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Everything posted by Dragonji

  1. Lol, hell no. I even don't like the feature with double SMGs for each team. If silEnT devs will put K43 and Garand for both teams, they should also make silencers K43 and Garand, Luger and Colt for both etc... I totally don't agree to make something like this by default for all mod's users, cause it would be unfair, but it could be a new server-side cvar for example - 0|1 (0 - default value, normal ET way, axis' weapons for axis only and allies' weapons for allies only | 1 - all weapons for both teams).
  2. Hmm, I was wondering... What would you say for highlighted buttons in the menu like in NQ? In my opinion it would be nice addon for the mod . Of course if it isn't lots of work for coders.
  3. I miss few shrubbot commands in silEnT: - !spec [name] - makes you following specified player. - !levlist - list of all shrubbot levels. - !levinfo [number] - shows all shrubbot commands and privileges for specified level. - !pants [name] - just a fun command, removes player's pants . - !seen [name] - shows last activity of players. Would be nice to see them in the next release.
  4. It's very nice to me you like both, but honestly, both are almost the same, there are only 3 changes - healthtext + xptext moved to right and compass has been enlarged a bit . If you want so, I can do another one "ETPro-like" HUD for second one .
  5. Hello again, just wanted to say I tweaked the HUD a bit, here the effect: http://obrazki.elektroda.net/97_1298214934_thumb.png In my opinion it looks better then previous one New code: elements { "ammocount" 618 470 20 "chargebar" 622 388 12 "chattext" 160 478 20 "compass" 46 384 94 "cpmtext" 4 60 20 "upperright" 140 "fireteam" 400 6 100 "flagcov" 600 340 "head" -1 -1 -1 -1 "healthbar" 20 388 12 "healthtext" 600 400 22 "lagometer" 592 280 "livesleft" 4 360 14 "overheat" 558 424 60 32 "skillbox1" -1 -1 -1 "skillbox2" -1 -1 -1 "skillbox3" -1 -1 -1 "skillpic1" 35 388 13 "skillpic2" 35 412 13 "skillpic3" 35 436 13 "skilltext1" 38 410 20 "skilltext2" 38 434 20 "skilltext3" 38 457 20 "staminabar" 4 388 12 "votefttext" 8 200 "weaponcard" 558 424 60 "xptext" 600 411 22 }
  6. In chat after every map players' pings are very weird: http://obrazki.elektroda.net/46_1298153781_thumb.png
  7. I made a HUD, it looks almost like ETPro's: http://obrazki.elektroda.net/90_1297797119_thumb.png Code for it: elements { "ammocount" 618 470 20 "chargebar" 622 388 12 "chattext" 160 478 20 "compass" 50 384 80 "cpmtext" 4 60 20 "upperright" 140 "fireteam" 400 6 100 "flagcov" 600 340 "head" -1 -1 -1 -1 "healthbar" 20 388 12 "healthtext" 56 476 20 "lagometer" 592 280 "livesleft" 4 360 14 "overheat" 558 424 60 32 "skillbox1" -1 -1 -1 "skillbox2" -1 -1 -1 "skillbox3" -1 -1 -1 "skillpic1" 35 388 13 "skillpic2" 35 412 13 "skillpic3" 35 436 13 "skilltext1" 38 409 20 "skilltext2" 38 434 20 "skilltext3" 38 457 20 "staminabar" 4 388 12 "votefttext" 8 200 "weaponcard" 558 424 60 "xptext" 111 476 20 } Have fun
  8. OK, I could do it Hmm, but I have few questions: 1. How can I delete soldier's head from the HUD? http://obrazki.elektroda.net/87_1297700354_thumb.png 2. Is it possible to replace "graphical showing" of skills: http://obrazki.elektroda.net/44_1297700659.png With texts? http://obrazki.elektroda.net/85_1297700763.png Silencer, I see you're Pole, dunno if I can write in Polish on the forum, if not, please answer the questions on PM in Polish
  9. Hello, At the begin I want to say that silEnT 0.2.1 is great mod. Dunno why only 3 servers are running it... It's nice mod, but I miss one thing... Alternative HUD. I know that I can made my HUD myself by "Drag & Drop" option, but couldn't you implement some pre-defined HUD-styles, eg. ETPro's? CLICK TO ENLARGE PHOTO (info on the left top corner, fireteam - right top corner, compass instead of "soldier's head" etc.) Would be nice to see some pre-defined HUDs in 0.2.2
  10. I heard 0.2.2 is coming, so please restore original hitsound in next release I know it can be done by adding custom pk3, but it should be in the mod.
  11. Good job guys. I have only one remark. PPSh weapon looks very poorly. IMO you could replace it with e.g. M97. There are some HQ textures and done scripts for this weapon available.
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