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Geo last won the day on January 30 2015

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  1. Nice to see it was implemented (haven't been around for ages) because it looks far simpler & efficient to use
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONFIG: -- Change the values below to allow or disallow votes (1 = true, 0 = false) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vote_allow_kickbots = 1 vote_allow_fivemins = 1 vote_allow_tenmins = 0 vote_allow_quarterbots = 0 vote_allow_halfbots = 0 vote_allow_crazygravity = 0 vote_allow_crazyspeed = 0 vote_allow_putbotsspec = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do not edit below this line -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep kickbots & fivemins at 1 and put the rest to 0, nothing else required
  3. Sorry about this, I didn't actually include !passvote into this system, but this is a simple fix in the lua script. I'll do it today and re-upload the script so it will work with !passvote
  4. File Name: Custom Voting File Submitter: Arcane File Submitted: 06 Sep 2013 File Category: LUA Custom voting system that gives users access to additional useful votes. To install: You need to unzip the file and extract the files customvote.lua and zzz_customvote.pk3 Read the readme.txt Upload these files into the silent folder on your server In server.cfg cvar: lua_modules "customvote.lua" Restart the server Click here to download this file
  5. Geo

    Custom Voting

    Version 1.0


    Custom voting system that gives users access to additional useful votes. To install: You need to unzip the file and extract the files customvote.lua and zzz_customvote.pk3 Read the readme.txt Upload these files into the silent folder on your server In server.cfg cvar: lua_modules "customvote.lua" Restart the server
  6. Will post my script that I have created for custom votes on silent soon. The current votes available are: kickbots 25 percent bots (adds 1/4 bots of max slots) 50 percent bots (adds 1/2 bots of max slots) +5 mins +10 mins crazygravity crazyspeed With all panzer/rifle/sniperwars being added once relevant bugs are fixed. Features include configuration for allowing/disallowing votes in the script, a command to display only enabled votes and a dynamically changing menu (pk3). Using the config section in the script the menu will automatically change and only allowed votes will be available as buttons. I can add more votes if they are requested and of course it is entirely up to the user to decide which votes can be used on the server.
  7. Geo

    Rifle Grenades

    Already use those settings using player limits. Yes. I wouldn't of posted if nobody was considering using it. It is a frequent question asked by players on the server, mainly etpro and I would like at least the option for a choice.
  8. I'd like to request something (a cvar) to mirror the behaviour of b_riflegrenades. It would be useful for say disabling RG for lower numbers (i.e 3o3) as currently I have to disable the complete Rifle weapon and keeping the k43/garand enabled would be ideal. Thanks.
  9. bump Out of curiosity is this something that can be fixed in the next version? I was thinking of creating a temporary fix using lua, pretty sure it is possible
  10. Geo


    I don't quite understand what kind your ideal 'war' mode would be. I was assuming something like !panzerwar etc. If you could specify the settings then i'm sure it would be possible using lua.
  11. Confirmed at "133". Perhaps it would be possible to set the value of that cvar during !panzerwar using lua - setting it back to 400 (default value)
  12. /rcon password g_dmgPanzer
  13. Geo

    excluded maps

    So the example in the wiki should actually have :adlernest: added to the first block as well? Or did I understand that incorrectly? Otherwise I thought the first block would be overriden by the second [players 0-15] set g_excludedMaps ":adlernest:mlb_temple:" [players 16-*] set g_excludedMaps ":adlernest:" [/players]
  14. What do the logs say when !shuffle is used? Forgotten whether it would be etconsole.log or server.log but it might be worth checking those to see if any errors are reported
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