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Everything posted by Dragonji

  1. Maybe that will help: http://mygamingtalk....ng-custom-menu/ Especially this part:
  2. Isn't it already in the mod?
  3. I like this place! It's a pity that I don't have so much time to frag in there. The best F|A server IMHO
  4. Would be nice to see guide called "How to make popular ET server"
  5. Hello Alexandra, nice to meet you
  6. Nope, it means full support for widescreen aspect ratios (16:9, 16:10). So... say bye to bugs with HUD.
  7. What's the difference between "BOT" title and ping "0"?
  8. The group known as Anonymous said Saturday it hacked into some 70 mostly rural law enforcement websites in the United States, a data breach that at least one local police chief said leaked sensitive information about an ongoing investigation. The loose-knit international hacking collective posted a cache of data to the Internet early Saturday, including emails stolen from officers, tips which appeared to come from members of the public, credit card numbers and other information. Anonymous said it had stolen 10 gigabytes worth of data in retaliation for arrests of its sympathizers in the U.S. and Britain. In a statement, Anonymous said it had leaked "a massive amount of confidential information that is sure to (embarrass), discredit and incriminate police officers across the U.S." The group said it hoped the disclosures would "demonstrate the inherently corrupt nature of law enforcement using their own words" and "disrupt and sabotage their ability to communicate and terrorize communities." FACTS & FIGURES While there have been high-profile computer hacks in the past, 2011 seemed to have a pretty consistent string of corporate and government cyber attacks that affected Sony, the CIA, Gmail and many more. Dailytech.com Many federal agencies like the Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), NASA and the National Security Agency (NSA) are looking to hire hackers to help find holes in government security and to even launch offensive attacks when needed. While the United States' intelligence computers are considered generally secure, a number of high-profile cyberattacks have also hit the Pentagon and other major defense contractors. Earlier this year, the Pentagon had said that it would consider all options if the U.S. were hit by a cyber-attack, including a military response. Click here to view the article
  9. Don't tell you use Internet Explorer
  10. The group known as Anonymous said Saturday it hacked into some 70 mostly rural law enforcement websites in the United States, a data breach that at least one local police chief said leaked sensitive information about an ongoing investigation. The loose-knit international hacking collective posted a cache of data to the Internet early Saturday, including emails stolen from officers, tips which appeared to come from members of the public, credit card numbers and other information. Anonymous said it had stolen 10 gigabytes worth of data in retaliation for arrests of its sympathizers in the U.S. and Britain. In a statement, Anonymous said it had leaked "a massive amount of confidential information that is sure to (embarrass), discredit and incriminate police officers across the U.S." The group said it hoped the disclosures would "demonstrate the inherently corrupt nature of law enforcement using their own words" and "disrupt and sabotage their ability to communicate and terrorize communities." FACTS & FIGURES While there have been high-profile computer hacks in the past, 2011 seemed to have a pretty consistent string of corporate and government cyber attacks that affected Sony, the CIA, Gmail and many more. Dailytech.com Many federal agencies like the Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), NASA and the National Security Agency (NSA) are looking to hire hackers to help find holes in government security and to even launch offensive attacks when needed. While the United States' intelligence computers are considered generally secure, a number of high-profile cyberattacks have also hit the Pentagon and other major defense contractors. Earlier this year, the Pentagon had said that it would consider all options if the U.S. were hit by a cyber-attack, including a military response.
  11. Scenna has released source code of his Chaos-Mod. As he explains: More information: http://multi-clans.de/index.php?mod=news&action=view&id=17&start=0
