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  1. Like
    hellreturn reacted to Dragonji in Update country flags   
    Current country flags are low quality, it would be nice to get them updated.

    ET:L uses nice flags with a liberal license which allows any use.
  2. Like
    hellreturn reacted to Dragonji in First stable version of Enemy Territory: Legacy is ready!   
    After nearly three years of development, the ET: Legacy team proudly presents a Christmas present for the ET community in the form of a new game-engine and a mod. ET: Legacy is based on the source code of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory which was released in 2010 under the GPLv3 license. The main goal of this project is to fix bugs, remove old dependencies and make it playable on all major operating systems while still remaining compatible with the ET 2.60b version and as many of its mods as possible. During the past three years, the main code repository has seen more than 4,000 commits, fixing a great numbers of bugs and adding various improvements to the code. Today, the first stable release has arrived for your best enjoyment. Here is what you can expect:

    ET: Legacy engine
    an easy to run installer to get you in battle in no time, an updated engine with nearly all known security issues and exploits fixed, a clean, optimized code, a fast, built-in minimizer, better performance, an admin toolset in Lua, easily extensible (coming soon), full changelog available here. Note, however, that ET: Legacy is not compatible with PunkBuster enabled servers. ET: Legacy clients also cannot connect to servers running the ETPro mod. However, ET: Legacy can be installed alongside the original Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. There is no need to remove your existing Wolf: ET installation!

    Legacy mod

    The Legacy mod is the default mod shipped with ET: Legacy. It aims to add many useful features and improvements, while staying close to the original gameplay, as well as being lightweight and fully extensible through Lua scripts. If you want to relive the original and authentic experience of ET, then the Legacy mod is made for you!

    Join us!

    ET: Legacy development is a collaborative effort done in an open, transparent and friendly manner. Anyone is welcome to join our efforts! You’ll find us at www.etlegacy.com, and on the #etlegacy IRC channel on Freenode.

    You can download it here.
  3. Like
    hellreturn reacted to TheSilencerPL in balance.lua + sound   
    Fixed version. I've fixed it for Pixelowy on his request, but I will share it here, so that everyone can have some use of it.
    modname = "balance" version = "0.2" function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) et.RegisterModname(modname .. " " .. version) end unevenDiff = 2 max_unevenTime = 15 max_unevenDiff = 4 axisPlayers = {} alliedPlayers = {} unevenTime = 15 immuneLvl = 12 function putTeam(clientNum, team) if clientNum == -1 then return end local teamStr if ( team == "AXIS" ) then teamStr = " r" else teamStr = " b" end et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. clientNum .. teamStr ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "playsound playermove.wav\n" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"balancing teams... " .. et.gentity_get( clientNum, "pers.netname" ) .. "^7 moved to ^1" .. team .. "\"" ) end function longEnough(levelTime) return (tonumber(levelTime) - unevenTime >= max_unevenTime * 1000) end -- check if the level can be moved function goodLevel(clientNum) return ( et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) < immuneLvl) end -- pick player from the team specified by the parameter -- pick only players with lower than immuneLvl level -- return -1 if not found function pickPlayer(team) if team == "AXIS" then for clientNum = #axisPlayers,1,-1 do if goodLevel(axisPlayers[clientNum]) then return axisPlayers[clientNum] end end else for clientNum = #alliedPlayers,1,-1 do if goodLevel(alliedPlayers[clientNum]) then return alliedPlayers[clientNum] end end end -- not found -- all higher admins? return -1 end function pickFromAndMove(from, to) local clientNum = pickPlayer(from) putTeam(clientNum, to) end function et_RunFrame( levelTime ) local numAlliedPlayers = table.getn( alliedPlayers ) local numAxisPlayers = table.getn( axisPlayers ) if numAlliedPlayers >= numAxisPlayers + max_unevenDiff then pickFromAndMove("ALLIES", "AXIS") elseif numAxisPlayers >= numAlliedPlayers + max_unevenDiff then pickFromAndMove("AXIS", "ALLIES") elseif numAlliedPlayers >= numAxisPlayers + unevenDiff then if unevenTime > 0 then if longEnough(levelTime) then pickFromAndMove("ALLIES", "AXIS") end else unevenTime = tonumber( levelTime ) end elseif numAxisPlayers >= numAlliedPlayers + unevenDiff then if unevenTime > 0 then if longEnough(levelTime) then pickFromAndMove("AXIS", "ALLIES") end else unevenTime = tonumber( levelTime ) end else unevenTime = -1 end end function et_ClientSpawn( clientNum, revived, teamChange, restoreHealth ) if teamChange ~= 0 then local team = tonumber( et.gentity_get( clientNum, "sess.sessionTeam" ) ) -- these were the teamnumbers prior to the move local numAlliedPlayers = table.getn( alliedPlayers ) local numAxisPlayers = table.getn( axisPlayers ) if team == 1 then for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( alliedPlayers, i ) break end end -- this should not happen but still check for it to avoid doubles for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then return end end -- make sure a player who (got) moved when teams were uneven doesn't get moved right back if numAlliedPlayers >= numAxisPlayers + unevenDiff then table.insert( axisPlayers, 1, clientNum ) else table.insert( axisPlayers, clientNum ) end elseif team == 2 then for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( axisPlayers, i ) break end end for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then return end end if numAxisPlayers >= numAlliedPlayers + unevenDiff then table.insert( alliedPlayers, 1, clientNum ) else table.insert( alliedPlayers, clientNum ) end else for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( alliedPlayers, i ) return end end for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( axisPlayers, i ) return end end end end end function et_ClientDisconnect( clientNum ) for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( alliedPlayers, i ) return end end for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( axisPlayers, i ) return end end end
  4. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from twt_thunder in chat logging - Enemy Territory LUA   
    File Name: chat logging
    File Submitter: hellreturn
    File Submitted: 26 Aug 2014
    File Category: LUA

