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Posts posted by gaoesa

  1. // silencer
    // LUA_32BITS to get 32-bit integers and 'float' and
    // LUA_C89_NUMBERS to get 'long' and 'double, which was the traditional
    // combination before 5.3.
    @@ LUA_32BITS enables Lua with 32-bit integers and 32-bit floats. You
    ** can also define LUA_32BITS in the make file, but changing here you
    ** ensure that all software connected to Lua will be compiled with the
    ** same configuration.
    #define LUA_32BITS
    @@ LUA_USE_C89 controls the use of non-ISO-C89 features.
    ** Define it if you want Lua to avoid the use of a few C99 features
    ** or Windows-specific features on Windows.
    #define LUA_USE_C89

    We have these defined at the top of the luaconf.h. Maybe you need them too.

  2. You can use !useredit to modify personal permission flags of players. We have made a separate tool to list and/or remove all personal permission flags in the user database. Unfortunately, we didn't realize the need for more commands on this area of the user database while we were still actively developing the mod.

  3. I think it could be because you don't have any weapons enabled for soldier class. There is a slight difference with silEnT against other mods, as we don't default enable SMG weapons for soldiers. I.e. if you don't have any heawy weapons enabled but want to enable soldiers with SMG weapons, look at g_classWeapons http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/Silent_Mod_Server_Cvar#g_classWeapons Just a guess. I don't remember but I don't think there is a specific cvar to disable the soldier class, but it is based on disabling all the weapons from them.



    I just realized that we do default enable the SMG weapons for soldiers, because that is the way people got used to them, but there is a cvar option to disable those never the less.

  4. You got multiple detections for hacking the engine (ET.exe) in memory (not possible to identify the actual cheat or program). I don't think it is false (as in bug) as these are also very old detections and have never given false detections in the past. It doesn't come from for example proxying the client dll. As you told in your unban thread at sky-e, you have installed multiple cheats in the past, so maybe one of those is not cleanly uninstalled. You should do a process dump of ET.exe using task manager to see if there is anything recognizable and weird loaded to the process, after you get the ban on your test server of course.

  5. We are already in 0.9.0. We don't supply 0.8.0 and we don't give any support for anyone who is not running 0.9.0. You shouldn't be even seeking for that old buggy version. If there is some archiving reasons for seeking it, I don't remember what hapened with this particular version, but some version don't go public at all as they have been found critically buggy in the final testing on public servers. We have to increment the version number regardless, because the ET engine doesn't provide methods to cleanly reuse the pk3 names. I.e. the engine doesn't delete the old file of the same name, but rather adds a hash to the file name of the "overwriting" file.

  6. Re-check the g_dbMaxAliases with rcon while the server is running. However, it is possible it is set, but still not active, if the order of executing the commands in the startup cfg is wrong.


    * Opening user database file userdb.db.
    * Opening user database file userxdb.db.

    This looks like it isn't even trying to initialize it. That suggests the g_dbMaxAliases is not set or gets cleared before the mod launches. In all error cases it would print some error message. The g_dbMaxAliases can be only set at startup, that means it must have a positive value before the very first map command is executed in the configs. Or you can set it on the command line too. The server has to be fully restarted for the value change to take effect.

  7. The shrubbot !nextmap command is supposed to end the map in a tie and start the intermission for map voting. This is different from how it originally worked, which is, it just executed the nextmap cvar. From the description it sounds like the map script could indeed be missing something, which triggers some form of infinite loop in the server. Both of these things can be defined as bugs of course, one in the map and one in the mod. If you have other frag only maps that work correctly, I would compare the scripts to see what is possibly missing. That is the faster way to get it working.


    Just a thought I got while writing this post, have you checked that the g_gametype is still 6 when the valhalla map is running and has not changed.

  8. Clients have a cvar that forces redirect without asking the player about it. This cva has existed since server redirecting was introduced to the offical ET SDK (2.60 etmain). We removed that client cvar. It has nothing to do with facades. Facades in general are engine things that allow connections with 2.55 protocol as well as 2.60 protocol. I have no idea how you can reboot a facade without rebooting the server as it is the very same thing.


    I have no idea why this is in bug reports as I don't see any bug report in it. For the question: do we do anything against server facades, no we have not done anything against server facades and we will not do anything against those either. If you have an external server for the only purpose to redirect clients to new servers (no matter if it is because you have moved your server or you want to deceive players), we have not done anything against those servers either. What we have done is that players no longer get redirected to another server without asking those players first.


    What would be interesting would be more info about those rcon hack vulnerabilities you referred as I'm not aware of any.

  9. Welcome! This is what we have written for installing the silEnT mod: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/Silent_Mod_Installation

    The Wiki covers most of the things related to silEnT: http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/SilEnT_Mod


    For installing an Enemy Territory server, create directory for the installation to any location. From your client installation, you can copy the etded binary to the root of it and the etmain directory as a whole under the root directory. Follow the Wiki instructions to add silent to it and for the start command. You should have a working installation now, which you can then continue configuring to your needs. There are some startup scripts for servers around the net to get it running in the background, if you're using a Linux server.

  10. I'm assuming your intent is to report a false detection. Topic header and a process listing from a random moment when the game is not even running, without any other content doesn't give us anything to work with. Only things that are attached to the ET process can give a detection. If you're running programs that somehow interact with the game, try disabling them and adding one by one to see if one of those is causing it. Try to create a reproducible case. Finally, this is not a ban appeal forum. We have not found a single false detection in the history of our AC.



    Also, process listing doesn't tell us anything even if the game is running. If you know how to create a process dump, it shows everything that is loaded into the process.

  11. After some searching the unpure client error looks to be an old thing that can happen from time to time for various reasons. The common suggestions for clients enabling downloads and completely restarting the game. Apparently ET Legacy etlded has a fix for it, or for some form of it. Sorry I can't give exact resolutiom for the issue, but it's not a mod issue and I'm not familiar with the problem.

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