  12. Paranoia... I heard Breivik used to listen to classical music, should they also withdraw it from stores?
  13. Google launched a new service on Thursday that can automatically speed up a website's page load times. That's a good thing, as separate studies from Google and Aberdeen Group have shown faster-loading sites boost customer satisfaction and ad revenue. 3 days ago, Google released Page Speed Service, a paid feature that automatically optimizes websites so that their pages load faster. The feature should benefit users lacking expertise in things like Java and CSS coding, or lacking the time to constantly tweak their sites. "It's for people who either don't know how to make these changes or don't want to make these changes," explains Google engineering manager Ram Ramadi. Google's growth depends on a faster Internet. For a meager 400 millisecond delay, Google's own experiment showed a 0.21% drop in searches (for billions of searches, that adds up quickly). According to the Aberdeen Group, a one-second delay in performance drops page views by 11%. After car review website Edmunds partnered with Google for fast load times, they saw an increase in ad revenue. Google is, of course, also happy to remind potential customers that their coveted Page Rank system favors websites with faster load times, which might be a selling point to websites that see substantial traffic from Google servers. For the web-curious, Google has set up a testing site that shows how much faster their site could be with Page Speed. According to webpagetest.org, CNN.com would see an 8.6% percent increase (.36 seconds), and Whitehouse.gov would get a 34% boost (or 4.4 seconds). Google's own tests show around a 25-60% increase for websites. Currently, Google's Page Speed Service is only available to a limited number of webmasters free of charge, and will open to the public for a "competitive" pricing model later. Click here to view the article
  14. Coop Norway has announced it is to stop carrying 51 gaming brands and toys previously available to customers, after the horrific events in Oslo and on Utøya, including games CoD4: Modern Warfare and World of Warcraft – titles which the perpetrator Anders Behring Breivik claims to have actively played. According to a report in Norwegian newspaper Rogalands Avis, Geir Inge Stokke, director of Coop Norway Retail, said the retail giant is temporarily removing the games out of "consideration for those affected," by last week's murders. "The decision to remove the games was made around the time we realized the scope of the attack," he said. "Others are better suited than us, to point to the negative effects of games like these. At the moment it's [appropriate] for us to take them down. I wouldn't be surprised if others do the same. "We have to think very carefully about when to bring these goods back. The economy involved is of no importance." Breivik, the man behind the attacks, mentioned in his "manifesto" time playing WoW and even went so far as to describe Modern Warfare as a "training" tool in his "plan." Games confirmed as being removed from shelves by Gamers Globe include: Homefront Call of Duty: Black Ops Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty: World at War Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Sniper: Ghost Warrior Counter-Strike: Source World of WarcraftToys that "look or function as weapons" have also been removed. Click here to view the article
  15. Coop Norway has announced it is to stop carrying 51 gaming brands and toys previously available to customers, after the horrific events in Oslo and on Utøya, including games CoD4: Modern Warfare and World of Warcraft – titles which the perpetrator Anders Behring Breivik claims to have actively played. According to a report in Norwegian newspaper Rogalands Avis, Geir Inge Stokke, director of Coop Norway Retail, said the retail giant is temporarily removing the games out of "consideration for those affected," by last week's murders. "The decision to remove the games was made around the time we realized the scope of the attack," he said. "Others are better suited than us, to point to the negative effects of games like these. At the moment it's [appropriate] for us to take them down. I wouldn't be surprised if others do the same. "We have to think very carefully about when to bring these goods back. The economy involved is of no importance." Breivik, the man behind the attacks, mentioned in his "manifesto" time playing WoW and even went so far as to describe Modern Warfare as a "training" tool in his "plan." Games confirmed as being removed from shelves by Gamers Globe include: Homefront Call of Duty: Black Ops Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty: World at War Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Sniper: Ghost Warrior Counter-Strike: Source World of Warcraft Toys that "look or function as weapons" have also been removed.
  16. Google launched a new service on Thursday that can automatically speed up a website's page load times. That's a good thing, as separate studies from Google and Aberdeen Group have shown faster-loading sites boost customer satisfaction and ad revenue. 3 days ago, Google released Page Speed Service, a paid feature that automatically optimizes websites so that their pages load faster. The feature should benefit users lacking expertise in things like Java and CSS coding, or lacking the time to constantly tweak their sites. "It's for people who either don't know how to make these changes or don't want to make these changes," explains Google engineering manager Ram Ramadi. Google's growth depends on a faster Internet. For a meager 400 millisecond delay, Google's own experiment showed a 0.21% drop in searches (for billions of searches, that adds up quickly). According to the Aberdeen Group, a one-second delay in performance drops page views by 11%. After car review website Edmunds partnered with Google for fast load times, they saw an increase in ad revenue. Google is, of course, also happy to remind potential customers that their coveted Page Rank system favors websites with faster load times, which might be a selling point to websites that see substantial traffic from Google servers. For the web-curious, Google has set up a testing site that shows how much faster their site could be with Page Speed. According to webpagetest.org, CNN.com would see an 8.6% percent increase (.36 seconds), and Whitehouse.gov would get a 34% boost (or 4.4 seconds). Google's own tests show around a 25-60% increase for websites. Currently, Google's Page Speed Service is only available to a limited number of webmasters free of charge, and will open to the public for a "competitive" pricing model later.