    Chat LUA to log chats in a separate file for easy review of what's happening on your server,

    Credit: Internet source.

    Download it and upload it to your silent mod folder and add the chat.lua in your LUA server settings config.

    Click here to download this file
  5. Like
    hellreturn reacted to twt_thunder in NQ Team looking for model makers   
    LOL! cool well why not makining if that..
    I am redoing the originals first, a shotgun or trenchgun is also made, need to fiddle with animation.. (something that stinks)
    And yes we have talked about bringing in a few weapons...
    But first I wanna redo the ones ingame allready..
    Hopefully I can make them better
    some are made :
    (couldnt post jpg it seemed)
    And now working on the carabine
    EDIT: Found a pic of my trenchgun too:

  6. Like
    hellreturn reacted to twt_thunder in NQ Team looking for model makers   
    So this is the one you want as axis soldier gun?
  7. Like
    hellreturn reacted to twt_thunder in NQ Team looking for model makers   
    Yeah, somewhat... I have just gotten this far and made a test tutorial.
    And I belive I have a tutorial on how to replace a weapon here:
    But for real newbies you should start on exploring the pak0.pk3 in etmain folder.
    And for skinmakers:
    My modding started with an Arnold face
    And then this was born:
    lol.. real bad but not that worse to be first time
    have a ball!
  8. Like
    hellreturn reacted to twt_thunder in NQ Team looking for model makers   
    oh and yes this for those who prefer blender:
    go thru the beginner tutorials and you will learn a lot, the rest is really reading about md3 and limitations...
    (Sorry for double post)
  9. Like
    hellreturn reacted to twt_thunder in NQ Team looking for model makers   
    He have replied so you just gotta wait
  10. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from Nerelan in XP is not saved :(   
    It would be based on your basepath and homepath. if you can drop me a PM with FTP access to your server I can fix it up for you in 5 mins. If access is not possible then check your console logs and see what path it's trying to load from.
    Your other settings are correct unless you are overwriting it again with different values in the config. Sometimes admins put same cvar in config couple of times which causes the issue.
  11. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from Nerelan in XP is not saved :(   
    Looks like xpsave path might be wrong? 
  12. Like
    hellreturn reacted to Purple in balance.lua + sound   
    modname = "balance" version = "0.1" function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) et.RegisterModname(modname .. " " .. version) end unevenDiff = 2 max_unevenTime = 15 max_unevenDiff = 4 axisPlayers = {} alliedPlayers = {} unevenTime = 15 function et_RunFrame( levelTime ) local numAlliedPlayers = table.getn( alliedPlayers ) local numAxisPlayers = table.getn( axisPlayers ) if numAlliedPlayers >= numAxisPlayers + max_unevenDiff then if et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) >= 12 then return end local clientNum = alliedPlayers[ numAlliedPlayers ] et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. clientNum .. " r" ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "playsound playermove.wav\n" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"balancing teams... " .. et.gentity_get( clientNum, "pers.netname" ) .. "^7 moved to ^1AXIS\"" ) elseif numAxisPlayers >= numAlliedPlayers + max_unevenDiff then if et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) >= 12 then return end local clientNum = axisPlayers[ numAxisPlayers ] et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. clientNum .. " b" ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "playsound playermove.wav\n" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"balancing teams... " .. et.gentity_get( clientNum, "pers.netname" ) .. "^7 moved to ^4ALLIES\"" ) elseif numAlliedPlayers >= numAxisPlayers + unevenDiff then if unevenTime > 0 then if tonumber( levelTime ) - unevenTime >= max_unevenTime * 1000 then if et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) >= 12 then return end local clientNum = alliedPlayers[ numAlliedPlayers ] et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. clientNum .. " r" ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "playsound playermove.wav\n" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"balancing teams... " .. et.gentity_get( clientNum, "pers.netname" ) .. "^7 moved to ^1AXIS\"" ) end else unevenTime = tonumber( levelTime ) end