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Posts posted by =EMP=Avery13

  1. Will do. Turned out to not be that much. I have the file of what I put together if you'd like it and review it. I'm finding it really easy to go back and forth. I hope the order does not matter much for the cfg file to work with the server.
  2. If you want, I am already starting to write the new cfg in order to how the wiki is set, I can make a blank copy or a default cfg and download it here so you can include it on the next update. If not, then I will just use mine.
  3. Hi, I am requesting this to make things a bit easier in either the silent.cfg file or the wiki.


    I don't find it more difficult, but more time consuming to go back and forth between trying to find a cvar in the cfg file and on the wiki. I think it might make it easier to organize either one so that it's in the same order on both the wiki and cfg file. Maybe label them as such.


    For example, in the cfg, g_antilag is the first thing, but on the wiki, it's talking about private messages. I think it would help more to the people that are not use to using these files and wikis, and also a lot easier on everyone that is using them period. I'm updating my cfg currently with the new one from the 0.4.0 download just so I am up to date on everything, and it's becoming difficult to do to start. Last time, i went through and organized all the misc cvars, and now I am gonna have to do it again to make it easier again. I am thinking I will just go through and write it all out the way the wiki is written. That way I can find things a bit easier.


    Well, let me know what you think.

  4. I like the third option the best. We use to have it to where you could only give out adren to other players and couldn't use it on yourselves. It helps promote better team work.


    On a side note dealing with it, is it possible to boost someone even more if they use adren on themselves, and someone else sticks them too... double boost? We thought about that while playing one day cause I stuck myself as someone else came to stick me too and I didn't realize it.

  5. If doing that, say you have a customized main menu in your etmain, will it change the buttons to the ones that you have created? Or will it keep the old ones still? I tried switching out the menumacros and menudef files and put them into the custom UI folder I have and it just erased the buttons, but kept the linkds lol. Would that be because I did not have the ui_mp_x86.dll in my etmain?
  6. The quickest and easiest thing to do is just go back to a 0.3.0 zip and unzip it in a different folder. Take just the UI folder, take the ingame stuff and zip it up and basically "create an ingame menu". Save it as ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mainmenu.pk3 in pakscape or a program that allows you to zip up pk3 files and then put that into your silent folder. Should pull up the old menu instead of the new one if that is what you are wanting.


    Personally, Silencer, I love your new menus! I wish I could figure out how to make the rest of the menus look like this!

  7. The greeting sound is set to all the levels they need to be. I will mess with that when I finish working on a tutorial that has been kicking me in the butt all day so far. lol
  8. Nevermind. I figured it out.. well part of it. I did put it in the pk3. I had 3 wav files, one named player, one named members, and one named lvl10. As far as I can tell, player works just because the bots connected. When I connect it should be playing lvl10, but it does not. At least, I can not hear it. I do hear all the others though..


    the sounds are written as:





  9. Question.. when putting the sounds in the pk3, how does the path know to go to that specific file? I was looking at old stuff and it looked like I made a sound folder inside the etmain. However, I'm not sure if that actually worked.. I just want to make some sounds for greetings on specific levels.
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