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Found 20 results

  1. Geo

    Spec Command

    Version 1.1


    Spec Command lua script which works as a shrubbot command. An alternative for the console command "follow". To install: You need to unzip the file and extract the spec.lua file Upload this file into the silent folder on server (/serverip/silent) In server.cfg cvar: lua_modules "spec.lua" In shrubbot.cfg add the shrubbot command information from inside Readme.txt
  2. Am looking for a way to get the winning team during intermission through lua. Is there some server cvar that holds this? I am drawing a blank at the moment, can't seem to locate any.
  3. I managed to makeshift my way to lua 5.0 compatibility, in a separate branch of LESM 2.7.5 Basically was able to get ingame and do commands with no errors now. Haven't tested all the features, but I don't think I will run into anything too surprising now, possibily a few things that will not be fully functional. But I am pretty excited for the future
  4. So first time I have used this. Don't know really the side effects of using this. I am using et.G_QueryClientCvar() r_mode and r_customwidth and r_customheight to get an estimation on how many characters can fit in a client's console. The reason I am coming here is I am trying to figure out if my lua is taking up of the MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS because Tweek reported many of his players are getting kicked after latest update. He does have a lot of maps, but hasn't added any for a while, and only started getting kicked after the update. So my question is can et.G_QueryClientCvar cause a spike in maxgamestatechars or something else in lua perhaps, I don't think I made any other major changes that could have caused this spike. Also it goes to cheat.log when it does a query, is there some way to disable this so it doesn't fill up that log.
  5. Purple


    Version 0.3


    A fun crazymod with multiple features allowing users to just go crazy and have a blast spamming and spraying everything in sight! @Originally nnlimited ammo and weapons for Hunter PM me for help or requests!
  6. Version 2.7.5c


    Lua Enhanced Server Module or LuaESMod or LESM for short, is a server side mod written in lua which aims to provide many features for server admins and their players. It can be used with various mods that support lua 5.1 and up. Wiki
  7. Purple

    Level Protection

    Version 1.0


    Simple lua file that whitelists admin levels based off IP.
  8. Hey I am working on my mod modernfront, based on ETpub 1.0.0 And I wondered how to make the lua api look for a folder inside the modfolder called luascripts as in ETnam mod?? What do I change to make it work?
  9. I am having some issues blocking some shrubbot commands, sometimes... I don't understand why its happening Here is where I am at, shouldn't need to understand what all this does just the return part: function et_ClientCommand( clientNum , cmd ) ... if CommandHandler:Command(Client,"chat",CommandName:gsub(Config.Prefix.Chat,"",1),Args) == 1 then -- Check return output of command Console:Debug("et_ClientCommand chat command return 1" ,"command") -- I get this message return 1 -- should stop command here? else -- doesn't get here. local CommandName,Args = CommandHandler:getArgs(et.ConcatArgs(0),0) return CommandHandler:ChatFilter(Client,CommandName,table.concat(Args," ")) end ... end I do !warn or !warn zel it does my command like expected , but it does warn shrubbot command BEFORE my command. I get my debug message fine which to mean the clientcommand should be returning 1, meaning it shouldn't run the warn command. I do a similar styled command !list all and it does not run the shrubbot command like expected. It has got to be something I am doing wrong, since I did a quick test lua and return 1 for just warn command there and it blocked the command. Possible I am just overlooking something really simple, will update if I find it. In meantime help would be appreciated. Image of output: http://gyazo.com/313e4f4ee8f659ec4d3b6ec2bdcbf68f.png
  10. Hello everyone! I have been working on a project with pure lua that enhances current ET servers. I have been working on it alone for a few years and just recently invited purple to come help me out. A short description of some of the many features that it has: It is very configurable, if something isn't already configurable it would be very easy to make it configurable. It includes over 60 custom commands. Has a mail system. It has an option to register a profile to see all your stats over time. (Also used for a bunch of other stuff) There is a lot in the project and it is constantly changing, so for more up to date information you can view the wiki on bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/zelly/lua-enhanced-server-mod/wiki/Home The wiki has a feature list, command list, information about the keys, how to report bugs, how to join development and more. I am always open to ideas to improve my project so please take a look. Here is the home page if you want to take a look around the project: https://bitbucket.org/zelly/lua-enhanced-server-mod/overview
  11. I am working on teaching myself Lua for modifying ET. So far, it has been going very well, but I ran into a problem that I am having a hard time figuring out. I'm trying to use the following function... clientnum = et.G_ClientNumberFromString( string ) Here is the code that I am using... function et_ClientCommand(clientNum, command) if et.trap_Argv(0) == "listclientnumber" then if et.trap_Argc() == 2 then local targetClientNum = et.G_ClientNumberFromString(et.trap_Argv(1)) et.trap_SendServerCommand(clientNum, string.format("cpm \"%d\"", targetClientNum)) else et.trap_SendServerCommand(clientNum, "cpm \"Error: Need two arguments!\"") end return 1 end return 0 end When I execute the command to run the above code (e.g. "/listclientnumber JvI" in my game console), ET gives an unknown command error due to the G_ClientNumberFromString line. Even if I manually put a string instead of using the argument for the parameter, I still have this problem. If I remove that line and modify the line below it to just print text, it works exactly as intended. The client number function was directly from the lua.html that's located in the silent zip archive. Am I using it incorrectly, or is the documentation possibly out of date? My second question is what is the best way to print text to a clients console? I noticed cpm acts just like echo and also flashes the text on the left side of the main screen. I'd prefer if there was a way of only printing to the console instead so my custom command behaves closer to the built in admin commands. For my last question, is there any way to define standard admin commands that start with '!' instead of the console commands that start with '/' through Lua. I know you can map the admin commands to the console commands, but then I need to restrict the level in the script as well as the shrubbot.cfg file to prevent everyone from using it. Or perhaps there is another way to do this? Thanks, JvIasterMind
  12. etlegacy recently added et_Damage It would be nice to have it in silent too. Also I would like ps.classWeaponTime client fieldname be added, to get client chargetime values.
  13. hellreturn

