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Everything posted by twiti
corr: fueldump jumps were done in tjmod, anyway the physics problem is still on silent mod g_fixedphysics differs from etpro b_fixedphysics
edit: i used all the above cfg tricks for tj silent/nitmod/pub/jaymod are no good with fixedphysics on (especially silent and nitmod),except etpro. the best tj mods are etpro ofc (oldschool) and tjmod in other words my etpro jumps (what i jumped in etpro)are too easy in silent with fixedphysics coz the jump is longer idk why check your code dang i love grush (etpro)
why not just edit your shrubbot.cfg and do !readconfig ingame?
thx guys Etpro nested configs are perfect (etpro/configs/*.cfg->{cvar+map+checksum stuff}) I wish silent mod devs'd implement something like etpro cfg someday, the mod will just get better ...for those who missed the idea of my post: $mapconfigs/default.cfg is a config loaded via a custom command which changes the default.cfg location via mapconfigs cvar
silent mod ofc you have to play with g_mapConfigs and g_mapScriptDirectory and custom commands thx to silent mod guys example: i'd like to setup a tj mod via shrubbot: [command] command = tj exec = set lua_modules "nextmap.lua autopromo.lua TJmod.lua adrenaline.lua" ; set g_mapConfigs "tj_cfg"; restart; desc = ^7!^3tj^7 - turn ^3TRICKJUMP MODE ^1on syntax = levels = 11 [command] command = tjoff exec = set lua_modules "nextmap.lua autopromo.lua" ; set g_mapConfigs "mapconfigs"; restart; desc = ^7!^3tjoff^7 - turn ^3TRICKJUMP MODE ^1off syntax = levels = 11 well, do NOT set lua modules via your server.cfg, and you can find the above lua modules searching via google it's just a sample, have fun
hell man you do know what library they inject into et let us know too? Thanks!
in other words - why F|A admin(s) can see more than me from the ban info print. please answer this question. i'm just curious.. and i am a server admin running a silent mod server. merry xmas and thank you!
btw the F|A admins also refer to the used cheat files.. why not make this func public? and also appelants could appeal their bans easier? why not
not really... punkbuster shows something server admins can refer to - violation number, violation type and/or cheat cvars
Hi Gaoesa, just a quick question - is it possible to add more ban details to the AC log, like cheat type/files used. "banned for detected game hack" is too laconic isn't it?
medic with ppsh is terrible it would be safer to use all weapon pickup via a custom command available to high admins [command]command = allweappickupexec = set g_mode 8desc = pickup all weaponssyntax = levels = .... [command]command = allweappickupoffexec = set g_mode 0desc = turn off (pickup all weapons)syntax = levels = ....
if flak is on... g_dmgGrenade 450 g_dmgGLauncher 320 to make everybody happy
1) what Beck said put all map pk3 into etmain; use g_excludedMaps to exclude a map(s) from the vote menu; +configure rotation via mapvotecycle.cfg 2) empty referee maplist - it means the maps are missing in your local (client) etmain folder
in order to trigger etmain client download you need 1) dummy campaign file in the scripts directory of your etmain menu pk3: example: mydummy.campaign ... { name "Myclanname" shortname "cmpgn_1" description "some descriptiion here" maps "goldrush;oasis;caen4;frostbite;fueldump" mapTC 171 171 type "wolfmp" } 2) reference the above campaign in the server.cfg set g_campaignFile "scripts/mydummy.campaign"
copy silent/database/*.* to a new server
you should use default server physics cvars for TJ, otherwise it's a cheat except: g_fixedphysics 1 //jump is a bit longer, no need to cap your fps at 43/76/125 g_fixedphysicsfps 125 if you experience fall damage where it should not happen... most likely g_fixedphysics is 1, zero it out otherwise your jump is wrong
1) probably g_misc 64 Disable Falling Damage 2) extract mapscript from map pk3 (unzip, extract ./maps/mapname.script) edit game_manager { spawn { ...... wm_set_round_timelimit 15 //15 minutes ...... copy modified mapname.script to your server ./silent/mapscripts directory or ingame: ref timelimit, callvote timelimit