  17. Visible light communication (VLC) or simply "Li-Fi" uses rapid pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly. Now, with a new generation of high-brightness light-emitting diodes, it may be ready to compete with conventional Wi-Fi. VLC encodes data in the light by varying the rate at which the LEDs flicker on and off to give different strings of 1s and 0s. The LED intensity is modulated so rapidly that human eyes cannot notice, so the output appears constant. VLC could solve some major communication problems caused by a looming spectrum crisis. Because our mobile devices are so data-hungry we will soon run out of radio-frequency bandwidth. Li-Fi could free up bandwidth, especially as much of the infrastructure is already in place. Regular incandescent bulbs could be replaced with LED ones that transmit data. Some new experimental techniques could further increase VLC data rates, such as parallel data transmission using arrays of LEDs, where each LED transmits a different data stream, or using mixtures of red, green and blue LEDs to alter the light’s frequency, with each frequency encoding a different data channel. Because it uses light rather than radio-frequency signals, VLC could be used safely in aircraft, integrated into medical devices and hospitals where Wi-Fi is banned, or even underwater, where Wi-Fi doesn’t work at all. Click here to view the article
  18. Visible light communication (VLC) or simply "Li-Fi" uses rapid pulses of light to transmit information wirelessly. Now, with a new generation of high-brightness light-emitting diodes, it may be ready to compete with conventional Wi-Fi. VLC encodes data in the light by varying the rate at which the LEDs flicker on and off to give different strings of 1s and 0s. The LED intensity is modulated so rapidly that human eyes cannot notice, so the output appears constant. VLC could solve some major communication problems caused by a looming spectrum crisis. Because our mobile devices are so data-hungry we will soon run out of radio-frequency bandwidth. Li-Fi could free up bandwidth, especially as much of the infrastructure is already in place. Regular incandescent bulbs could be replaced with LED ones that transmit data. Some new experimental techniques could further increase VLC data rates, such as parallel data transmission using arrays of LEDs, where each LED transmits a different data stream, or using mixtures of red, green and blue LEDs to alter the light’s frequency, with each frequency encoding a different data channel. Because it uses light rather than radio-frequency signals, VLC could be used safely in aircraft, integrated into medical devices and hospitals where Wi-Fi is banned, or even underwater, where Wi-Fi doesn’t work at all.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzUp5jQKlMg We will jump you
  20. I think that FTP owns BitTorrent if you want to share a small file with your friends. For a big file like a movie or so, BitTorrent would be faster, because you don't lose your time for uploading to the FTP or a hosting company like RapidShare or HotFile, you just sharing your files directly from your HDD to your friends, but you need a good Internet connection (I mean fast upload speed). About 'how to', I will write later when I'm on my PC, on this one I don't have uTorrent
  21. If the lua is problematic, use the built-in spree/multikill system Everything in in the docs. First off, set the right value for g_spreeOptions in your server config: g_spreeOptions Description Options to control the display of killingsprees. Parameters Type: bitmask 1 Enable killingsprees 2 Enable killingspree ends 4 Enable multikills 8 When set, a top 3 current killing sprees message will be printed every minute, similar to binoc masters, and a map's longest killing spree will be printed every two minutes 16 At the beginning of the intermission the highest spree and the 3 highest sprees which are still active will be shown 32 /kill will end a spree 64 Teamswitching will end a spree 128 Multikill messages will be delayed g_multikillTime milliseconds, to prevent the doublekill -> multikill -> megakill -> etc. flooding 256 Killing bots doesn't count for multikills or killingsprees (Note: they DO count for ending kill/deathsprees) 512 Display the map and overall spree record when entering intmission 1024 Summary: don't enable this flag if you don't have enabled g_spreeOptions flag 512 OR g_XPSave flag 16 or Shrubbot flag t Spree records are automatically saved into XPSave file when a map ends. By enabling this flag, you also store the spreerecord at the points where g_XPSave flag 16 would store XP. When you don't have set XPSave flag 16 and g_spreeOptions flag 512 and not allow users to use !spreerecord you should NOT set this flag as it takes some extra resources. When XPSave flag 16 is set this doesn't matter (it actually takes much less resources then). When only g_spreeOptions flag 512 or shrubbot flag t is set it won't do much harm anyway (your server won't explode) 2048 Enable revivesprees ([revive] blocks) Default: 0 Then make a *.pk3 file with right filenames of sounds: Announcement Sounds When announcements are enbaled on the server, the server admins may choose to install their own announcement sounds to replace the mod default ones or add missing sounds. Any of the following sounds can be installed by the admins: Killing Spree sound/announces/spree5.wav Rampage sound/announces/spree10.wav Dominating sound/announces/spree15.wav Unstoppable sound/announces/spree20.wav Godlike sound/announces/spree25.wav Wicked Sick sound/announces/spree30.wav Double Kill sound/announces/doublekill.wav Triple Kill sound/announces/triplekill.wav Multi Kill sound/announces/multikill.wav Ultra Kill sound/announces/ultrakill.wav Monster Kill sound/announces/monsterkill.wav First Blood sound/silent/firstblood.wav To replace any of the sounds, create a pk3 file with the mentioned path and sound file name. The replaced sound will be automatically played. The pk3 files are regular zips with only the zip ending changed with pk3. Last step - upload your package to the silent folder on your server and restart the machine to make sure it will load new settings. Voilà! EDIT: File with sounds created by me, you can use it if you want: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19256625/silEnT/%7Espreesounds.pk3
  22. A paid upgrade to the most popular torrent manager uTorrent is in the works, the makers of the program announced few days ago. Less than a month after the release of uTorrent 3.0, the program's parent company, BitTorrent Inc., revealed plans to introduce a paid upgrade called uTorrent Plus. Though it's still in development and unavailable to the public, uTorrent Plus promises to include tools that will eliminate codec problems, convert file formats, and move content between devices, according to the blog post announcing the product. Also in that blog post, Jordy Berson, director of product management for uTorrent, promised that the free version "will receive the same level of commitment and development resources as it does now." Around 100 million people call uTorrent their preferred torrent manager. To put that number in perspective, the security suite AVG Antivirus Free claims around 110 million active users, while Google CEO Larry Page just revealed that the Chrome browser has about 160 million users. "uTorrent Plus is designed for people who are looking for a single solution to find, get, and play content anywhere, on any device," Berson wrote. The price point for uTorrent Plus has not been announced, The company has also created a sign-up page for people who want more information on uTorrent Plus. Click here to view the article
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