elseif numAxisPlayers >= numAlliedPlayers + unevenDiff then if unevenTime > 0 then if et.G_shrubbot_level(clientNum) >= 12 then return end if tonumber( levelTime ) - unevenTime >= max_unevenTime * 1000 then local clientNum = axisPlayers[ numAxisPlayers ] et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "putteam " .. clientNum .. " b" ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "playsound playermove.wav\n" ) et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1, "chat \"balancing teams... " .. et.gentity_get( clientNum, "pers.netname" ) .. "^7 moved to ^4ALLIES\"" ) end else unevenTime = tonumber( levelTime ) end else unevenTime = -1 end end function et_ClientSpawn( clientNum, revived, teamChange, restoreHealth ) if teamChange ~= 0 then local team = tonumber( et.gentity_get( clientNum, "sess.sessionTeam" ) ) -- these were the teamnumbers prior to the move local numAlliedPlayers = table.getn( alliedPlayers ) local numAxisPlayers = table.getn( axisPlayers ) if team == 1 then for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( alliedPlayers, i ) break end end -- this should not happen but still check for it to avoid doubles for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then return end end -- make sure a player who (got) moved when teams were uneven doesn't get moved right back if numAlliedPlayers >= numAxisPlayers + unevenDiff then table.insert( axisPlayers, 1, clientNum ) else table.insert( axisPlayers, clientNum ) end elseif team == 2 then for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( axisPlayers, i ) break end end for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then return end end if numAxisPlayers >= numAlliedPlayers + unevenDiff then table.insert( alliedPlayers, 1, clientNum ) else table.insert( alliedPlayers, clientNum ) end else for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( alliedPlayers, i ) return end end for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( axisPlayers, i ) return end end end end end function et_ClientDisconnect( clientNum ) for i, num in ipairs( alliedPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( alliedPlayers, i ) return end end for i, num in ipairs( axisPlayers ) do if num == clientNum then table.remove( axisPlayers, i ) return end end end
  13. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from BettyBoop in problems to connect on our silent snipers server   
    So issue resolved? If your server is up for long run then commands send through rcon tool wouldn't be responded back because I think there is an issue in ET 3.00. Even I have faced same issue on my hardcore server.
    But if you use qtracker and connect at same time then you might be sending connection packets more then xx times within xx seconds and hence you are facing that issue. 
    I would suggest to join server first then minimize ET and then start any tool to use rcon on your server. This way you wouldn't exceed packets / second. 
  14. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from clan DIABOLIK in problems to connect on our silent snipers server   
    So issue resolved? If your server is up for long run then commands send through rcon tool wouldn't be responded back because I think there is an issue in ET 3.00. Even I have faced same issue on my hardcore server.
    But if you use qtracker and connect at same time then you might be sending connection packets more then xx times within xx seconds and hence you are facing that issue. 
    I would suggest to join server first then minimize ET and then start any tool to use rcon on your server. This way you wouldn't exceed packets / second. 
  15. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from BettyBoop in Silent mod (a few problems)   
    Topcat, it would be nice if you can create new topic for each issue/question so when someone else is looking for similar question/answer they can find relevant answer easily rather then going through all posts.
    This way it would help future admins to. You can create 50 different topics regarding 50 different issue and there is no problem in that. Community and other admins are here to help you.
  16. Like
    hellreturn reacted to Dragonji in g_spectatorInactivity   
    It means it might be outdated. I personally always check online docs
  17. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from Dragonji in g_spectatorInactivity   
    Moved to support since this feature exist. If you want something more we can always move back to feature section
  18. Like
    hellreturn reacted to Dragonji in g_spectatorInactivity   
    This is not even official description.

