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Everything posted by wawin

  1. On etjump mod we can install hundreds of maps. Can we have this opportunity in the future?
  2. For spec command you have a lua file http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/files/file/31-spec-command/
  3. [command] command = ^1ms exec = makeshoutcaster desc = Makes you a shoutcaster. syntax = levels = 0 1 2 [command] command = ^1unms exec = removeshoutcaster desc = unmakes yourself as a shoutcaster syntax = levels = 0 1 2 [command] command = ^1afk exec = !putteam [n] s desc = Become a spectator. syntax = levels = 0 1 2
  4. wawin


    you can use this setting: [banner]message = New IPwait = 1position = bp
  5. wawin


    Nice, its worked. thanks
  6. wawin


    Hi, I have 2 servers silent and a member has pbguid only one of the servers. I did dbcleanup, not help.
  7. Agree, they are the best development team.
  8. Maybe we need 2 lua scripts one for real players and the second for bots.
  9. Its working, but you can have 6 bots to allies team and 6 real players to axis team.
  10. I think the spread for bullets is too big for fast shooting.
  11. Just I installed silent 0.6.3 and lua feature too. thanks
  12. I know that, but the cheaters can have 2 config with cvars off at the end of map and cvars on after new map is starting.
  13. Hi, Is it possible to make someone a lua script to execute cvars every 5-10 minutes (maybe a lua script where we can set the time)?
  14. I have this version ET 3.00 - TB 0.6.6 linux-i386 installed and the same problem. Most of players dont know to do in console /reconnect
  15. Hi, I think many players spamming the server with artillery support. Can we have no XP added for artillery support?
  16. Thanks for help, I deleted those guids.
  17. Can I send you my userdb.db in pm?
  18. When I do !usersearch level 30, I have that: 2 |mysilentguid |mypbguid | 7 mins | | 30 | | 3 | BCB8B16F | CB8B16F3 | NEVER | | 30 | | 4 | BCB8B16F | CB8B16F3 | NEVER | | 30 | | 5 | BCB8B16F | CB8B16F3 | NEVER | | 30 | | 6 | BCB8B16F | CB8B16F3 | NEVER | | 30 | | The guids 3,4,5,6 were my guids, I tried to delete them with !userdel but not working.
  19. The server disconnect me all time when I try to connect in warmup.
  20. Thanks for patch update, but we have the same problem when players connect in warmup. "Server disconnected from unknown reason"
  21. wawin


    Nice script and working great. Thanks Sol.
  22. I have one player on server now, I can not restart to see if its ok, but I think is good now. Tks again.
  23. yea, I seen, I have 2 spaces between autopromotion.lua and kspree.lua
  24. I have this setting in silent.cfg set lua_modules "dynamite.lua autopromotion.lua kspree.lua warmup.lua" set lua_allowedModules "" and the lua scripts are uploaded in silent folder
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