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Posts posted by =EMP=Avery13

  1. What is the cvar for the charge time for each class? Mine is currently set to not going down... ever... that could be bad against rambo medics.. lol

    Also, is adrenaline enabled for silent server?

  2. What is it? - A day of connecting to a different server and having fun with the different settings then the normal everyday settings you may be use to.

    When? - Saturday November 12. 4PM EST

    Where? - **DRC**silEnT Fun

    Why should I play? - To have fun with other players then the normal everyday people you are use to.


    New settings that you will notice:

    Gametype: Map Vote Cycle - At the end of the map, you will get to vote for the map you want to happen next. Most votes gets played.


    -> Poison Needles

    -> Heal with just syringe, instead of the normal "TK to Heal". Now there is no need to TK and then die before you heal them!

    -> Med packs will drop when you die according to how much you could have given out.


    -> Sudden Death Dynamite. 29 seconds left? Who cares? If you plant, the map will continue until it is defused or blown up.

    -> New PPSH Gun

    Field Ops:

    -> Air strikes can be blocked by any player by standing over it.

    -> Ammo packs will drop when you die according to how much you could have given out.


    -> Panzers can be blown in midair by shooting them.


    -> Don't lose uniform as easy by shooting guns. "Kill the covey! or you are screwed!"

    Other settings:

    -> Smoke/grenade kicking. Player to kick it gets credit it for it after.

    -> Double Jump enabled

    -> Unlimited ammo/health cabinet

    -> Pick up ANY GUN on the ground (haven't tested soldier weapons)

    -> IP/GUID spoof kick


    This is for ALL members, regulars, non-regulars, your brother, sister, mom, dad, and grandparents. Invite anyone and everyone! It'll be cool to see everyone there and I hope I see you there!


    Official Link to the Event


    Let me know if you'd like to come with the link above, or post here! Any support is appreciated! Hellreturn, =F|A= is invited too! I believe you guys are actually on our allies page! I think Sippenhaft knows one of you.

  3. I'll talk with the guy who owns the server and url. He runs it off of his box at home.... in England
  4. Alright, so recently, you can probably tell, I have been doing some editing for our silent mod server. I found that I was missing the xpsave stuff in the silent.cfg, so I went ahead and added them along with the g_tyranny stuff I had also forgot... oops.. The server will no longer connect with that stuff not in there. Do you guys have any idea what is wrong with it?


    Here is my cfg.. Hope you see something wrong. It use to work, until I added the stuff, but the stuff belongs in there... so i don't understand..


