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  1. PlayStation 4 horror title Until Dawn has found itself censored in Japan. http://images.eurogamer.net/2013/articles/1/7/7/7/5/8/0/until-dawn-death-scene-censored-in-japan-14406882072.jpg It's hardly be a spoiler to say that the game's cabin in the woods story features plenty of death.Although, as a 'choose your own adventure'-style game who dies depends on the choices you make. It may be that your playthrough does not include the following scene at all, but read no further if you're worried about spoilers. The scene in question, posted online by censored gaming, involves a circular saw, and what happens when the soft young body of Josh finds itself in its path. The original version of the scene - which you will see in the UK - shows what happens in rather gruesome detail. In Japan, the action cuts abruptly to black - but you can still hear what happens, which is strangely sort of worse. S: http://www.eurogamer.net/
  2. http://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Until-Dawn4.jpg The PS4 exclusive cinematic horror game Until Dawn is finally out today. The game, which places a heavy emphasis on the choices you make and how they affect the outcome of the story, is going to launch in the UK and Ireland on August 28- this Friday. To celebrate the launch of the game, there is a brand new launch trailer for the game And that is not all, either- knowing the importance of great sound design and mixing for a good horror game experience, there is also a custom audio mode for Until Dawn, tuned specifically for PlayStation headsets, which you can download starting today via the Headset Companion App. This should immerse you in the striking world of Until Dawn like nothing else. Source http://gamingbolt.com/
  3. http://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/1370944081-mad-max-2.jpg Avalanche Studios’ Mad Max was first announced way back in 2013 and will be releasing in a couple of weeks from now. Obviously it’s been a long wait for Mad Max fans but judging by the previous gameplay trailers, the game seems to bring its own set of mechanics that may work well within the open world aspects that the title provides. So what else is there? Our brilliant folks who are producing content for GamingBolt’s Youtube channel have published a video outlining what you can expect from Mad Max in the most brutally, honest way possible. You can watch the video below the post. Mad Max launches on September 1st for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. S: http://gamingbolt.com/
  4. http://0cb8dd5d2dc142d08f0f-eb3b436d25971e5860b39e72b0600342.r94.cf1.rackcdn.com/images/VWYottqADDnn.878x0.Z-Z96KYq.jpg Rainbow Six Siege, which was originally scheduled to come out on October 13, has been delayed. Ubisoft announced today that the game will come out on December 1."This wasn’t an easy decision, but based on the feedback we’ve received, and based on our own internal tests, we felt there are adjustments and improvements we can make, including improving the co-op experience across all game modes, weapon and gadget balancing, as well as menu and interface navigation," Ubisoft wrote. "We’re taking a little more time to make these changes, and we think it’s the right call."The closed beta will still begin on its scheduled date of September 24. The delayed date will give the studio more time to testing and tweak infrastructure and matchmaking, allowing for "a higher-quality experience at launch," Ubi added. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/
  5. http://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/101-1024x576.jpg Mike Norris from Guerrilla Games has revealed new information regarding Horizon Zero Dawn. First of all he defended against claims that this is only a game about robots and machine guns. “There is an interesting story and raises some philosophical questions about who Aloy is and what humanity looks for and who we are as people, who she is and why we are here. It’s not just robots, dinosaurs with machines guns. It has a really interesting story line too.” Secondly there are a ton of mysteries in the game. “Secrets are in abundance on Horizon. So if you look at that, that may not be a cave wall but there is actually a history there is written there. There are a lot of mysteries that we have not talked about yet but there are certainly a lot of mysteries for that particular history written on that cave wall.” Marl further revealed that three things never changed when they first pitched the game to Sony back in 2011. First, a playable lead female character, vast open world and machines. Mark also revealed and detailed several role playing game elements such as leveling up, crafting, perks, choosing