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Posts posted by Dragonji

  1. File Name: Jaymod Source Code

    File Submitter: Dragonji

    File Submitted: 29 May 2016

    File Category: Mods


    This is the source for the last release of Jaymod, which is version 2.2.0.


    This source is bound to the original terms from id Software. On top of that, Jaybird is releasing this source under the Apache 2.0 license. Feel free to use this codebase as you please, as long as both licenses are bundled and proper credit is given.


    Click here to download this file

  2. Too bad as many servers use g_clientBinaries cvar and as binary hashes are outdated, people cannot access the servers using the newest ET Legacy clients. And that's not the only problem.


    It's been 2 years since the last release. Perhaps it's a good idea to open source the mod (except the AC part)?

  3. VCMI 0.99 released.


    Here's the full news:


    We're back with new major release!


    Download VCMI 0.99


    A lot of work has been done to ensure game stability. A number of "impossible" crash bugs were tracked down and fixed. This opens up chance for better multiplayer support in the future.

    RMG has undergone huge improvement, it is now not only closely resembling OH3, but also works much faster. Bonus is about 150 random map templates ported from original game and fan favourites.

    Pretty much every aspect has been improved. Pay close attention to spells and cheat codes. Flying spells and artifacts have been restored as well as ability icons in Creature Window. Over 1400 commits were done since previous release 0.98, which means something.


    Since 0.98f over 100 bugs have been fixed. Since 0.98 it's difficult to count. For the first time in history more bugs are being fixed than reported ;)


    We also have daily builds for Windows up and running.




    We recommend you first make a copy of clean Heroes Complete / Shadow of Death folder. Extract VCMI zip package there.

    WoG is not needed. All recommended mods and files can be downloaded via Launcher included in the package.




    * Nomads will remove Sand movement penalty from army
    * Flying and water walking is now supported in pathfinder
    * New artifacts supported
    - Angel Wings
    - Boots of Levitation
    * Implemented rumors in tavern window
    * New cheat codes:
    - vcmiglaurung - gives 5000 crystal dragons into each slot
    - vcmiungoliant - conceal fog of war for current player
    * New console commands:
    - gosolo - AI take control over human players and vice versa
    - controlai - give control of one or all AIs to player
    - set hideSystemMessages on/off - supress server messages in chat
    * Drawbridge mechanics implemented (animation still missing)
    * Merging of town and visiting hero armies on siege implemented
    * Hero info tooltip for skills and mana implemented
    * Fixed AI trying to go through underground rock
    * Fixed several cases causing AI wandering aimlessly
    * AI can again pick best artifacts and exchange artifacts between heroes
    * AI heroes with patrol enabled won't leave patrol area anymore
    * Changed fractalization algorithm so it can create cycles
    * Zones will not have straight paths anymore, they are totally random
    * Generated zones will have different size depending on template setting
    * Added Thieves Guild random object (1 per zone)
    * Added Seer Huts with quests that match OH3
    * RMG will guarantee at least 100 pairs of Monoliths are available even if there are not enough different defs
    Please report any encountered bugs on Mantis bugtracker


    Additionally, VCMI is present in social media and other services:




    Other groups:




    There also page in Russian:



    Also welcome our latest contributors Dydzio and Chocimier.


  4. I dont know much about modding or if this info even is helpful for the silent team but /min was successfully ported into the etjump mod so its possible (from what I can logically see).


    It's completely useless as you can with ease minimize the game using Alt+Tab on ET Legacy.

  5. I run a server for myself and friends and if my friend was an idiot testing hacks well that's his own stupidity but I am not going to disable your features just for 1 friend - unless I absolutely have to.  I did not start this thread to start a flaming competition on who has the better opinion on cheaters.   And I am not running my server for you guys I'm running it for me so if I see value in a feature there is no need to argue that you don't see the same need - to each's own.  We all have our own opinions.

    If you're letting one cheater to play with you, I cannot see any problem, just disable the anticheat and allow everyone to play.

  6. Sure I'll migrate after buying a SSHD disk (hybrid SSD)

    Don't go for SSHD. Either buy a small SSD and additional HDD, or only a big HDD. SSHD is just a product of smart marketing and does not provide any additional performance gains over HDD.

  7. Banning proxies is like a Sisyphean labour. Endless work. I am aware of the fact that everything can be spoofed but the problem did not exist for very long time. There must be ways to improve the protection, make it harder for reverse engineering etc., I don't know. Catching new proxies every single day is a really frustrating job. It's like part time job and you can't react immediately so players keep abandoning this almost dead game.
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