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Everything posted by Dragonji

  1. File Name: Jaymod Source Code File Submitter: Dragonji File Submitted: 29 May 2016 File Category: Mods This is the source for the last release of Jaymod, which is version 2.2.0. This source is bound to the original terms from id Software. On top of that, Jaybird is releasing this source under the Apache 2.0 license. Feel free to use this codebase as you please, as long as both licenses are bundled and proper credit is given. Click here to download this file
  2. Too bad as many servers use g_clientBinaries cvar and as binary hashes are outdated, people cannot access the servers using the newest ET Legacy clients. And that's not the only problem. It's been 2 years since the last release. Perhaps it's a good idea to open source the mod (except the AC part)?
  3. Version 2.2.0


    This is the source for the last release of Jaymod, which is version 2.2.0. This source is bound to the original terms from id Software. On top of that, Jaybird is releasing this source under the Apache 2.0 license. Feel free to use this codebase as you please, as long as both licenses are bundled and proper credit is given.
  4. Jaybird decided to release Jaymod 2.2.0 source code to the public. You can grab it here: https://github.com/budjb/jaymod
  5. One more idea: add an option to disable logging custom commands to admin log. The log is a one big mess if there are many fun commands.
  6. http://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8408637200_1448745293_thumb.jpg http://obrazki.elektroda.pl/9280115100_1448745294_thumb.jpg http://obrazki.elektroda.pl/6466341200_1448745297_thumb.jpg
  7. Bumping. It's a small and easy change but the effect is quite noticeable for an average player.
  8. http://dev.etlegacy.com/issues/14 If this is the problem, installing newest ET:L instead of etded should help.
  9. Why is there no information that Lua API has been updated to 5.3? It's critical information for admins that use custom stuff as a lot of current scripts won't work out of the box.
  10. It's completely useless as you can with ease minimize the game using Alt+Tab on ET Legacy.
  11. Catchy title to get some quick reply I cannot start any new issue in the bug tracker, is it intentional and 0.9.0 is meant to be the last version of the mod or just a mistake of someone?
  12. If you're letting one cheater to play with you, I cannot see any problem, just disable the anticheat and allow everyone to play.
  13. Couldn't you just use Lua instead of adding another parallel API besides it?
  14. When you start the game, it loads etmain mod by default and silEnT devs obviously cannot change its behaviour.
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