New version of silEnT mod 0.5.1 is available.
Main things in this version, briefly:
New !hstats command which will display the hitregions players are hitting.
New flag (512) for g_medics cvar, which makes adrenaline take only half charge.
Admins are given the possibility to control the damage reduction when players under the effect of adrenaline are hit. Check g_adrendmgreduction cvar.
Want smaller body hitboxes? No problem, just use g_realbody cvar.
Long-awaited landmine bahaviour: only the engineer that planted the landmine can trigger/defuse it. New flag (12) to g_friendlyFireOpts cvar added for this purpose.
Themed time, fps, timer, speedometer, K/D/S display and lagometer.
We also made Lua interpreter built into the server binary. This should make installing easier.
What else? Bug fixes and some reworks. Just check the change log below:
Added: !hstats, command will display the hitregions players are hitting.
Added: g_medics flag 512, adrenaline takes only half charge.
Added: g_adrendmgreduction, admins can control the damage reduction when players under the effect of adrenaline are hit.
Added: themed Draws (time, fps, timer, speedometer), K/D/S display and lagometer. New cvar for this: cg_themedDraws {0,1}: 0-use the old style, 1- themed style
Added: new flag to g_friendlyFireOpts: 32. Only the engineer that planted the landmine can trigger/defuse it.
Added: g_realbody, possibility for server admins to set up smaller body hitboxes
Fixed: !userlist command was not working if noone was online on the server.
Fixed: In certain cases same player was displayed multiple times on the userlist output.
Fixed: SP_team_WOLF_objective: exceeded MAX_MULTI_SPAWNTARGETS (16), fix from flms of ETPub
Fixed: !showbans didn't always display bans properly when the banned player didn't have PB GUID. Also, silEnT ID is now included in the list.
Fixed: Warmup was not dislayed to players before the warmup countdown started.
Fixed: Proned players moving when others were standing on their backs.
Fixed: vid_restart crash
Fixed: Temp Ban System didn't handle silEnT GUIDs
Fixed: Passed nextmap vote will now correctly go into intermission when map voting is enabled.
Fixed: maps not listed in the vote menu when game type is mapvoting or TDM
Fixed: not themed fireteam menus
Fixed: additional space behind location in fireteam window
Reworked: The K/D in the scores is renamed to KR to reduce confusion about it.
Reworked: The !finger output prints the current PB GUID of the player. Not the one that is stored in the database.
Reworked: The silEnT GUID handling is changed a little. This prevents certain types of copy paste spoofings. Note, players that are not stored to the database with valid PB GUIDs will create new player records. Also, from the old ban lists, at least the silEnT GUID (sguid) fields must be cleared to prevent false bans.
Reworked: Lua interpreter is now built into the server binary. This will make installing easier.
Removed: g_realHead realistic hitboxes from ETPub/zinx are now used always
Removed: g_mapVoteFlags no longer has flag 16. If admin needs a command to get next map in rotation when map voting is enabled, he can easily create one executing "vstr nextmap".
Removed: g_spoofOptions, the spoofing is now checked unconditionally.
Removed: g_punkbuster, the PunkBuster is no longer supported by EvenBalance and this cvar is no longer needed.
silEnT mod team
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