outfits and choosing weapons. He also teased that are other RPG elements which they plan to announce a bit later. Regarding shooting he explained that the word shooting most of the time implies to gun but there are no guns in the game and it uses primitive technology. Mark stated that the game is a deep tactical strategy game which will ensure that the player will learn more about the machines such as their weak points. Exploration will also play a big part in the game and players can explore mountains tops, depths of valleys and ancient cities. Furthermore there are no load screens in the game. In short this is a completely seamless world. Technically the game is one big area since there is no loading but it comes packed with a number of different environments including deserts, lush jungle like region ,and a forest area along with a full day-night cycle and weather system. However the cool thing is that there is a reason why these specific regions exists and it all ties in with the story. He also revealed that the game is not necessarily set on Earth. Finally he also shared his thoughts on the development cycle of the game. It was tough to build over the Killzone engine and revamp it for an open world game. Several mechanisms were changed such as the machine’s navigation map, streaming logic and lighting effects. Source http://gamingbolt.com/
  6. Hi everyone, Just wanted to tell you about our new site, www.findgamingbuddies.com, a site we hope will help a lot of online gamers out there to find gaming partners without the trolls. We're two gamers who got tired of the disrespect, abuse and generally poor behaviour from online players during co-op. We looked for a way to find genuine players to game with, but apart from random forums, we couldn't find anything - so we started one ourselves :-) The idea is really simple - players create a free profile on the site that helps other players find them. They list the games they're currently playing, age range, country, and even level of expertise so that people can find the right kind of gaming partner. Once they've found a match, they can message securely via the site. What makes findgamingbuddies unique is that players can leave ratings and reviews of other players they've gamed with. That means that good players are naturally rewarded, so we can really promote a positive, respectful community interaction. We're a free service with no funding and no affiliation to any gaming companies, and we're not trying to sell anything - just offer a place to for gamers to connect with other serious gamers with a focus on friendliness and respect. We've just launched the site, so please visit us, sign up if you like what you see and help us build something amazing for gamers everywhere :-) www.findgamingbuddies.com See you there, Lee (FGB)
  7. http://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Crackdown.jpg Crackdown 3 was by far the best game at Microsoft’s stunning Gamescom press conference. Featuring destructible environments, Reagent Games plans to deliver a new and unique experience for Xbox One owners. Crackdown 3 is essentially the first game on the Xbox One that will utilize Microsoft’s cloud services to improve performance and add enhanced effects such as destruction. In an interview published by Xbox’s official channel, Dave Jones from Reagent Games details how they are using the power of the cloud to push the game to an all new level. He also talks a bit about how destruction will affect gameplay and how it will be a different experience everytime the player plays the game. Crackdown 3 will launch exclusively on Xbox One in 2016. Source http://gamingbolt.com/
  8. http://i.imgur.com/Y80qCcG.png Description Retard Rebellion is a gaming community on the popular gaming platform Steam. We are not a community that wants total gaming domination over the competition, or want to shove ranks down your throat like some cheap whore. We just wish to please our members with fun from the most popular games out there! http://i.imgur.com/LIhEbfq.png Now hiring retards! Here at Retard Rebellion, we use the term "Retard" lightly... To us, it means outcast, if you do not fit into other communities for being too "Immature" or "bad at games", not to fear! Join us to have some fun and laugh at the other serious communities out there. http://i.imgur.com/LIhEbfq.png The details... So, you want to join do you?... Retard Rebellion offers a variety of servers, currently on Garry's Mod and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: Overpoch. We aim to release servers on other popular games on the Steam platform and quite possibly the Origin platform to grab those pesky Battlefield retards! We see you over there on that Origin platform, waving at us Steamtards, signalling us over, well not to fear, we shall accommodate all! http://i.imgur.com/LIhEbfq.png Servers! Now the good part, servers... Current Server List Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Overpoch: Garry's Mod Murder: Prophunt: BuildRP: Jailbreak: http://i.imgur.com/LIhEbfq.png Teamspeak3 If ever you wish to come and chat with us, or you are inquiring about joining us, you can use our Teamspeak3 server... Teamspeak3: http://i.imgur.com/LIhEbfq.png Joining us?... Add me on Steam if you are interested in joining the Retard Rebellion! http://i.gyazo.com/b0e7c06537d5cd86dae2337b25e94020.png Thank you for reading this. Kind Regards - Shia