    // silEnT mod - **DRC**silEnT Fun
    //Updates were done by **DRC**AVERY on 11/05/2011
    // Generic server cvars //
    //set dedicated 2
    //set net_ip "localhost"
    //set net_port 27960
    set sv_hostname "^3**^4DRC^3**^1silEnT Fun"
    set server_motd0 "^3n00bs WELCOME!"
    set server_motd1 "^2For more fun & info visit"
    set server_motd2 "^7FORUMS.DASREBELLION.COM"
    set server_motd3 "^3Celebrating our 7th year"
    set server_motd4 "^2Official ^7sil^5E^7n^5T ^2Mod "
    set server_motd5 "^2Test Server!"
    set sv_maxclients "24"
    set g_password "daspw1"
    set sv_privateclients 0
    set sv_privatepassword ""
    set sv_fullmsg "Check out"
    set rconpassword ""
    set refereePassword ""
    set sv_maxRate 45000
    set sv_dl_maxRate 42000
    set sv_allowDownload 1
    set sv_wwwDownload 1
    set sv_wwwDlDisconnected 1
    set sv_wwwBaseURL "xxxx"
    set sv_wwwFallbackURL "xxxx"
    set sv_pure 1
    set sv_minping 0
    set sv_maxping 0
    set sv_master1 "etmaster.idsoftware.com"
    set sv_master2 "master0.gamespy.com"
    set sv_master3 "wolfmaster.idsoftware.com"
    set sv_master4 "clanservers.net"
    set sv_master5 "master3.idsoftware.com"
    // silEnT mod supported cvars //
    set g_antilag 1
    set g_antiwarp 1
    set g_maxWarp 4
    set g_skipCorrection 1
    set g_heavyWeaponRestriction 100
    set g_altStopwatchMode 0
    set g_autofireteams 1
    set g_complaintlimit 6
    set g_ipcomplaintlimit 3
    set g_fastres 0
    set g_friendlyFire 1
    set g_disableComplaints 0
    set g_minGameClients 0
    set g_maxlives 0
    set g_alliedmaxlives 0
    set g_axismaxlives 0
    set g_teamforcebalance 0
    set g_noTeamSwitching 0
    set g_doWarmup 0
    set g_warmup 30
    set match_latejoin "1"
    set match_minplayers 4
    set match_mutespecs 0
    set match_readypercent 100
    set match_warmupDamage 1
    set team_maxplayers 0
    set g_speed 320
    set g_gravity 800
    set g_knockback 1000
    set g_inactivity 90
    set g_spectatorInactivity 0
    set g_maxConnsPerIP 4
    set shoutcastPassword ""
    set g_spoofOptions 3
    set g_maxNameChanges 3
    set g_watermark ""
    set g_watermarkFadeAfter 0
    set g_watermarkFadeTime 0
    set g_inactivityOptions 3
    set g_ettvFlags 3
    // Announcements and Messages
    set g_privateMessages 1
    set g_spreeOptions 3839
    set g_multikillTime 1000
    set g_obituary 1
    set g_dropMsg "All complaints to forums.dasrebellion.com"
    set g_landmineNotifyType 1
    set g_banners "banners.cfg"
    // Flood Protection
    set g_floodprotect 1
    set g_floodthreshold 6
    set g_floodWait 1000
    set g_voiceChatsAllowed 10
    // Player Statistics, Rating and Team Balance
    set g_stats 0
    set g_playerRating_mapPadset 50
    set g_playerRating_minplayers 2
    set g_shuffle_rating 5
    set g_killRating 7
    set g_playerRating 27
    set g_unevenTeamDiff 1
    set g_unevenTeamFreq 45
    // Class and Player Restrictions
    set team_maxPanzers -1
    set team_maxMortars -1
    set team_maxFlamers -1
    set team_maxMG42s -1
    set team_maxGrenLaunchers -1
    set team_maxMedics 75%
    set team_maxEngineers -1
    set team_maxFieldOps 25%
    set team_maxCovertOps 50%
    set g_teamDamageRestriction 0
    set g_minHits 6
    set g_minAirstrikeTime 10
    set g_minArtyTime 20
    set g_maxTeamLandmines 30
    set g_maxTeamTripmines 20
    set g_minGameClients 0
    set g_maxGameClients 0
    //Last Stand//
