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Posts posted by gaoesa

  1. The actions you have described can be made only with rcon commands. Also, you can never trust a word someone who does that kind of things to you are saying. If he says one thing it is most likely something completely different in reality.


    Please pm me the userinfo strings he uses. The name check has a known issue which allows too wide range of characters as valid. If I remeber correctly, someone else reported empty name too.

  2. The localhost method that was shown in the video is the old method I meant and it has been fixed a long time ago. If someone tries it, it will show in the cheats log and the player gets kicked for it. As far as I know, it is also fixed in the Jaymod in 2.2.0 version. The video shows the old 2.1.7 version in which it works.


    Try to change your rcon password to see if it stops him.


    No matter if I use 12 or not, the engy who planted the mine can set it off and friendly fire is disabled. Is there a way to fix this?

    So you want to enable friendly fire on mines?


    More seriously, I don't think there is a way to disable self damage from weapons. This doesn't concern only mines but also grenades and other explosives.



    Based on these two things I figure it's clear I want to prevent engineers from being able to trip their own landmines.

    There is no such option to disable the engineer from triggering their own landmine. They need to be able to trigger it for defusing. Tripmines are different as those can be defused without triggering.

  4. If I say something is not reproducible it means I have tested it. I have said it several posts ago already so you can't claim you didn't notice it. I see this is the end of this thread as no truthful information was provided.



    It seems this needs to be spelled out even more clearly to avoid new bullshit threads from popping up.

    1. Spectator click spamming mouse does not crash/stall server with default configuration. It has been tested.

    2. Only other information that was given was a crash report that clearly has nothing todo with mouse clicking whatsoever.

  5. How many times do I have to say that it is not reproducible with default instal? Indeed, setting g_spectator to 0 does not make the crash reproducible.



    I also know that no real server hoster would have problem that causes the kind of issues with file system that you reported. That is why I guessed you are using some kind of buggy virtual machines or some other incomplete setup. Now, start giving truthful information and stop the bullshit right here.

  6. You're came with a bug that cannot be reproduced, yet you claim your host has installed several different OS version and in all of them you can repdroduce it with a default silEnT installation. Furthermore, the bactrace says it is crashing on libc on a file handling function. That is why it looks like the problem is in the installation of the OS. Unless you can provide some information that can be used to reproduce the issue, there is nothing we can do for you.


    The problem ISN'T the host. What it looks like is whenever he clicks his mouse in spec, the server crashes. Even with a default installation of ET and default config 100% default game he can crash the server simply by left clicking his mouse in spec. If there's a player it doesn't work.

    This is not reproducible. The backtrace clearly says it is a file handling issue, which is in no way related to following players in game.



    I have had a server on OVH for a test and I had no problems with it except the ping. So there is no need to set blame on them about this.

  8. Probably there is something wrong with the way you install the operating systems on those virtual machines I guess. The backtrace clearly shows it is related to file handling. Since it doesn't work on Windows server, I think it is safe to assume it is not compatibility issues with the libc.

  9. Please check that files in database directory have read/write access to the ET server. If that doesn't work, you should strip the server to default installation state and then add the changes from your tarball one by one until it crashes or everything is working the same. It shouldn't crash because of file permissions, but I'm guessing.

  10. If they don't have silEnT GUIDs that is what happens. If they have it, i.e. the silent.dat file, then it doesn't happen. If the instalation is completely separate, you can copy the old silent directory to the new installation loation. The silent.dat file alone is enough to keep the old silent GUID. After that, you can use the !updatepbguid command to update their PunkBuster GUID to the database. I think ET: Legacy is reusing the cvar reserved for the PunkBuster guid, i.e. the cl_guid field.

  11. Easily with a custom command:

    command  = map
    exec     = map [1]
    desc     = Execute a map using its bsp name.
    syntax   = [mapname]
    levels   = 5
    command = rotation
    exec = exec objectivecycle.cfg
    desc = Return to normal map rotation.
    syntax =
    levels = 5



    To run the map only once and automatically return to rotation, I don't know how to do it. It might be possible with a more complicated Lua scripting.

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