  9. There's a new trailer for Superhot. Sorry, I mean SUPERHOT. Sorry, I mean SUPER. HOT. SUPER. HOT. SUPER. H—and, once again, it's another super exciting video showing off more time-dilated manshooting, gunshooting and abstract violence. It's like F.E.A.R. meets Frozen Synapse! Sort of!There's a new trailer because the (seemingly unnamed) development team have just released a beta version to people that backed the game on Kickstarter for $40 or over. Here they are talking about that in a Kickstarter update:"Ladies and gentlemen, we’re hyped to announce that the beta has just been sent out to everyone eligible! Thank you one more time for your awesome support and trust, for spreading the word of SUPERHOT and for all the love we got from you! This is a great day for us, and I hope it will be a great day for you too, once you find the SUPERHOT beta steam-key in your email inbox and activate it in the steam app!"Take your time and enjoy it! And once you're done, let us know if you liked it! Either by sending us an email, tweeting or on the secret backer forum. Also, feel free to post screenshots / videos of the beta if you'd like to, we're cool with that."Note that the beta is limited, we only send it to the people who pledged the $40 tier and above. We’re a bit shy to release an unfinished game, but were doing it exclusively for you! There is no way to “buy into” the beta."There's a playable prototype available on the site if you didn't pledge that much (or at all), but it's a bit basic compared to the footage above, and doesn't look nearly as nice. Superhot doesn't yet have a release date, but it's coming, and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/
  10. WarPulse What is WarPulse? WarPulse is a Gaming Community founded in 2014 by Shanka and is now run by -Niall. WarPulse is growing and changing. We have started to expand our venture in becoming a successful community by making some major changes to the way our community runs, in an effort to grow, evolve and bring more people in, starting with our shiny new website and TeamSpeak server. Why would you want to join WarPulse? WarPulse is a gaming community built on the foundations of making friends and playing games, and includes many different aspects that makes us so unique. We have an active community filled with numerous personalities and friendly people to interact with, including an active staff team who are always here to help with any problems or issues you may come across. WarPulse is also a great place to find out about new games and have people to play them with on release, and maybe meet some new people that could become friends along the way. To put it simply, if you want a somewhere to be able to chat, socialise, make friends, play games and have fun, all without leaving the safety of your own bedroom, WarPulse is the answer to your prayers. Membership is free and always will be; we even have competitions and giveaways regularly so there is always something to do. If this is what you are looking for, WarPulse is the place for you. We listen to our members’ feedback and act upon it when required. We want your ideas, we want your feedback and we want you to tell us if there is something that you feel is missing, be it a feature on the site or a channel on TeamSpeak - anything is possible. So, if you’ve decided that you want to give us a shot, perfect! Signing up is extremely simple. Please just head over to www.warpulse.com and create your account. Once done, open up your TeamSpeak client and connect to ts.warpulse.com – here you’ll connect to our server and be able to begin talking to people right away, along with the luxury of enjoying the ability to play games with us, just ask anyone with a circle icon that isnt blue (Our Staff) to add your Pulsator group once you’ve signed up to the site this will give you access to all of our public and registered zones within the TS server. Thank you for signing up, and we hope you enjoy your time with us. If you require assistance, please feel free to contact any of the staff.
