider looking at the wiki first http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/SilEnT_Mod it has most all of the information you usually need.
    Description for lua_modules


    List of files to be loaded by the Lua API engine. Can be separated by space, comma or semicolon. The paths are relative to the mod's directory, and can optionally be placed inside pk3 archieves. We are aiming for compatibility with ETPro's Lua Mod API found at


    As a more direct answer:

    set lua_modules "spec.lua autopromote.lua customvote.lua"

    Replacing the names with the names of your luas of course.

  8. This is what I thought, however I don't ever see it when connecting to server, only when I set it to "" and then "cat.tga"

    I even upped fadafter to 360 and fadetime to 60


    I have cg_watermarkAlpha "1.0" on client


    Is it possible I have another cvar that is conflicting?

  9. So I have two possible bugs, i say possible because there is a chance there were intended to work like this.


    Number one is I had g_debugDamage 1 on server which gives output like this:

    client:5 health:100 damage:3 mod:MOD_MP40

    But it only goes to server console the clients never see it. (I couldn't find any client cvar to show it either) Making it difficult to test in game damage output
    So I had to make a quick test lua to catch each time it shows that and re print it out to clients.

    Number two:

    I was testing SMG damage from above Supply Depot Gate to broken wall near command post.
    With g_dmg 65:

    (Advanced Hit locations & Damage from players who are spectators or have disconnected is ignored )

    I do 18 damage to body at any range with SMG

    (I forgot how much damage legs and arms do, but i think it was 9)


    With g_dmg 67
    (Above with flag 2: Applies a more realistic damage vs. range equation for short-ranged weapons.)

    I did 3 damage to body and 1 damage to legs and arms

    I am not sure if this intense of a damage reduction is intended or not, but I was researching around and in etpro forums someone posted almost exact same issue in etpro and they appeared to have acknowledged it as a bug, so I thought i would report it.
    Here is the topic I found: http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6302


  10. Ok so I have a watermark, but does it ever show automatically, if so when and where? I played for some time didn't see it.

    The only time I saw it was when I manually set g_watermark "" and then back to g_watermark "cat.tga" with rcon

    set g_watermark "cat.tga"
    set g_watermarkFadeAfter "60"
    set g_watermarkFadeTime "10"

    cat.tga is 128 x 128  (Though I am curious if it needs to be that)

    cat.tga in watermark folder



  11. c would be the DB if I am correct.


    (not sure if this the correct format for rewriting that piece of code, but it might help you understand it)

    if you do DB:Connect("dbname", "dbuser", "dbpassword", "dbhost", 3306)
    then you are really doing DB.Connect(DB,"dbname", "dbuser", "dbpassword", "dbhost", 3306)

    function DB.Connect(self,DBName, DBUser, DBPass, DBAddr, Port )
            -- so self is actually the DB table
    	require "luasql.mysql"
    	self.env = assert( luasql.mysql() )
    	self.con = assert(self.env:connect(DBName, DBUser, DBPass, DBAddr, Port))

    Disclaimer: I do not fully understand this part of lua yet, so I may have made a mistake.

  12. Would there be anyway to create a callback that signals everytime a player switches team.


    ClientSwitchTeam(clientNum,toteam) (or maybe add (clientNum,fromTeam,toTeam) )

    function et_ClientSwitchTeam( clientNum , toTeam)
      local currentTeam = et.gentity_get(clientNum,"sess.sessionTeam")
      et.G_LogPrint("Stopping " .. clientNum .. " from switching from " .. currentTeam .. " " .. toTeam .."\n")
      return 1
    function et_ClientSwitchTeam( clientNum ,fromTeam, toTeam)
      et.G_LogPrint("Stopping " .. clientNum .. " from switching from " .. fromTeam .. " " .. toTeam .."\n")
      return 1

    I can't decide which switchteams it should catch though. There is /team and the limbo menu and then there is things like inactivity, ref putallies, !putteam, and !shuffle also I think there is an automove in the killrating playerbalance thing.
    I would like them all but it seems like there could be problems that could cause.

    It would be nice if I could possibly return 1 like I do in ClientCommand to stop them from joining.


    I had originally thought that I could basically create my own with client command (And Possibly a runframe for inactivity) but it doesn't seem like the limbo menu passes any kind of command that lua catches(Or am I wrong?)

    Anyways thoughts on the idea?



  13. Your problem is most likely not permanently solved.

    Like twiti said it is likely a problem with a certain mapscript.

    Restarting your server, or resetting nextmap will only fix it until the problem map has been voted again.( You may not know which map it is right away, because at the end of the map players may vote for another map, there for not triggering nextmap)

    Anyways you will need to locate the map somehow, and reupload the mapscript to your server with twiti's fix.

    Or you will probably have to keep restarting your server every time it happens (Unless it was not a problem with the map)

  14. yea you'll have to reset your nextmap


    set nextmap "vstr d1"

    but I still am unsure what causes it, if I remember right I think it is certain maps do it. (I had the problem a lot with sniper and panzer maps)
    But perhaps someone else knows what exactly it is so you can stop it from happening in future.

  15. Oh idk if this is same type of issue.

    But when I was playing with hitsounds I was trying to compress the pk3 and it would play once or twice and then it would stop. But then after repeatedly changing things i changed it to store instead of compress and it worked everytime (Make sense now lol)

  16. Hello would it be possible to spawn an entity with the et.G_Spawn() that other players could see and possibly interact with(for example an item_health)? - Maybe a simple example if so.
    Or is that not what it is to be used for?

    Kind of just learning what possibilitys I have access to with lua then work from there.

    Thanks in advance :wub:

  17. Umm I beleive both sounds. If i have it on the normal setting, the ppsh will play an off in the distance sound in the direction the player is shooting me from, and it will it play the bullet impact sound of hitting a player.

    If i have cg_effectDistance set to 0 then it will not play the ppsh distance sound and I won't hear the impact sound either. (Though it still shakes my screen and makes me lose health correctly)
    I have only noticed it with ppsh so far, but ill try testing some other guns when I get the chance.

    I can give the steps to reproduce (From what I can tell cg_effectDistance is the only cvar affecting this)
    1. set cg_effectDistance "0"
    2. TargetPlayer and ShootingPlayer(With ppsh) stands about 1700 units(Or whatever they are called) apart. (See picture above to see that aproximate distance)
    3. ShootingPlayer shoots TargetPlayer with ppsh.
    4. Target player should not hear any sounds but it should still shake his screen and lose health.

  18. In the description of the client cvar it says its not supposed to affect sound. :lol:

    cg_effectDistance Description Players can adjust what is the maximum distance that bullet effects are drawn. This can give slight performance improvement in maps with large open areas by not drawing effects to a distance player can't see them anyway. These effects include trails in the water, splashes, smoke pufs and different impact marks on the surfaces. This setting does not effect the sounds or the tracers. Usage cg_effectDistance [integer] Default 4000

  19. I figured it out it has something to do with that cg_effectDistance I asked for a while ago

    I had it set to 0 but at 4000 (default) it makes the sound like it should.


    using my lua i got the distance at about 1500 where i stopped hearing the sounds.

    Distance on fueldump

    EDIT: Forgot to say im not using ET Legacy or any other modified ET.exe

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