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Everything posted by Dragonji

  1. I miss GPU based graphics rendering in ET... It would give veeery big FPS boost.
  2. Admin can change it, but cannot enable it for medics (or there is something what wasn't documented). Medics with PPSh would destroy the teamplay at all, they have more HP than other classes and can heal themselves, I think it's enough for them
  3. Hello mate. Know you already from TrackBase forum
  4. Yep, crashing thing sounds weird. I play silEnT since 0.2.1 and the game never crashed. It's a big advantage cause I remember I had lots of crashes on Jaymod/NQ (especially NQ)
  5. It's not forced mate, it's changeable, but you have right a little, cause I can change it through silEnT -> HUD menu, but when I try to put this command into console, it tells cg_gun_fovscale is read only.
  6. It's nice when few modders help each other because then we receive 2 very well mods and servers' admins don't know what to choose
  7. Sorry mate, I just understood wrong what sCenna has said. That's why I mentioned about this idea, I thought he was asking what are you going to copy from Chaos. And highlighted buttons are available in Chaos. Enough beer for today for me http://ng-gaming.co.uk/forum/images/smilies/drunk.gif
  8. There is one smallie bug, bots don't have waypoint for Beerrun.
  9. In silEnT they're much better and silEnT doesn't lag like Chaos
  10. List of changes looks encouragingly, good work devs
  11. IMHO original knife, Thompson and PPSh's sounds are better. But maybe some new weapon like poison-gas landmine would be good EDIT: I see you've posted in modding forum, so is your post a suggestion for the mod or you're making your own minimod for server admins?
  12. They look almost the same but MW2 is free2play through alterIWnet (it's not legal but who cares ).
  13. Hello everyone, I want to present you our new Jaymod gameserver ;-) Name: sKy-e.Beginners XPSave IP: (use /connect sky-e.de for fast joining) Location: Germany (hosted at Hetzner.de) Slots: 30 Gametype: Objective Mod: Jaymod 2.2.0 ET version: 2.55+ (you can connect from every gameversion - 2.55, 2.56, 2.60, 2.60b) XP save: Forever Friendly Fire: OFF Adrenaline: OFF Double Jump: OFF Fast Shooting: OFF Free admin levels for regular playing (1-6) Suggestions are welcome
  14. OK but if a player visits new servers and becomes fond one of them, he/she still has shit menus from big servers. Newbies often don't know how to delete them and they still won't see menu from new server they like. IMHO there is no good solution
  15. Thanks for the info Dare, I really appreciate it. I missed thing with maxchars, I thought ET supports 255 characters in the filename like Windows. OK, my menu filename has now 43 characters + extension and works right. I think players from [WOOD] and TurkishTeam won't come to new silEnT server... If they enjoy their game on such shit servers (big words but they're mostly true) with ugly menus and admins who abuse their power... When there is a mismatch, new file will be for sure (at least on WinXP, dunno if it depends on Windows or game engine) downloaded larger about 8 chars (9 chars if you count dot), 43+9=52 - seems it should work. If I have new problems with the menu I think I can fix it myself, cause now I know what can be wrong. Thanks for your post Dare. Greetings.
  16. Weird, unfortunately again some problems... I cannot connect to the server now (like everybody who was trying): http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/9337/beztytuuyd.png Everytime see this, server doesn't allow to download it. It's weird because maps and other stuff are downloading well, only this menu seems it doesn't work even if I put it into silent folder instead etmain.
  17. You forgot to say that it's 100% Polish production
  18. It seems I do something wrong or the file menu is wrong. Have set g_campaignFile "newgen.campaign", reloaded server's cfg, doesn't work. Did the same with g_campaignFile "cmpgn_newgen" (short name of campaign) but result was the same as before. This is menu file, maybe something isn't good with it: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19256625/silEnT/%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E.pk3
  19. Hello, I've made custom menu for the server and now I have a problem. I want to force people to download it when they connect to the server and my question is how can I do it? Gametype on the server is map-vote. I added to the menu's pk3 some campaign file when I heard I should do it. Uploaded package into server's etmain, but it still doesn't work. Any ideas? Greetings, Dragon
  20. Hmm, things are going so bad or you're coding something really special for the mod? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19256625/Photos/szczerbaty.gif
  21. You can easily disallow it for players by editing shrubbot.cfg...
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