not really afaik you need map restart to change g_medicchargetime in silent mod. and 12 dren.. just not enough here is 500 medic dren + save/load command silent mod setup 1) --------shrubbot (edit levels) [command] command = tjon exec = set g_medicchargetime 4000 ; set g_skills 7 ; set g_medics 0 ; set lua_modules "TJmod.lua adrenaline.lua" ; omnibot_enable 0; restart desc = ^7!^3tjon^7 - turn ^3TRICKJUMP ^7mode on, execute ^3!tjoff ^7once done jumping syntax = levels = [command] command = tjoff exec = set g_medicchargetime 45000 ; set g_skills 3 ; set g_medics 325 ; set lua_modules "none" ; omnibot_enable 1; restart desc = ^7!^3tjoff^7 - turn ^3TRICKJUMP ^7mode off syntax = levels = 2) copy adrenaline.lua and TJMod.lua to server "silent" directory, replace set lua_modules "none" with your default modules if any --------------------------------- --adrenaline.lua --------------------------------- -- More Adrenaline for Medics 0.1 -- by nano <nano@fooo.org> -- -- This is a small module for trickjump servers. It gives -- medics on spawn a specified amount of adrenaline needles. -- -- To add adrenaline needles you have to use the ammoindex -- 11 (WP_MEDIC_SYRINGE) and not 46 (WP_MEDIC_ADRENALINE) -- since they belong together just like WP_LUGER and WP_MP40 -- (line 1396-1419 in game/bg_misc.c). -- AMOUNT = 500 et.CS_PLAYERS = 689 function et.GetPlayerCS(clientNum, key) local cs = et.trap_GetConfigstring(et.CS_PLAYERS + clientNum) return et.Info_ValueForKey(cs, key) end function et_ClientSpawn(clientNum, revived) if tonumber(et.GetPlayerCS(clientNum, "c")) == 1 then et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammoclip", 11, AMOUNT) et.gentity_set(clientNum, "ps.ammo", 11, AMOUNT) end end -- end adrenaline.lua --------------------------------- --TJMod.lua --------------------------------- HSP_TJmod_Verison=0.4 pos={} pos1={} pos2={} function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW,"sets ^8T^sJmod_verison ^s"..HSP_TJmod_Verison.."") et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_NOW,"sets ^8T^sJmod_WebSite ^sliteral-party.com/et/mod") end function gotohell() et.gentity_set(et.trap_Argv(1), "health", -200) end function goto() pos[30]=et.gentity_get(et.trap_Argv(2),"origin") et.gentity_set(et.trap_Argv(1), "origin", pos[30]) end function iwant(selfID,targetID) pos[targetID]=et.gentity_get(targetID,"origin") pos[30]=et.gentity_get(selfID,"origin") et.trap_SendServerCommand(targetID, "cp \"^8Y^sour position before moved has been saved, use ^1!goback ^sto restore\"" ) et.gentity_set(targetID, "origin", pos[30]) end function save(targetID) if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==1 then pos1[targetID]=et.gentity_get(targetID,"origin") et.trap_SendServerCommand(targetID, "cp \"^8S^saved\"" ) end if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==2 then pos2[targetID]=et.gentity_get(targetID,"origin") et.trap_SendServerCommand(targetID, "cp \"^8S^saved\"" ) end if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==3 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(targetID,"cp \"^8Y^sou can not ^1/save^S as a spectator.\"") end end function load(targetID) if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==1 then et.gentity_set(targetID,"origin",pos1[targetID]) et.trap_SendServerCommand( targetID, "cp \"^8L^soaded\"" ) end if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==2 then et.gentity_set(targetID,"origin",pos2[targetID]) et.trap_SendServerCommand( targetID, "cp \"^8L^soaded\"" ) end if et.gentity_get(targetID,"sess.sessionTeam")==3 then et.trap_SendServerCommand(targetID,"cp \"^8Y^sou can not ^1/load^S as a spectator.\"") end end function block(clientNum) et.trap_SendServerCommand( clientNum, "cp \"^8h^sttp://literal-party.com\n\"" ) return 1 end function et_ConsoleCommand() if et.trap_Argv(0)=="gotohell" then gotohell(et.trap_Argv(1)) return 1 end if et.trap_Argv(0)=="goto" then goto(et.trap_Argv(1),et.trap_Argv(2)) return 1 end if et.trap_Argv(0)=="goback" then et.gentity_set(et.trap_Argv(1), "origin", pos[et.trap_Argv(1)]) return 1 end if et.trap_Argv(0)=="iwant" then iwant(et.trap_Argv(1),et.trap_Argv(2)) return 1 end return 0 end function et_ClientCommand( clientNum, command ) if command=="save" then save(clientNum) return 1 end if command=="load" then load(clientNum) return 1 end if command=="noclip" or command=="god" then block(clientNum) return 1 end return 0 end --end TJMod.lua
pk3 is just a zip file but its extension should be "pk3"
get a domain (~$10y)
could be: 1) invalid mapvotecycle.cfg (invalid d.. order and/or missing d1), should be configured like set d1 "set g_gametype 6 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "set g_gametype 6 ; map fueldump ; set nextmap vstr d3" set d3 "set g_gametype 6 ; map goldrush ; set nextmap vstr d1" vstr d1 2) map winner isn't defined in the mapscript for example: ae_sniper_challenge map in this case a)extract mapscript from the map pk3 (unzip it), b)edit winner (axis or allies) in the spawn section spawn { ... // 0 - axis, 1 - allies wm_setwinner 0 ... } c) upload the above mapscript to /silent/mapscripts directory to overwrite the original i hope this is helpful
Hi, Not sure whether it's doable or not.. it would be nice to have some AC screenshot system like in punkbuster - /rcon pb_sv_ss (image stored on the server). What do you guys think?