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Posts posted by Dragonji

  1. Unfortunately I have to agree with Sneak about FPS... Just played a bit on an ETPub server and the game looked smoother and my FPS were way higher. One thing which is fastly noticeable: FPS goes down so bad when you use Flamethower on silEnT when ETPub does not have any problems handling Flamethower's flame animation (FPS stable all the time).


    Everything tested on the same config on the same machine (Intel C2D 2x3,2GHz, GF 9600GSO, 2GB DDR2 RAM).


    PS. Just wondering, can this be caused by this feature (just a thought)? (yes, I do realize it was my suggestion, shame on me :unsure:)

  2. Link to the source code too. Or information how to get it.

    This project is closed. And yes, its devs do not respect GPL license but they have certain reasons to do so.

  3. It would be really helpful for server admins if there is more detailed info about !warns and !mutes.


    For example, admin X mutes ETPlayer for 300 seconds for bad language and then his wife tells him to do something so he disconnects from the server :). After some time admin Y joins the game and other players ask him to unmute ETPlayer because he has been muted for no reason. Admin Y cannot check this so he unmutes ETPlayer...


    This is just a simple example of a situation which could be avoided if the second admin could check who gave a !mute to the player and what was its duration.

  4. i believe if you have qmm installed then you are on YCN hosting, so if you are go on their control panel nd uninstall qmm.

    YCN doesn't provide gameservers in Poland.


    how to delete qmm from my silent mod?

    If you don't know how to remove it, you should ask your host.


    BTW, QMM is not even needed for mods such as silEnT, NQ or ETPub.

  5. File Name: Manu Admin Mod

    File Submitter: Dragonji

    File Submitted: 14 Jul 2012

    File Category: Mods


    The Manu-Admin-Mod is a convenient way to administrate your Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty: World at War game servers. With it you can run all the important functions directly in the game through the chat, rather than through rcon. Important admin commands are available (such as kicking, banning, map change), as well as commands that can help benefit all of the players on your server.

    The bot has other functions, it can automatically kick teamkillers, ban weapons (such as martyrdom and grenade launchers, or anything else that you might want to ban), generate a random mapcycle to keep a good mix, or just send simple chat messages. In addition to this, the mod can be extended easily with plugins.

    Because this is not a normal mod, the server can stay ranked. It is not a game mod, but is a surveillance program, responding to the server using the gameserver logs, reading from the log lines, processing and reacting to events via rcon.

    The mod features a stats system. Using the !stats command, you can see your Kills, Deaths, K/D ratio, and even more in game. The stats are not deleted after a round, they are saved forever, which is a big bonus for using the mod.

    License Terms:
    This software is released under the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
    Additional permissions can be granted individually on request.
    This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind.

    Installation Requirements:

    • Operating System: Linux, Unix or Windows
    • PHP Hypertext Preprocessor: Version 5.4.0 or higher
    • PHP-Extensions: pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, sockets, mbstring

    Permissions for execution and installation of software are required.
    Additionally, access to the RCON interface and logfiles is required.

    Visit manuadminmod.de to find detailed documentation.


    Click here to download this file

  6. File Name: OpenWarfare

    File Submitter: Dragon

    File Submitted: 14 Jul 2012

    File Category: Mods


    OpenWarfare is a multi-purpose open source mod for the Call of Duty series. The project started on May 7th, 2008 and quickly grew to become one of the leading mods for the Call of Duty series. The mod supports new gameplay features to make the game more fun as well as league competition features like ready-up, strategy time, checksums, variable changes detection, rulesets, etc. Features in the OpenWarfare mod are not forced at all and can be enabled/disabled based on what the server owners like.


    Read more at http://openwarfaremod.com


    Click here to download this file

  7. File Name: Promod LIVE

    File Submitter: Dragonji

    File Submitted: 14 Jul 2012

    File Category: Mods



    Promod is game modification for Call of Duty promoting the competitive side of the game. By covering all aspects of thegame it makes it a enjoyable experience for anyone, with functions for anything from practice and public fun to competitive matchplay and shoutcaster functions. Online or not, our philosophy is to satisfy both those playing and watching the game as a spectator.

    The standard

    Promod have grown to be the undisputable standard for Call of Duty 4 worldwide, used on over 4000 online servers and on every LAN event held the past years. That have provided a steady balanced and unified ground for all the players to play on, no matter what.


    The Promod project started soon after the scenes finally being mature for a unified ruleset. A ruleset that would mean things like cooked nades being removed and weapons being balanced. That, amongst many other improvements, all to boost the competive side of Call of Duty 4. We can today without any doubt see that the actions taken have positively matured the scene to what it is today. Like any other success story the road haven’t been without any bumps. Quite the opposite actually. As visions clash and people goes seperate ways we have also seen alot of changes within and around the Promod team. From its creator Raf1 to Carlisle and Juszn, and the later reinforcement of Trivve.

    The team

    We are a tightknit team of good friends that have been working together the past years. It’s our strenght and pride!

    Manager: Abhi.
    Development: Trivve and Ingram.
    Concept: Abhi, Trivve and Ingram together with Vita Nova.

    What's the difference between the EU and NE version of Promod?

    The NE version of Promod has rate and cl_maxpackets settings unlocked and radar does not display enemy indicators while shooting. NE stands for Non-Europe.


    Click here to download this file

  8. they use panzer only , take a few kills from long distance and then /kill themself.

    With such a way of playing they wouldn't get a really high rating since its algorithm uses distance (and other variables of course) to calculate if total KR should be increased or decreased AFAIK.


    What I personally noticed is that it's really difficult to make KR higher than 2.000 with a weapon other than SMG.

  9. 1)I saw the request about new user.db (http://mygamingtalk....-user-database/), as members said it is for increase the user limits but I think at least you should copy the level.db of jaymod which is more clear than the one of silent (flags are very annoying and acl is more handy).

    I'm totally against this idea. What about admins that already made their levels' config? Moreover, creating levels for silEnT mod isn't that difficult. Everything is clearly written in docs.


    Personnaly I think there are not many big servers, user limit of jaymod is not a problem maybe change user.db like jaymod I don't know...

    It really is a problem...

  10. About VCMI:


    The purpose of VCMI project is to rewrite entire HoMM 3: WoG engine from scratch, giving it new and extended possibilities. We hope to support mods and new towns already made by fans but abandoned because of game code limitations.

    VCMI is a fan-made open-source project. Few years of intensive work resulted in creating application with impressive amount of features. Among current features are:

    • Support for HoMM 3 graphics and maps of any size
    • Scennario selection menu
    • Adventure map with all objects, sailing, casting spells
    • Complete town interface, hero window, exchange screen, kingdom overview, thieves' guild
    • Battles: handling most of spells, creature banks, sieges, stack queue, basic battle AI
    • Various game mechanics: grail, combined artifacts, hero specialities, win and loss conditions and more
    • High resolutions

    However, it's still far from a stable version. Keep that in mind.


    What VCMI is NOT:


    VCMI is not another mod. It does not aim to add new content or modify original mechanics. However, in the future it will be a base for other projects which do so.


    The power of open-source:


    As stated above, VCMI engine is still in development. However, some of HoMM 3 communities have already ported our engine for many portable devices:




    Read more about the project at vcmi.eu.


    You can download the newest release (0.89) here.


    You can obtain VCMI sources here.



    Of course, I made few screenshots for you, folks :)


    http://obrazki.elektroda.net/11_1340890456_thumb.png http://obrazki.elektroda.net/29_1340890457_thumb.png


    http://obrazki.elektroda.net/80_1340890457_thumb.png http://obrazki.elektroda.net/100_1340890457_thumb.png

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