    //Map Voting//
    set g_mapVoteFlags 29
    set g_maxMapsVotedFor 18
    set g_minMapAge 3
    set g_resetXPMapCount 0
    set g_excludedMaps ""
    //Team Death Match (TDM)//
    set g_TDMType 0
    set g_TDMOptions 5
    set g_TDMScore 100
    set g_TDMObjBonus 20
    // Mapconfigs and Mapscripts
    set g_mapConfigs "mapconfigs"
    set g_mapScriptDirectory "mapscripts"
    set g_campaignFile ""
    // Censoring
    set g_censor "fuck, shit, bitch, hoe, slut, ass"
    set g_censorNames "hitler, sudam"
    set g_censorPenalty 10
    set g_censorNeil 1
    set g_censorNeilNames 1
    set g_censorMuteTime 60
    set g_censorXP 5
    // Voting
    set g_voting 15
    set vote_limit 3
    set vote_percent 50
    set vote_allow_comp 0
    set vote_allow_gametype 0
    set vote_allow_kick 1
    set vote_allow_map 0
    set vote_allow_matchreset 1
    set vote_allow_mutespecs 1
    set vote_allow_nextmap 0
    set vote_allow_pub 0
    set vote_allow_referee 1
    set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp 1
    set vote_allow_swapteams 1
    set vote_allow_friendlyfire 0
    set vote_allow_timelimit 0
    set vote_allow_warmupdamage 0
    set vote_allow_antilag 0
    set vote_allow_balancedteams 0
    set vote_allow_muting 1
    set vote_allow_surrender 1
    set vote_allow_restartcampaign 0
    set vote_allow_nextcampaign 0
    set vote_allow_poll 1
    set vote_allow_maprestart 1
    set vote_allow_shufflenorestart 1
    set vote_allow_cointoss 1
    set vote_allow_putspec 1
    set vote_block_maprestart 300
    set vote_block_matchreset 0
    set vote_block_shuffleteamsxp 300
    set vote_block_shufflenorestart 300
    set vote_block_nextmap 300
    set vote_block_swapteams 300
    set vote_block_surrender 1500
    set vote_block_map 300
    set vote_block_timelimit 300
    set vote_block_poll 1500
    set vote_block_nextcampaign 0
    set vote_block_restartcampaign 0
    set g_noVoteTime 0
    set g_voteResultsMinLevel -1
    set g_votedMuteLength 3h
    // Weapons, Classes and Skills
    set g_poison 1
    set g_poisonFlags 7
    set g_medics 196
    set g_medicHealthRegen 0
    set g_throwableKnives 1
    set g_maxKnives 5
    set g_knifeChargeTime 800
    set g_constructibleXPSharing 1
    set g_asblock 35
    set g_panzersSpeed 2500
    set g_panzersGravity 1
    set g_dyno 23
    set g_canisterKick 75
    set g_canisterKickOwner 1
    set g_reflectFriendlyFire 0.0
    set g_reflectFFWeapons 31
    set g_friendlyFire 1
    set g_friendlyFireOpts 9
    set g_staminaRecharge 1.0
    set g_mineid 0
    set g_medicSelfhealTime 0
    set g_maxPanzerSuicides -1
    set g_panzerPackDistance 0
    set g_weapons 7031
    set g_classWeapons 2
    set g_mg42 3
    set g_coverts 1511
    set g_enableTMines 1
    set skill_soldier "20 50 90 140"
    set skill_medic "40 70 110 160"
    set skill_engineer "20 50 90 140"
    set skill_fieldops "20 50 90 140"
    set skill_covertops "20 50 90 140"
    set skill_battlesense "40 70 110 160"
    set skill_lightweapons "40 70 110 160"
    set g_panzersVulnerable 1
    // Weapons Damage and Radius Settings
    set g_dmgKnife 10
    set g_dmgSten 14
    set g_dmgFG42 15
    set g_dmgPistol 18
    set g_dmgSMG 18
    set g_dmgMG42 18
    set g_dmgMG 20
    set g_dmgFG42Scope 30
    set g_dmgInfRifle 34
    set g_dmgSniper 50
    set g_dmgFlamer 5
    set g_dmgGrenade 250
    set g_dmgGrenadeRadius 250
    set g_dmgGLauncher 250
    set g_dmgGLauncherRadius 250