  11. http://36646d87786feafc0611-0338bbbce19fc98919c6293def4c5554.r0.cf1.rackcdn.com/images/Uzvcp1XdSZTI.878x0.Z-Z96KYq.jpg Whole months worth of my teenagehood were lost to the original Rise of the Triad, and the 2013 reboot wasn't too shabby either. So it's exciting that something Rise of the Triad related is being teased. I'd speculate that it's a sequel, but that's just a guess.The tease comes via the official Rise of the Triad Twitter account, which tweeted the above image, a link to a YouTube video, as well as the text "soon" and "please stand by... your bazookas". The video is embedded below, and features the above image soundtracked by what I'm guessing is music from the forthcoming game. It's a good time for a new Rise of the Triad: fast-paced, twitch-oriented shooters are definitely making a comeback, especially with a new Doom looming on the horizon. The more of these games the better, if you ask me. Running and gunning for life. http://www.pcgamer.com/
  12. http://3ebd2a0c0ea48a333aea-1f531def8e8befb67be56667ce3edd11.r77.cf1.rackcdn.com/187baaef18689bde3735ffeaf23fa9b2a000fce8.jpg__940x420_q85_crop-smart_upscale.jpg The Call of Duty Zombies mode is such an integral part of the series these days that it's hard to imagine a Treyarch CoD game without it. That wasn't always the case however, as Treyarch lead Mark Lamia told Wil Wheaton in a new episode of the PlayStation-sponsored Conversations With Creators web show. "I probably shouldn't even be here as a studio head because I let this thing happen at a time when development was strained and the team was in a difficult place trying to release a historically authentic cinematic World War II game," Lamia said. "And then you hear, 'Have you heard? They threw a zombie in there! It's a Nazi zombie! Everyone likes to kill Nazi zombies, it's a fun new game co-op mode!' And I'm like, 'This hasn't been greenlit, what's going on?'" The zombies mode was thrown together during a crunch period, where the team was working overtime to meet development goals, so scripters and programmers made do with what they had. The zombies' movement, for example, was taken from motion capture of actors giving the performance of injured soldiers wandering the battlefield after an air raid. Word spread around the office about the project and individuals began to volunteer their time to make the mode a complete asset. "It was total grassroots," Lamia said. The problem came from the disparity between having a silly-but-fun zombie-killing mode in a game that was being advertised as a gritty, authentic portrayal of WWII. "We made this deal with Activision … that it wouldn't get marketed. We wouldn't market this," Lamia told Wheaton as he recreated his meetings with Activision executives. "[i said] 'It's okay. Let us release it as an Easter Egg. After everyone's already experienced the artfully-crafted, beautiful Call of Duty that we've been working on for years, let them experience that game. After the credits roll, this'll surprise at the end.'" Lamia noted how strange it seems now to not promote the zombies mode, a sentiment reflected quite well by the fact that CoD Zombies has grown into such a major phenomenon that Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will feature Jeff Goldblum as a mustachioed magician. Source http://www.gamesradar.com/
  13. Activision this week released a surprise bundle consisting of Prototype and Prototype 2 on Xbox One (and then PS4). Despite the company's claims that these versions offer improved frame rates, evidence suggests otherwise, at least on Xbox One. Digital Foundry has examined the Xbox One versions of both games and found them generally lacking. Prototype is said to run at 30 frames per second, with occasional dips to the mid-20s. And while it runs at 1080p, it's not as if the game's visuals have been completely overhauled, making it unclear why it doesn't run at 60 FPS. The site calls it "passable in its remastered guise, if a somewhat barebones conversion." Prototype 2, on the other hand, fares more poorly. DF says it's "among the worst performing games on Xbox One to date," with stutter during cutscenes and a framerate in the 20-25 FPS range while moving around the city. Comparing it with the Xbox 360 version, the frame rate in the Xbox One release is lower in multiple areas. The Xbox One version also has a good deal of screen tearing, something not present on PS3 while still running at a better frame rate. At best, it looks as if the Xbox One version is fighting to offer an experience on par with that of the last-gen versions, just at a higher resolution--things like texture quality and draw distance haven't been improved. It's possible the PS4 version handles things better, but that remains to be seen. In light of this, it's perhaps not a surprise that the Prototype Biohazard Bundle, as it's called, was released so quietly. It's not as if you're getting much of a discount, either--it costs $50 on both Xbox and PS4, though Activision said that it plans to offer each game on its own starting on August 11. Source http://www.gamespot.com/
  14. Website: UGNetwork.EU TeamSpeak Adress: We at the Unified Gaming Network are a community of like minded gamers who all want the same thing, to meet new friends who are interested in the same things and having good time. We have been around for over 2 years and have hosted top rated DayZ mod servers, DayZ standalone, Rust, Arma 2, Arma 3, CSGO, Chivalry: Medieval warfare and many more. We wish to host even more in the future and suggestions are always welcome! So come join us today and meet new friends!
  15. http://www.claytonia.net/images/1.png Claytonia.net Gaming is looking for more people to join our in on our forum discussions and Teamspeak conversations. Claytonia gaming is a small, friendly gaming community that has been offering a public TS server and gaming forums for 2 years. We started as a Minecraft community and quickly grew into a much more diversified group of gamers. We have a great group of people who are always looking for new gamers to join us. If you tired of gaming alone or just need a voice chat server (Voice.Claytonia.net) check out Claytonia.net and find some new friends.