    chat logging


    Chat LUA to log chats in a separate file for easy review of what's happening on your server, Credit: Internet source. Download it and upload it to your silent mod folder and add the chat.lua in your LUA server settings config.
  14. File Name: chat logging File Submitter: hellreturn File Submitted: 26 Aug 2014 File Category: LUA Chat LUA to log chats in a separate file for easy review of what's happening on your server, Credit: Internet source. Download it and upload it to your silent mod folder and add the chat.lua in your LUA server settings config. Click here to download this file
  15. Would there be anyway to create a callback that signals everytime a player switches team. ClientSwitchTeam(clientNum,toteam) (or maybe add (clientNum,fromTeam,toTeam) ) function et_ClientSwitchTeam( clientNum , toTeam) local currentTeam = et.gentity_get(clientNum,"sess.sessionTeam") et.G_LogPrint("Stopping " .. clientNum .. " from switching from " .. currentTeam .. " " .. toTeam .."\n") return 1 end function et_ClientSwitchTeam( clientNum ,fromTeam, toTeam) et.G_LogPrint("Stopping " .. clientNum .. " from switching from " .. fromTeam .. " " .. toTeam .."\n") return 1 end I can't decide which switchteams it should catch though. There is /team and the limbo menu and then there is things like inactivity, ref putallies, !putteam, and !shuffle also I think there is an automove in the killrating playerbalance thing. I would like them all but it seems like there could be problems that could cause. It would be nice if I could possibly return 1 like I do in ClientCommand to stop them from joining. I had originally thought that I could basically create my own with client command (And Possibly a runframe for inactivity) but it doesn't seem like the limbo menu passes any kind of command that lua catches(Or am I wrong?) Anyways thoughts on the idea?
  16. File Name: AutoPromo File Submitter: Dragon File Submitted: 20 Feb 2012 File Category: LUA AutoPromo Lua script which automatically sets admin levels basing on player's XP. Installation: 1. Unzip. 2. Open the file with notepad and configure it for your needs. 3. Upload it into "silent" folder located on your server. 4. Add "autopromo.lua" to lua_modules cvar. Click here to download this file
  17. File Name: Spec Command File Submitter: Arcane File Submitted: 03 Apr 2013 File Category: LUA Spec Command lua script which works as a shrubbot command. An alternative for the console command "follow". To install: You need to unzip the file and extract the spec.lua file Upload this file into the silent folder on server (/serverip/silent) In server.cfg cvar: lua_modules "spec.lua" In shrubbot.cfg add the shrubbot command information from inside Readme.txt Click here to download this file
  18. Dragonji


    Version 1.1


    AutoPromo Lua script which automatically sets admin levels basing on player's XP. Installation: 1. Unzip. 2. Open the file with notepad and configure it for your needs. 3. Upload it into "silent" folder located on your server. 4. Add "autopromo.lua" to lua_modules cvar.
  19. hellreturn


    Version 239


    kspree lua for killing sprees.
  20. File Name: kspree File Submitter: hellreturn File Submitted: 25 Apr 2012 File Updated: 25 Apr 2012 File Category: LUA kspree lua for killing sprees. Click here to download this file
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