    set g_dmgTMine 260
    set g_dmgLandmine 250
    set g_dmgLandmineRadius 250
    set g_dmgSatchel 250
    set g_dmgSatchelRadius 250
    set g_dmgPanzer 400
    set g_dmgPanzerRadius 300
    set g_dmgMortar 400
    set g_dmgMortarRadius 400
    set g_dmgDynamite 400
    set g_dmgDynamiteRadius 400
    set g_dmgAir 400
    set g_dmgAirRadius 400
    set g_dmgArty 400
    set g_dmgArtyRadius 400
    set g_dmg 0
    set g_dmgHeadShotMin 50
    set g_dmgHeadShotRatio 2.0
    set g_knifeThrowDamage 50
    set g_dmgPPSh 19
    // Hitboxes, Physics & Anti Lag Settings
    set g_antilagDelay 0
    set g_fixedphysics 1
    set g_fixedphysicsfps 125
    set g_antiwarp 1
    set g_realHead 1
    set g_skipCorrection 0
    set g_maxWarp 4
    // Miscallenous
    set g_extraStatistics 29
    set g_packDistance 3
    set g_dropHealth -1
    set g_dropAmmo -1
    set g_tossDistance 1
    set g_intermissionTime 30
    set g_intermissionReadyPercent 100
    set g_skills 6
    set g_misc 167
    set g_moverScale 1.0
    set g_slashKill 28
    set g_maxSelfkills 5
    set g_ammoCabinetTime 0
    set g_healthCabinetTime 0
    set g_spectator 1
    set g_truePing 0
    set g_dropObj 0
    set g_doubleJumpHeight 1.0
    set g_serverInfo 65
    set g_fear 2000
    set g_inactivity 90
    set g_spectatorInactivity 0
    set g_gametype 6
    set g_spoofOptions 3
    set g_maxNameChanges 5
    set g_disableComplaints 15
    set g_watermark ""
    set g_watermarkFadeAfter 0
    set g_watermarkFadeTime 0
    set g_panzerwar 0
    set g_sniperwar 0
    set g_riflewar 0
    set g_countryFlags 1
    set g_noSkillUpgrades 0
    set g_flushItems 1
    set g_maxConnsPerIP 4
    set shoutcastPassword "drcpw1"
    set g_headshot 0
    set g_instagibDamage 160
    set g_inactivityOptions 3
    set g_ettvFlags 3
    set g_mode 8
    set g_hitsounds 9
    set g_playDead 1
    set g_shove 80
    set g_shoveNoZ 0
    set g_dragCorpse 1
    set g_classChange 1
    set g_forceLimboHealth 1
    set g_goomba 50
    set g_goombaFlags 31
    set g_spawnInvul 3
    set g_spawnInvulFair 1
    set g_spinCorpse 1
    set g_teamChangeKills 0
    // Logs
    set g_logOptions 3002
    set g_logAdmin "admin.log"
    // Omni-Bots
    set omnibot_enable 1
    set omnibot_path "/home/avery/silent/ET/omni-bot"
    set g_bot_maxXP -1
    set g_bot_minPlayers -1
    set omnibot_flags 1
    // Lua
    set lua_modules ""
    set lua_allowedModules ""
    // Friendly fire
    set g_reflectFriendlyFire 0
    set g_reflectFFWeapons 31
    set g_friendlyFireOpts 0
    // Shrubbot and Database
    set g_dbDirectory "database"
    set g_dbUserMaxAge ""
    set g_minConnectLevel 0
    // see documentation about tyranny enabled commands and flags
    set g_tyranny 1
    set g_greetingPos 4
    set g_warningOptions 24
    set g_warningDecay 24
    set g_maxWarnings 3
    set g_autoTempBan 4
    set g_autoTempBanTime 120
    set g_shuffle_rating 3
    // XP save
    set g_XPSave 15
    set g_XPSaveMaxAge_xp "12o"
    set g_XPSaveMaxAge "12o"
    set g_XPDecay 0
    set g_XPDecayRate 0.0
    set g_XPDecayFloor 0.0
    set g_maxXP -1
    set g_damageXP 0
    set g_damageXPLevel 50
    set g_useralliedrespawntime "10"
    set g_useraxisrespawntime "10"
    exec banners.cfg
    exec pbmd5.cfg
    exec pbcvar.cfg
    //exec campaigncycle.cfg
    exec january.cfg
    //set com_watchdog 60
    //set com_watchdog_cmd "exec campaigncycle.cfg"
    set com_watchdog_cmd "exec january.cfg"