  16. Come and join Untouchable Gaming Community! We have multiple servers up with active Admins that can help you solve any problems that you may encounter our servers. Our Teamspeak 3 is: ugcts3.ts.nfoservers.com The servers we have are: http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/ http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/ WE WILL BE HAPPY TO SEE YOU THERE!!!
  17. Welcome to Liberty City Police Force We are currently looking for members to join our clan. Clan Requirements - 15 or older [ 15 Under must be mature] - Legit GTA IV Game [No Cracks] - Good English - Can install mods [Tech support is offered] - NAT Type OPEN Things you can join: - Police Department - Sheriff Department - State Police - Fire/Ems Department - Dispatch To learn more about our clan please visit our website at http://libertycitypoliceforce.enjin.com/or our Teamspeak: LibertyCityPoliceForce.enjinvoice.com Any Questions Please Contact Command Staff
  18. Good afternoon to all Arma 3 players. We have been working on an ambitious project for quite a while. We can announce that the server has been released, and it is now open for the public. Here are some simple steps you have to follow to be able to join the server: 1. Download the modpack https://mega.co.nz/#!IRhWGKTY!bRiS84rvlSuVS0D5OVdLn0RMSAZhYZGIWpVUKDZeQvI 2. Extract the @WWG rar file into the Arma 3 folder (Steam, SteamApps, common, Arma 3) 3. Launch Arma 3, then go to expansions & enable the @WWG modpack - restart Arma 4. To find the server filter host "WorldWideGaming" or remote connect to this IP: & Port: 2302
  19. Hello Everyone of MyGamingTalk! My name is Zee, but many people know me as Hatter. I have recently started a fairly nice gaming community that contains all kinds of Goodies just check out what we have to offer below! Lobby Services Modifications News Articles Themes Blogs Personal Member Galleries Live Video Game Streaming Create Custom Forums for your own Clans and much much more! I don't have a large fanbase at the moment, which is why I am here, but I do have some really dedicated and talented members on my site! More than half of the sites STAFF are very confident programmers and developers that have a passion for gaming, and we continue to keep people up to date with all the best things that the Playstation Network can offer! So please, if you have some time, check out my forum and make an account. You can even connect your Google /Twitter / Facebook and Steam Accounts to the site as well! Link Below PSN Collection!
  20. Blacksandgaming is an Australian/ New Zealand gaming community however we welcome all players from around the world. We have been up and running for about 6 months and have a strong core group of players which are friendly and helpful. We are focused on the Arma series/ Life is Feudal and many more community bases games. We tend to stick to role-playing and base building games. We are not donation focused. Everything is free For clans with five or more players we offer a dedicated clan channels on our teamspeak server as well as a locked forum so you can communicate with your members online and offline. For groups less than five we offer a single locked teamspeak channel. You do not have to play on our servers to be apart of the community many members play different games. Website: http://www.blacksandgaming.com Teamspeak: ts.blacksandgaming.com Please ask to speak to Roo for more information.
  21. Solid State Gaming is a gaming community that started in Planetside 2, and has grown to include League of Legends, Minecraft, Space Engineers, and more!! We have a very large base of over 350 members in our community, and are continuing to grow daily! SSG has a place for you; whether it’s engaging other members in shenanigans while you play in a casual atmosphere, or tactically communicating with like-minded peers to destroy the enemy. Regular events are scheduled as well, from casual movie night in GMod, to organized operations and pre-planned skirmishes. Come check us out to see if Solid State is the right state for you! Website: http://www.solidstategaming.org/ We have an open TeamSpeak server as well, which you can find the IP to on the website. *Always open to feedback and currently under website improvement* -Reclaimer
  22. From the album: Solid State Gaming Community

    Solid State Minecraft Vanilla Server.
  23. From the album: Solid State Gaming Community

    Solid State Minecraft Vanilla Server.
  24. SSG-Reclaimer


    From the album: Solid State Gaming Community

    Solid State trains the new members to be the best they can be!!
  25. From the album: Solid State Gaming Community

    Solid State brings down the hammer!
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