    Check this carefully:
  19. Like
    hellreturn reacted to Purple in ET AMP   
    ET AMP
    ET AMP is a server sided lua modification for wolfenstein enemy territory. ET AMP brings you multiadministration functionality on the go. ET amp offers many features and custom optimization for every servers need.
    Auto Team balance~
    Auto team balance makes sure that weather there is a admin online or offline teams will be even and fair for players!
    Connect info~
    Connect info gives various information about a player when they connect to the server such as their location and their client version.
    Ammo4u allows you to edit the amount of ammo inside of each weapon giving you full customization to every weapon.
    Xp4level allows you to give players admin levels based off how much xp they have on your server.
    ETA rate~
    ETA Rate is a custom stats list based off a calculation of kills, deaths and xp aquired to give each player a skill rating
    ETA stats are players global stats that are uploaded to a database online then show to a webpage via php allowing each user to see their total ammount of kills deaths xp and more.
    ETA KEY~
    ETA key is a custom server sided guid to make sure weather player looses their Silent.dat/etkey/nguid they will continue to have their xp and admin levels.
    ETA IRC~
    ETA IRC will alow you to see everything being said on your server on a irc server. 
    ETA Donate will allow you to set custom affixes/suffixes to players that have donated to your server. e.g ( [DONATOR]DRI*VJ* )
    ETA mail allows you to send a message to a player wheather they are online or offline. 
    ETA PANEL is a php panel for server administrators and moderators allowing you to have remote access to your server.
    Features included:
    Send custom commands from php
    See server logs (pm, say, say_team, say_teamnl)
    See server console via ETA IRC
    See server information such as players online, names, and ETA RATE
    These are some of the basics of what ETA is offering to the ET community. I got the idea for ENHMOD for jaymod which didn't support othere mods. If you are interested in having this on your server and or beta testing it when it comes out please fill out this small application.
    Server name:
    server ip: 
    Why ETA?:
    ( will add pictures and stuff in the future, if you are interested in contributing to this project please pm me)
  20. Like
    hellreturn reacted to gaoesa in New section in Wiki for creting custom commands   
    I finally decided to add a section for creating custom commands. The information has been scattered around and I thought it will make it easier if all of it is in one place.
    Please comment improvements and if you can provide clean short examples for the last two methods, that would be appreciated.
  21. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from clan DIABOLIK in Proxies which admins can pre-ban to stop cheaters, trouble makers, etc   
    Well, I have banned few proxies on my servers. Just thought to share with other admins so they can also pre-ban cheaters, trouble makers, etc. Regular players don't use proxies so they wouldn't be banned on your servers. 
    How to use: Just copy paste in your shrubbot.cfg above [command] block. 
    [subnetban] subnet = 199.255.209.* reason = Try More1 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 199.255.210.* reason = Try More2 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.234.216.* reason = Try More3 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.208.*.* reason = Try More4 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 69.57.161.* reason = Try More5 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 184.75.208.* reason = Try More6 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 184.75.209.* reason = Try More7 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 184.75.212.* reason = Try More8 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 184.75.220.* reason = Try More9 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 184.75.221.* reason = Try More10 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 184.75.222.* reason = Try More11 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 184.75.223.* reason = Try More12 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.234.217.* reason = Try More13 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.234.218.* reason = Try More14 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.234.219.* reason = Try More15 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 198.136.63*.* reason = Try More16 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 198.136.62*.* reason = Try More17 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.198.19*.* reason = Try More18 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.198.20*.* reason = Try More19 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.198.21*.* reason = Try More20 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.198.22*.* reason = Try More21 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.198.23*.* reason = Try More22 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.198.24*.* reason = Try More23 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.198.25*.* reason = Try More24 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 67.231.25*.* reason = Try More25 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 67.231.24*.* reason = Try More26 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 199.114.22*.* reason = Try More27 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 199.114.23*.* reason = Try More28 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 89.233.104.* reason = Try More29 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 216.119.14*.* reason = Try More30 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 216.119.15*.* reason = Try More31 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 50.7.1.* reason = Try More32 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 74.122.19*.* reason = Try More34 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 68.232.191.* reason = Try More35 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 68.232.190.* reason = Try More36 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 68.232.18*.* reason = Try More37 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 68.232.17*.* reason = Try More38 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 68.232.16*.