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tapir76 last won the day on April 1 2013

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    Poland Krk

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  1. More what I mean is that at the moment statistics for this fashion are disabled TB ""The mod on this server is not ranked.Session not ranked"
  2. Great job gentlemen! When statistics mod will be will be attached to TB?
  3. You have set "set g_bot_maxXP " in cfg?
  4. Banned on our server. silentguid same name Praz. Aimbot
  5. Hi I became intrigued by the subject http://forums.warchest.com/showthread.php/39240-AirStrike-Colours!-! Would it be possible to Silent mod?
  6. Sorry for the confusion .. ban is in September
  7. This mistake? if it depends on something?
  8. Hi "sess.rank" what exactly does this mean? Player ranking on the server?
  9. Thank you And how do you add more commands operating in the same way? in CVARNAME?
  10. hello I need help how to put expand this script to be able to use this command to enable or disable something I mean to use the command " blabla on" " blabla off" use_cmd = 1 function et_ClientCommand(clientNum, command) command = string.lower(command) if (command == "blabla") and (use_cmd == 1) then for i=1,1 do et.trap_SendConsoleCommand(et.EXEC_APPEND, "chat \"^............... \n") end return 1 end end
  11. does not promote at level 4. you do not have a defined lvl4 and lvl 5 lvl1xp = 1 -- XP needed for level 1lvl2xp = 5 -- XP needed for level 2lvl3xp = 15 -- XP needed for level 3lvl4xp ="???"lvl5xp =" ???"
  12. g_clientBinaries 6 At this point, I do not use lua.Server creates cheat.log. Saves unknown binary file but no longer known (30d13c5e1339f3c80ad89ab4525564ab)
  13. known cheat binary is no longer saved cheat.log?
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