Hi, ive got this in .lua file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AutoPromo - An Enemy Territory Auto Promoting Mod----------------------------------------------------------------------description = "AutoPromo"version = "1.1"------------------------------------------------------------------------ This script can be freely used and modified as long as the original-- authors are mentioned.-- Created by Perlo_0ung, edited by Dragon-- Adapted for silEnT mod 0.5.0 and higher------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONFIGURATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- lvl1xp = 1 -- XP needed for level 1lvl2xp = 5 -- XP needed for level 2lvl3xp = 15 -- XP needed for level 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE-- UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING---------------------------------------------------------------------- function et_InitGame(levelTime,randomSeed,restart) local modname = string.format("%s v%s", description, version) et.G_Print(string.format("%s loaded\n", modname)) et.RegisterModname(modname)end -- TheSilencerPL - To make it better, faster and less aggravating-- for the game, store the XP locally and reuse itfunction et_ClientSpawn(clientNum, revived, teamChange, restoreHealth) local valXP = getXP(clientNum) if valXP >= lvl1xp and valXP < lvl2xp then setlevel(clientNum,1,lvl1xp) elseif valXP >= lvl2xp and valXP < lvl3xp then setlevel(clientNum,2,lvl2xp) elseif valXP >= lvl3xp and valXP < lvl4xp then setlevel(clientNum,3,lvl3xp) elseif valXP >= lvl4xp and valXP < lvl5xp then setlevel(clientNum,4,lvl4xp) elseif valXP >= lvl5xp then setlevel(clientNum,5,lvl5xp) endend function getXP(playerID) return et.gentity_get(playerID, "ps.persistant", 0) end function getlevel(playerID) return et.G_shrubbot_level(playerID)end function setlevel(playerID, newlevel, xp) local name = et.gentity_get(playerID,"pers.netname") if isBot(playerID) or noGuid(playerID) then return end if newlevel <= getlevel(playerID) then return end et.trap_SendServerCommand(-1,"bp \"^nCongratulations ^7"..name.."^n, ^nyou have ^nbeen ^npromoted ^nto ^na ^nlevel ^7"..newlevel.." ^nuser!\"") et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "setlevel ".. playerID.." "..newlevel.."\n" ) et.trap_SendConsoleCommand( et.EXEC_APPEND, "readconfig\n" )end function noGuid(playerID) local userinfo = et.trap_GetUserinfo( playerID ) local guid = et.Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "sil_guid" ) if guid == "NO_GUID" or guid == "unknown" then return true endend function isBot(playerID) if et.gentity_get(playerID,"ps.ping") == 0 then return true endend Any this in my server.cfg: // Lua APIset lua_modules "kspree.lua;autopromo.lua"set lua_allowedModules "" Anf ofc i uploaded lua file in my silent folder, but its still not working, when any of this XP's are reached nothing happends. Any ideas? thanks