* reason = Try More39 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 109.201.152.* reason = Try More40 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 192.210.143.* reason = Try More41 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 192.210.4*.* reason = Try More42 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 192.210.5*.* reason = Try More43 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 192.210.6*.* reason = Try More44 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.1.* reason = Try More45 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.2.* reason = Try More46 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.3.* reason = Try More47 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.4.* reason = Try More48 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.5.* reason = Try More49 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.6.* reason = Try More50 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.7.* reason = Try More51 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.8.* reason = Try More52 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.9.* reason = Try More53 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.10.* reason = Try More54 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.11.* reason = Try More55 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 173.231.12.* reason = Try More56 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 67.213.218.* reason = Try More57 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 162.253.128.* reason = Try More58 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 162.253.129.* reason = Try More59 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 162.253.130.* reason = Try More60 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 162.253.131.* reason = Try More61 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 46.16.32.* reason = Try More62 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 46.16.33.* reason = Try More63 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 46.16.34.* reason = Try More64 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 46.16.35.* reason = Try More65 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 89.233.105.* reason = Try More66 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 89.233.106.* reason = Try More67 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 89.233.107.* reason = Try More68 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 89.233.108.* reason = Try More69 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 89.233.109.* reason = Try More70 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 89.233.110.* reason = Try More71 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 89.233.111.* reason = Try More72 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 8.33.136.* reason = Try More73 made = 01/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 95.141.20.* reason = Try More74 made = 07/01/15 09:38:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 79.141.16*.* reason = Try More75 made = 07/01/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 93.190.14*.* reason = Try More76 made = 07/01/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 5.254.9*.* reason = Try More77 made = 07/01/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 5.101.14*.* reason = Try More78 made = 07/01/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 84.19.16*.* reason = Try More79 made = 07/02/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 185.31.15*.* reason = Try More80 made = 07/02/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 188.13*.*.* reason = Try More81 made = 07/07/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 151.236.5.* reason = Try More82 made = 07/07/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 87.236.19*.* reason = Try More83 made = 07/07/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 46.246.*.* reason = Try More84 made = 07/07/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 176.9.1*.* reason = Try More85 made = 07/10/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console [subnetban] subnet = 46.19.139.* reason = Try More86 made = 08/10/15 09:39:03 expires = 0 banner = console
  22. Like
    hellreturn reacted to BECK in New section in Wiki for creting custom commands   
    This is a great idea.  I can provide a simple example of a shrubbot command working with LUA - we have a bunch of working scripts that use this method.   You can use this if you want.
    For the purposes of this example, the command is mycommand.   It will be executed when the uses enters !mycommand in the console, assuming that player has been assigned level 2 or higher shrubbot level.
    1. Create your command in the shrubbot file.   Open your shrubbot.cfg file (in silent\database directory) and add the following block:
    [command] command = mycommand exec = mycommand [i] desc = Does something cool for people over level 2 syntax = levels = 2 3 4 5 2.  Create a LUA file in your silent directory on the server.  Call it mycommand.lua (or whatever name you want to give it).   Begin with the following stub:
    function et_ConsoleCommand(command) -- if the user types !mycommand in the console if et.trap_Argv(0) == "mycommand" then -- Do your custom processing here return 1 -- Tells silEnT that this method handled this command end return 0 -- Tells silEnT that this file did not handle this command end 3. Update your server config to load the LUA file.   Add or modify the following server var (lua_modules):
    set lua_modules "mycommand.lua" 4. Restart your server.  Assuming you are shrubbot level 2 or higher, !mycommand will execute and do cool stuff.
  23. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from Dragonji in Problem: Server Disconnected - Missing name field in userinfo   
    He is basically saying that issue is with the custom menu and not with silent mod menu. silent mod menu works fine.
  24. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from BettyBoop in Do you need help? Anything server related   
    If you are free and have some time then I would say just create some tutorials and share your knowledge with others?
    Guides from members/admin to other members/admin is much appreciated
  25. Like
    hellreturn got a reaction from BettyBoop in Silent mod (a few problems)   
    Then Beth hasn't set the cvar correctly. 
    g_friendlyFireOpts 12 I asked Jose to fix it directly for Beth. Give it a try now.
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