  5. Added them into a custom sound pack that I already had. (I also added the xpsave stuff because i realized they were also not in the wiki). Well now the server won't run... period. It won't start. Took everything out I did there (xpsave stuff and the sounds out of the sound pack) and put everything back together and I am getting nothing now.. It still won't load up
  6. So if I understand this correctly, I need to create the .pk3 file and include it into the silent folders of the server. In that .pk3 file, there needs to be a folder saying sound then hitsounds and inside that folder, I have my hitsounds? What makes it pick which one? That's the part I don't understand i guess.


    My g_hitsounds is set at 9.

  7. Ok, so I am trying to convert from a typical objectivecycle that our clan has used for ever, and switch it to mapvotecycle. I've never edited it to that. I think I will get it setup, and then bam, it's back to the default objectivecycle for whatever reason...


    Here is what I have:


    In silent.cfg


    //Map Voting//
    set g_mapVoteFlags 29
    set g_maxMapsVotedFor 21
    set g_minMapAge 3
    set g_resetXPMapCount 0
    set g_excludedMaps ""


    exec settings.cfg
    exec pbmd5.cfg
    exec pbcvar.cfg
    //exec campaigncycle.cfg
    exec january.cfg
    //set com_watchdog 60
    //set com_watchdog_cmd "exec campaigncycle.cfg"
    set com_watchdog_cmd "exec objectivecycle.cfg"


    I have a feeling the error is somewhere in there...

    Currently, I have the january.cfg as my map rotation list, and I edited the files in there.

    This is what the january.cfg looks like:


    set d1 "set g_gametype 6 ; map am_hydro_dam ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d2
    set d2 "set g_gametype 6 ; map breakout_360 ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d3"
    set d3 "set g_gametype 6 ; map caen_4 ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d4"
    set d4 "set g_gametype 6 ; map et_ice ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d5"
    set d5 "set g_gametype 6 ; map ET_Tower_b27j ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d7"
    set d6 "set g_gametype 6 ; map goldrush-ga ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d7"
    set d7 "set g_gametype 6 ; map mlb_daybreak ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d8"
    set d8 "set g_gametype 6 ; map mlb_temple ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d9"
    set d9 "set g_gametype 6 ; map mlb_bin ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d10"
    set d10 "set g_gametype 6 ; map saberpeak_final ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d11"
    set d11 "set g_gametype 6 ; map snatch3 ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d12"
    set d12 "set g_gametype 6 ; map supply_pro ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d13"
    set d13 "set g_gametype 6 ; map thief_city ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d4"
    set d14 "set g_gametype 6 ; map transmitter ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d15"
    set d15 "set g_gametype 6 ; map treetop_final ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d16"
    set d16 "set g_gametype 6 ; map Warbell ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d17"
    set d17 "set g_gametype 6 ; map xposed ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d18"
    set d18 "set g_gametype 6 ; map mlb_hotchkiss ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d19"
    set d19 "set g_gametype 6 ; map oasis_winter ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d20"
    set d20 "set g_gametype 6 ; map soccer_b2 ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d21"
    set d21 "set g_gametype 6 ; map tc_base ;g_useraxisrespawntime 10; g_useralliedrespawntime 10; set nextmap vstr d1"
    vstr d

    All of the maps there are in my etmain folder as well.


    Would I need to edit anything in here? Are the useraxis and allies spawn times needed in that?

    Should I put that into the mapvotecycle.cfg and change the exec january.cfg to exec mapvotecycle.cfg? If so... do I need to change that else where?


    Thanks for the help in advance. I hope I can get this working very shortly. I had been looking at it since last night and can't figure out why it will not work!!


    Let me know if you need any more info from me.

  8. Is there a way to change the hit sounds in game? I had a few members play last night and they loved it, they just wish the hit sounds were different because they didn't really notice them. Is there a way to change them with a custom sound or a different sound that is already picked out by silent? I know there is a cvar to enable the sounds, but nothing more. I have everything enabled.
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